agua prieta cartel

The word on the street here in naco Sonora is that Javier el fox tried to jump Tin Tin and take his position. [see video]. The DRUGS will never stop flowing unless the MONEY stops flowing $$$$ FACT, de Don Gilberto Paredes. 850It's crazy I thought they would've been related but no, nacho had no family ties with Ruben. No mames read the article you are way off foo, G3 and Tolteca flipped, according to the previous article "Notable Figures La Linea Part II", El jaguar lost support too wage war on linea in madera. Para quitarle la plaza a los paredes Esta bien pelada esa familia tiene mucho power pinches pendejos los que creen que el cjng Esta en Sonora jajak imbeciles, Asta mas imbeciles ellos que se estan matando solos todo por ratas nimodo el cjng nomas va a esperar que uno de los dos lados pierda y bolas se va a poder meter fasil, pero que se queden con su agua prieta cjng ya tiene tijuana la entrada mas grande de usa para que quieren agua prieta? who is US is protecting him? If there was two, then they come and pick up two more.". El Jaguars group reportedly receives support from Sinaloa Cartels Gente del M100 in addition to his primary supporters, Los Paredes. You guys remember some guy named rabbit or conejo that used to write about being in the Juarez paredes circle back in the day I think on a site with this other dude Michael or Michel Marisco or something like that. as Jefe de Plaza. Smile. AGUA PRIETA, Mexico Alexander Chasov had barely stepped off the bus that had brought him, along with his wife and 6-year-old son, to this remote community bordering southeastern Arizona. Feb. 13, 2005 12 AM PT. A lot of the time, it's a good read. EL PASO, Texas (Border Report) The brother and a nephew of a Sinaloa cartel leader are among the victims of a shooting that left 19 people dead last week in a town near the Chihuahua-Sonora border, Mexican authorities confirmed. an old corrido de Don Gilberto Paredes. The Paredes are the Sinaloa cartel's number one franchise. 6:47 the Arellano Felix went to jalisco from sinaloa, and then to Tijuas after uncle miguel angel felix Gallardo established the tijuana cartel for himself with help of don Chuyito Avils, husband of the sister of the AFOS mother (don Chuyito went to Tijuas from Aguascalientes) while on the run for the murder of kiki camarena, supported by the hank rohn that later betrayed him when they got ready to take over Las Vegas from Tijuana.Sinaloa has always produced the biggest table scraps fans and they then fight over the scraps all over the bordersThe hank rohn's went to Tijuana after their Texas National Bank got cogido laundering their drug trafficking money, the azcarragas of Televisa were US citizens dedicated to drug trafficking too, their own drug trafficking Carlos Azcarraga who escaped from a tejas prison at gun point was never re-arrested, or found, then salinas took over his daddy's Gulf Cartel. But he also said the Mexican government has allowed the problem to fester and grow, with similar issues at other crossings. Great article provided here, Id like to see more pics of these people, @7:33 Why would CJNG want AP? Jose Martin Luy-Sierra, also known as Pepe and Chino, originally from Hermosillo, Sonora resident of Agua Prieta who pretends to be an entrepreneur, is dedicated to drug trafficking and is plaza boss in the municipalities of Huasabas, Granados, Bacadhuachi and Tecoriname. There is a lot of conflicting information all over social media. "Sol Prendido" and "HEARST" for Borderland Beat In Colima, a video shows CJNG hitmen interrogating a CDS member who alle "Ivan" for Borderland Beat Guano Guzman & Seor Guzman News started to emerge on Friday, February 24, 2023 that a joint fede "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat The aftermath of an armed attack comes into view. Javier Rascon "El Fox," Martin Torres "El Chupon," Adrian Cardian, Gabriel Meza "El 21," Leonel Toscano "El tigre." Violence erupted yesterday in two Mexican border cities, leaving at least nine dead. The attack began at approximately 3:15am and resulted in two deaths with several vehicles torched. What i find absurd is Mexican press blacks out the eyes of perps yet publishes murder and execution images. A young hepless male sits inside a vehicle su "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat Ex-con and comedian Johnny Mitchell explains what it's really like to sell weed