elvenar guest race guide

Its going to cost you a lot to upgrade, and this process may take up a lot of in-game time, but its going to be worth it in the end, as upgraded buildings produce stuff or train troops faster. As soon as youve produced the resources to do so, upgrade the forest glade. You also need to make the right choice of troops when sending them off to battle. Note that you will get this mandatory quest: Some high-value culture items that dont need road contact are still handy to have, but youll want to get most of your culture from buildings that produce Mana, now. Guest race production buildings Portal - 88 - "Senate" Portal - 106 - "Dwarven Embassy" Portal - 610 - "Fairy Embassy" Beer Festival - 36 Tea House - 63 Meditation Circle - 44 Other building upgrades 2nd Tier Manufactory upgrades 4 new levels Size change - from 64 to 56 Residences 2 new levels Size change - from 53 to 54 Workshops Knowing where you are is helpful so you know how to tell other players in the community Elvenar ::.. On the other hand, if click frequency of portal productions is the limiting factor, the BTG can only effectively kick in at the Medals-to-Badges step and will not speed up the chapter as much. Badges are only produced in the portal, and no matter which production you choose, you will need 36 medals per single badge. Workshops change size and shape for both elves and humans. They are really complete and will serve you as an anchor to learn the basics about the game. It is slotted queue production, and that part is not unusual. You can also check up the post about upgrades that are coming up. Welcome, Elves and Humans, were glad youre here! As you can see, we will only need mana and ascended T7/A1 goods for that. Jan 28, 2022 #1 Paula has produced this very nice beginner's guide to Elvenar. Mar 22, 2021 #1 is there a guest race guide for the last chapter anywhere? If youve got the basics down already, but youre still relatively early on in the game and ready to take your city to the next level, check out the basic strategy pages in the menu. Upgrading from level 22 --> 23 adds 110 population.. the game just about is listed there. Other resources regular goods, sentient goods, seeds, orcs shouldnt be a constraint over those timeframes. Upgrade one to two at a time to level 2 and 3 as you can in between productions of mana tears, until youve produced enough mana tears to upgrade the forest glade. Not only should you be working hard on the research aspect of the game, you should also be researching ahead of schedule. You may already see a problem with that. It is used to educate and share information, to improve the player's game and have more fun! JavaScript is disabled. It was a place of prosperity and knowledge, where development reached the most unimaginable peak! And in this case, these are pretty much inputs into the production. Goods Possible solutions: Use shortest production runs possible, focus on boosted factories only and trade, request fellowship help, use spells on factories, complete encounters for boosted relics to increase production, build more boosted factories either temporary or permanent. Lets even round it up to 2,000% given that you dont get L4 portal right away. So I keep my BTG L6 as a relic of the past, but I dont see a case where I will be upgrading it any time soon. Return to Homepage | Join Us on Facebook. Elvengems Guide: Guide with lots of tips for the chapter, including explaining the guest race productions and buildings and suggested order of the research. As soon as a grafting site is built, start it into production. Maybe, maybe not. If you have a link or guide you'd like added, please let the Information Scroll Keeper know! Even if you carry a high number of workshops, you are likely to find yourself crunched at several stages througout this chapter. For instance, they can use the masks to appear in a humanoid shape to interact with other races. . These documents are a work in progress and were designed to help and guide you through your gaming experience as well as provide detailed information about the game mechanics and stats. Keep this in mind as you decide which to unlock, first. https://en.wiki.elvenar.com/index.php?title=Guest_Races&oldid=11802. It is possible that requirements are going to change, or that I have made a mistake. PES Card Collection Beginners Guide: 8 Tips, Cheats & Tricks You Need to Know, The Tower Assassins Creed Cheats, Tips & Tricks to Improve Your High Score. It was a place of prosperity and knowledge, where development reached the most unimaginable peak! Go to Support! It will store the special goods you produce, and upgrading it will boost the production of guest race buildings. Certainly let me know if there are other things that you know about the chapter. To unlock research in the Woodelves Chapter, or to upgrade your Forest Gladeyou'll need: To build the grafting sites, you'll need: To produce research goods or to upgrade your Forest Fabrications, you'll need: Refined Marble from Marble Grafting Site for Wood Ghosts, Refined Steel from Steel Grafting Site for Wind Chimes, Refined Planks from Planks Grafting Site for Treant Sprouts. So this is it for now. The Elvenar (preview).. at least it is in my browser. Follow the quests so you wont get lost, build the right buildings, and make the right upgrades the quests will help you do all of these things, so make sure youre following them at al times! Mana requirements, just as I mentioned in Research Preview, look stupidly high. This amount is shown for each building when you. This chapter is not one to get lazy with questing on! It cannot be upgraded. Follow this up with a few 15 minute, 1 hr or 3 hr runs as you have time for. you can begin producing the Mana youll need. The higher Mana balances you need to hold, the higher you need your Mana production to be. You will have to toggle which good you do want to produce Elvenar, Humans or Elves. The supplies really add up when you quest before you hit the map when you can collect