for the Mex "HEARST" for Borderland Beat In a confusing early morning event, Army soldiers shot five men dead in the border city of Nuevo Lare "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat In the municipality of Matamoros, the Grupo Escorpin, a faction of the Gulf Cartel, shows off "HEARST" for Borderland Beat The Attorney General announced that El Mayos Tijuana lieutenant, El Aquiles, organized the street e Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels. Court records show Paredes-Machado was previously indicted on federal drug charges in Arizona in 1989, 1995, 1996, and 1999. Friend of mine that disappeared after the shootings. it wasn't a hit from CJNG. Thousands of tons of marijuana, cocaine and heroin have entered this corridor to Arizona, New Dejected, Najera said he called relatives his wife had in Hermosillo, the capital of the state of Sonora,to let them know what was happening. Jorge LaMadrid later admitted in court that he and his co-conspirators modified the home into a refrigerated storage and processing facility that used commercial industrial equipment. Will keep researching and redoing the maps as I go. At the hotel, they called Adalberto Ramos, the director of Centro de Atencin Para Migrantes, or CAME. Gero Cano is originally from Hermosillo, Sonora and he is thought to currently reside in Cananea municipality. They agreed to support El Jaguar's efforts to retake Madera from La Linea. Fox was becoming to powerful. I believe iris older sister, is married to a relative of El Fox. It is currently at double its capacity. He Use to drive a nice silverado? The organization increased the trafficking of arms from the United States to Mexico, through the same border crossings, to dominate their influence with total violence in the territory and confront rival cells. So for being a real borderland with major drug and human trafficking occurring, its been relatively safe. Lol. Knox said he wasaware of the risks and exposure associated with helping migrantsbut said he wasundaunted. How is that a good thing. 4:42 p.m., where four dead people of the male sex were known to board a white PROFILE: El Pato is originally from Casas Grandes, Chihuahua and he is thought to currently reside in Huachinera, Sonora. Violence erupted yesterday in two Mexican border cities, leaving at least nine dead. El Kadafi, got a little too big for his britches. Damm good article, Buggs. and San Luis Ro Colorado. AZ has un chingo de Chinolas chambeando que se van a entender con sus paisanos y tambin les sueltan la merca, los conocen y si no pagan o se vuelven jotos al ser torcidos pues tarde que temprano la pagan. "At first that group of migrants didn't want to move, they wanted to stay (at the border crossing. Hearst your articles are well organized and has lots of information. This municipality is the most important territory the Los Paredes organization holds. in order to report about mexico in a way that is indelible publishing the images is a must. Thanks for your work and effort . In the shootout of two days ago, supposedly Rascon At first, families would arrive and wait only a few days, and then CAME volunteers would escort them to the border crossing, where they would wait to talk to U.S. immigration officials. The bosses each run a town But this kid deserves his anonymity. I used to believe the cds corridos until I educated myself on cartels thanks to Borderland beat and other reliable sources.. corridos are not real One thing that stuck with me over the years. El fox el delta and some others are minor bosses, who controlled part of the business but they all reported to paredes (and him, to mayo zambada or chapo himself) el fox and some others, attemped a coup de etat, a hostile takeover or whatever you wanna name it: didnt suceed and these are the consequences. The group plotted how to take the plaza at Agua Prieta, the border town El Chapo had long used to smuggle drugs into Arizona, from the Sinaloa cartel. It was not cjng or blo. El Tigre is originally from Huachinera, Sonora. Jack Knox, a retiree living in Douglas, was among those volunteerswho would lead nervous families on a short walk to the border crossingand watchas they approached the customs officers checking documents at the entrance. Mandy dead. Carrying out the same orders of the other people in charge of the plaza that includes drug distribution, executions and disappearances of people. He also said he doesn't plan to leave the shelter unless it's necessary. Sonora: The Border CIty of Agua Prieta Explodes with Violence. The moved a shit load of heroin. Would love to see a post in this series for CDG and Tamaulipas in general as they are very fragmented. This is an armed wing led by El Jaguar as well as El Jaguar's brother El Lobo (deceased) which operates primarily with the support of Los Paredes on behalf of the Sinaloa Cartel Los Chapitos side. "I was close to heading back.". Thousands of tons of marijuana, cocaine and heroin have entered this corridor to Arizona, New Than come back and collect, nothing free, Dile compa Junior de tiene gente en Tucson de quiere trabajar, Comments are moderated, refer to policy for more information.Enva fotos, vdeos, notas, enlaces o informacin Todo 100% Annimo; We do not publish all comments, and we do not publish comments immediately. He was identified by the anti-drug agencies (including the DEA) as the main operator of the narco-tunnels in Sonora. Last year, the Lebanon massacre and plus the bloodshed of war brought a spotlight that may eventually bring the downfall of this long tenured regime. You should contact Buggs he would welcome good information 12:35 sometimes the contras feed the story to end up looking good or better, using crap for propaganda first, makes sure the truth has an uphill job, like they say he who hits first gets to hit twice. ( not mayo), Every powerful cartel organization is protected by government but the government claims they are having a war on drugs.. He was a member of Los Salazar and joined Los Paredes at the time of Alfredo Salazar Ramrez's arrest. The fighting this week is believed to involve a group that had tried to splinter off from the Sinaloa cartel operating in Agua Prieta. Y eso se sacan por andar ahi de calientes. Parades-Machado, 55, was arrested near Mexico City in January 2011 on a U.S. extradition warrant. Dayum so thats why cds bosses switch sides? role in the kidnappings and murders across Mexico. Is the fear due to government function from there ? Era narco Cuantas almas ha de ver envenado tu querido Tio para hacer su dinero??? Marco's maybe in prison, but his family is still very much in control. CDS is trash! Some media have alleged that El Junior took control of Los Paredes shortly after his father's arrest. This ended with the death of "El 4 at the hands of the faithful "El R8.". He is also responsible for giving the order for the terrible massacre of the LeBarn family, although the collusive authorities in the region have protected these criminals from any accusation against them. 12:35 and 4:06 I could not agree more, especially with what 12:35 said about the region. PROFILE: El Plumas is originally from Chihuahua and he is thought to currently reside in Agua Prieta, Sonora. Yuk! Because the g3 foxes are traicinieros and wanted the whole pie the paredes are here to stay for ever and they been handling there bizz with out la gente de Culiacn, @7:39 hate to burst your bubble pendejo but chihuas has always been un desmadre.. Im from Juarez I know how it was in the 90s and the 80s it was never safe and has always been a violent place .. problem now is that you have more media reporting the bloodshed .. when I was 9 years old in 1990 I recall vividly how soldiers rescued the corpses of 30 men that were executed in Madera and were tossed in a well the recent ambush of gente Nueva that produced 19 dead in Madera .. the majority of the dead were people fromChihuahua .. not Sinaloa or Sonora like everyone claims .. the majority of Gente Nueva are from chihuahua including its founder El Flako Salgueiro .. so please grow up and inform yourself. El Tigre is originally from Huachinera, Sonora. what source? Prosecutors with the U.S. Attorneys Office later agreed to not use a recording of the statements as evidence if the case went to trial. How horrific it would be to be a loved one of him and view him or the fotos. There are those that thought that he was King shit, however, you do not betray the people above you. The group plotted how to take the plaza at Agua Prieta, the border town El Chapo had long used to smuggle drugs into Arizona, from the Sinaloa cartel. The Sinaloa Cartel is also thought to play a major CAN WE HAVE SOME PROFILES ON THE BARRAZA LOPEZ FAMILY FROM DURANGO THEYRE HEAVY IN THE GAME AND ARE PART OF THE INFIGHTING GOING ON IN CDS RIGHT NOW. Unless I'm wrong, but from what I know no.The story goes "allegedly" Ruben had some nephew's of his wife killed and they both(wife and nephews) belonged to the barrera lopez family and supposedly el seor de tamazula ordered his murder, and he got killed and his son died tryna protect him.Can anyone verify? Supported by other smaller cells in the city was Javier Rascon "El Fox," and his gunmen "El Rambo," "Metro 8," Leonel toscano "El tigre," Martin Torres "El Chupon" together with Gildardo Nieblas "El Gil or El G3," the Delta group, La Gente de Walter, the group of Los 30, Freddy Calles "El Tolteca," etc Again, a war has the plaza of Agua Prieta in check, it imploded on May 2019 after Martin Siqueiros gave the order to clean up the area of the people of Freddy Calle "El Tolteca," Gildardo Nieblas "El Gil o "El G3." Good story Thanks How much is the Mayor of Sonora is involoved I think shes a woman Wondering about the Crusie line that started in Mexico / Az Is it Cartel owned Is this the same area Sonora or is it only parts Its hard to keep up or even understand the Cartels area Since other names come up in the same areas Gets very confuseing so do strong smaller fractions of other cartels work together ?? La presencia del frente fro 37 provoc intensas nevadas en zonas de Nogales y Agua Prieta por lo que autoridades llamaron a la poblacin a extremar precauciones y la Guardia Nacional y Proteccin Civil Sonora activaron el Plan Puerto San Luis Adems, determinaron el cierre del tramo carretero Agua Prieta y Janos, as como el tramo i thought El Memo was in charge of Sonoyta. Its a negative, multiplied be a negative and becomes a positive! and everyone who wrote in--i did manage to find it, not much there I was going to ck on IG but her name is so common. That greedy shit, always catches up with you.ABKEl conejo loco, As someone who knew 3 of these men personally, know their families I can say Godspeed my peeps. he survived too long after getting outed by the US, which is usually the beginning of the end, i suspect he got caught cheating on CDS. We do not publish all comments, and we do not publish comments immediately. the fault of her child seeing the foto is on her. is missing. I dont see los paredes going anywhere anytime soon. what other heavyweights livd in Phoenix? border, adjacent to the town of Douglas, Arizona. "This started aboutthree months ago," Ramos said. Sonora: Jose Javier Rascon Ramirez reportedly killed in Agua Prieta shootout, Federal Operation Raid To Capture "Guano" Guzman, Convicted Dealer Exposes What It's Like to Work With Mexican Cartels, Five Killed in Nuevo Laredo, CDN Hitman Among the Dead, Human Rights Violation Allegations, Matamoros, Tamaulipas: Grupo Escorpin, Armed Wing of the Gulf Cartel Interrogates Several Captives, Mayo's Aquiles Had El Lobo's Lawyer Killed, says Attorney General. El Junior is the son Marco Antonio Paredes-Machado, who led the cartel until January 2011, when he was arrested. verification but since I posted the title in error I thought I should explain., thank you! He and his Tucson attorney Stephen Ralls signed the 19-page plea agreement less than one month after a U.S. District judge in Michigan denied a defense motion to dismiss the 2005 case over allegations that Mexican authorities waterboarded Paredes-Machado after his arrest. Luis Ernesto Fimbres-Fuentes, also known as Chito, in charge of the plaza of the municipalities of Moctezuma, Ncori Chico, Mesa Tres Rios, Arco and Lobos. Would be a interested read. PROFILE: Jorge is currently believedto be the head of sicarios in Agua Prieta and Tin Tin's right hand man, second-in-command. AGUA PRIETA, Mexico Alexander Chasov had barely stepped off the bus that had brought him, along with his wife and 6-year-old son, to this remote community bordering southeastern Arizona. Jorge Alberto Lamadrid-Carranza, also known as "Delta" and "Gordo", is the second in command of "Tin Tin", he is the head of the sicarios in Agua Prieta who carry out the orders of Tin Tin by abducting, executing and making disappear both their enemies and businessmen who have resisted paying the fees demanded by "Junior" to operate their businesses in Sonora. 11:48 totally agree with ublo vs cds, cds cells vs cds cells in sonora but hype is so good that cjng lovers think their heroes are almighty Cjng has been taking cds plazas like candy from a baby lately, cds was my favorite cartel but I'm jumping on the bandwagon with the #1cartel in Mexico.. cdsnitches is a thing of the past, they are losing plazas and crews to work with cjng.. Torbellino was big in AP too. Cause if ur a cds boss and get a little big you get taken out? just say it would be an effective calorie diversion. -CDS nutthugger, The guy that stole the gun looked like a disguised military if you look at his tactical boots, Despite being accused of being a criminal/trafficker, the United States government has not named him as a "public enemy." - Sol Prendido. Before Grupo Beta created a wait list and began to transport migrants directly to the border crossing, volunteers at the shelter would take turns escorting them. Like other cities along the U.S.-Mexico border, Agua Prieta has drawn a rising number of families mostly from Central America and southern Mexicobut also from other parts of the world who are seeking asylum in the United States. The last name Paredes is one of the most influential names in the state of Sonora. They was the Naco plaza boss and getting to sloppy segun, El jr is very smart. El Jaguars group reportedly receives support from Sinaloa Cartels Gente del M100 in addition to his primary supporters, Los Paredes. With Marco's doing 22 years, these people have had a rough go of it. It sits on the MexicoU.S. There is no mention of whether Paredes-Machado will receive credit toward his sentence for the time he has spent in custody awaiting trial. Sonora: The Border CIty of Agua Prieta Explodes with Violence. one dead. His main activities are the planting of marijuana and poppy, as well as the transporting of cocaine, marijuana, and heroin to the border. "Itold them 'I don't havethat kind of money. From here on several sicarios advanced in the cartel structure after this internal war. In 2013 the U.S. Treasury Department imposed The one-time top Sinaloa Cartel operative who controlled the region around Douglas, Arizona and Agua Prieta, Sonora has agreed to a 22-year federal prison sentence after admitting his role in trafficking millions of dollars worth of drugs into the United States from 1991 to 2011. Posts may contain strong violent material, discretion is advised. Search it. Thank you for doing what you do for BB. La presencia del frente fro 37 provoc intensas nevadas en zonas de Nogales y Agua Prieta por lo que autoridades llamaron a la poblacin a extremar precauciones y la Guardia Nacional y Proteccin Civil Sonora activaron el Plan Puerto San Luis Adems, determinaron el cierre del tramo carretero Agua Prieta y Janos, as como el tramo The paredes with the backing of cds intruded the Madera plaza with people of el Jaguar war with la linea. He is originally from the United States and he is believed to reside in Phoenix, Arizona. Never paid up when people delivered loads. However, it was funny when people asked where I got my info.. "get out of here, a narco blog!? If I'm not wrong no big violence is being reported from Mexico City, except small gang issues. He receives direct orders from Junior for the trafficking of hundreds of kilos of cocaine, heroin, marijuana, amphetamines and methamphetamines to the United States through the state of Arizona. El Junior, is responsible for the financial aspect of this area. Iris Chavez, the girl who was dating Rascon was also killed. I knew these guys. of this death. A young hepless male sits inside a vehicle su "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat Ex-con and comedian Johnny Mitchell explains what it's really like to sell weed for the Mex "HEARST" for Borderland Beat In a confusing early morning event, Army soldiers shot five men dead in the border city of Nuevo Lare "Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat In the municipality of Matamoros, the Grupo Escorpin, a faction of the Gulf Cartel, shows off "HEARST" for Borderland Beat The Attorney General announced that El Mayos Tijuana lieutenant, El Aquiles, organized the street e Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels, Federal Operation Raid To Capture "Guano" Guzman, Convicted Dealer Exposes What It's Like to Work With Mexican Cartels, Five Killed in Nuevo Laredo, CDN Hitman Among the Dead, Human Rights Violation Allegations, Matamoros, Tamaulipas: Grupo Escorpin, Armed Wing of the Gulf Cartel Interrogates Several Captives, Mayo's Aquiles Had El Lobo's Lawyer Killed, says Attorney General, Agua Prieta police chief, Ramn Tacho Verdugo was executed on. The shelter is full to overflowing, but staff and volunteers remain committed to finding ways to extend hospitality to the migrants who knock at their door. WebThe Sinaloa Cartel (Spanish: Crtel de Sinaloa), also known as the CDS, the Guzmn-Zambada Organization, the Pacific Cartel, the Federation and the Blood Alliance, is a large, international organized crime syndicate that specializes in draft of this story, I inadvertently hit publish or as Sol said everything Times Staff Writers. By Chris Kraul and Richard Boudreaux. Who's plaza is Nogales ? A bloody gun battle in the border town of Agua Prieta, just across from Douglas, claimed the lives of nearly a dozen people. Yes they are narco-traffickers, but they have kept the peace in this region forever. Is she still one that is confirmed deceased? In 2013 the U.S. Treasury Department imposed sanctions against Rascon Ramirez, naming him the plaza boss of Agua Prieta. I don't think I know enough about Mexico City right now to give you any comprehensive answers but I can recommend these overview articles that link to many other sources with further details. The last name Paredes is one of the most influential names in the state of Sonora. Anybody know a woman by the name of Oyuki Valdez?? Agua Prieta . These regions are far less volatile and experience less violence when compared with the municipalities along the Chihuahua border. Pedro Paredes-Peru, also known as Peter, originally from Agua Prieta, is plaza boss of Villa Hidalgo, Divisaderos and Tepache, distributing drugs in the region and contributing to the protection of the territory. Didnt Tintin ando Tigre flip to la linea Along with el tolteca? There was never any word of chuy. These are some key regions right along the US-Mexico border, these are presumably valuable regions for trafficking purposes. Gabriel Meza, also known as "21", residing in Agua Prieta, he is part of the armed wing named "Delta" and are in charge of the municipalities of Fronteras, Esqueda and Nacozari. Leo"s name was Manuel paredes machado. I read where her little boy who was about 10 saw the foto in a news outlet. Jorge hails from the LaMadrid family, a family which is heavily involved in drug trafficking for Los Paredes / the Sinaloa Cartel. El Jaguar is believed to have retaken Madera and he had a strong presence in Zaragoza and Buenaventura in 2020. Caro quintero and chapo isidro alongside con el tito beltran, are coming back. AGUA PRIETA, Sonora Many residents of the border town of Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico, woke up to gunfire in early Monday. Possibly has a brother named Ramon also operates for Los Paredes. Violence erupted yesterday in two Mexican border cities, leaving at least nine dead. The story is a little misleading, because some of the things you're trying to affiliate them with, are very loose affiliations. Marco Antonio Paredes Machado, nicknamed Marquitos, pleaded guilty last month to conspiring to distribute large quantities of Columbian cocaine and nearly 100 tons of marijuana across the U.S. Your info is always interesting and complete - Keep it Up - Parro. Javier rascon comit6ed treason. The most recent news out of Chihuahua indicates that La Linea has since reclaimed this area again. However, the judge ruled dismissal of the 2005 charges was not an available remedy for any such abuse. Paredes-Machado and Ralls signed the plea agreement three weeks later to resolve both cases. Iris chavez updated her Facebook profile picture?!? Times Staff Writers. Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. The attacks between rival cartels occurred in Agua Prieta and Naco, opposite Douglas and Naco, Arizona. The other girl killed (Alondra Leyva) was the girlfriend of one of Rascons workers. Najera's encounter with the cartels has left him shaken. He poses as a businessman and he has multiple companies dedicated to money laundering, one of them is believed to, Located on the state lines between Sonora and Chihuahua, these municipalities are bordering. Too many iris Chavez, big butt queen wannabes, black, white, and mexican, vote for them "en el feis". Tin found out and called them to meet up and on the way to the location he ambushed Javier. Ramirez was killed while riding in the white sedan [see below]. Upon the cartel's disintegration, its leaders were incorporated into the Tijuana Cartel and Sinaloa Cartel.