the 4 encounters (8k supplies), complete a province (4k supplies) and the gain 4 relics (6k supplies). Ascended Goods are essential for playing on this chapter's settlement, and will be important in the future as well. Starting out with a smaller marble building, the elves have a larger population hurdle to clear to catch up to the new size than humans do. These all look very similar, so it makes sense to look at them together. the community section to find one for the server and world you are in. PPs are not going to help with that. Although it could get tempting to place those buildings all over your city in Elvenar, the reality is that you only have so much space to work with. Dont do any action that has a corresponding quest without cycling to the quest for it, first. Seriously, dont. Yep, lets continue previewing Elvenar Chapter 18 chapter. It is 4x4 in size, and does not grow as it is upgraded. Or more like never, unless something changes. As we said earlier, the battle element of the game is PvE and not PvP, but you will have a chance to attack certain provinces, should their demands be too much for you to keep up with. Gamers Gems of Knowledge All rights reserved. And by base we mean mana and ascended goods (T7/A1). It is important to complete each chapters' quests before researching too far into the next chapter, or before selling guest race buildings when in later chapters. They are expensive in supplies, and you wont need as many as you did for the Orcs & Goblins chapter. Elvenaris a trademark of InnoGames GmbH. So read on for our Elvenar strategy guide, as we cover the important things any player should remember when playing the game, may you be a new or an experienced player. Elves dont have as much of a layout challenge as humans do, but their first upgrade will require a lot more population to catch up to the new size of 18 squares compared to 10. So the whole setup is very similar to how Advanced Trader produces seeds and unurium. But since nobody likes waiting, you might want to spend some common currency (your regular coins) to buy research points and bypass the wait time. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The developers have indicated that Mana will continue to be a part of the game past the Woodelves chapter. JavaScript is disabled. G UEST RACE PRODUCTION BUILDINGS FOREST GLADE . Therefore, to create the best city in the entire kingdom is a task that a player must fulfill. Stay tuned! Following this, youcan likely max out your supplies to last you for another week or two until you can store up enough spells to do it again. Just like with previous chapters, you'll research and unlock 2 additional levels for each Residences, Workshops, Barracks and Main Hall. One is elemental production Water/Fire/Wind/Earth. However, there are no circular dependencies like the last time around, so it should be easier to unpack So lets do just that down below! The first new building youll want to research and build is the weeping willow. The forest glade starts out as size 4x2 and grows to 5x4.. are also in this chapter for real-time help, sharing, and fun? that must accrue before early collect is possible. Youll need over 300 population for each one. Ideally 40 squares of factories for each type of basic, crafted and magical good is the aim. Coins Possible solutions: Save money, dont scout or build buildings, visit every neighbour and fellowship member as often as you can. Register your account here! This guide will provide a walkthrough of the game of Elvenar and all the things you need to know to be off to a great start and well on your way to your very own Elven Empire! You can see exactly how much you have, how much you, lose, and when you will lose it by hovering over anywhere. Mana tears is a 3 hour production, and requires mana to start. Avoid collecting mana until after the decay time if you can help it for maximum benefit. You may even need to sell off some of your older culture to make room, and because you can afford to. In this new Chapter, we will see how, once again, a dispute between Dwarves and Fairies threatens the lands! This guide will provide a quick review of some Woodelves basics as well as some general strategic recommendations based on what weve learned about Woodelves in the wiki, crunching some numbers, and playing through the chapter. Guest Races By following Elvenar quests and reading through its story, one understands that the lands of the old world of Elvenar were once populated by many different races. As a result, they discovered a way to visit other dimensions, where the souls of the lost races are roaming and figured out a way to revive them. All original photos, images and articles are copyright to their respective owners and no copyright infringement is intended. Build at least 3 forest fabrications as soon as you are able to. Join the WoodelvesChapter Chat, sponsored by the admins ofGems of Elvenar. point it will stop accruing until it is collected. If you get stuck in research waiting for mana, now this is when to go back and stick it into the earlier expansion and squad size upgrades. The forest glade is the Woodelves chapter equivalent to the other guest races portals. Notify if you are going to be absent for a while, Place a return date in your town name if you will be absent, Accept trades from your fellowship before neighbour trades, Polite chat avoid conversations that could be controversial, Required culture that which is needed to build/grow your town, Bonus culture used to obtain a bonus for coin and supplies, your fellowship can help with this, Type /w name to whisper to a person, if the person has 2 or more words in their name use quotes /w Their name, Type /who in the chat window will show you who is online at that time, Click the desired text (nothing visible happens), Right click that same text (a pop-up menu appears), Select Settings (a small Adobe Flash Player Settings dialog box appears), Click Close (Once it closes, the text you right clicked in Step 2 above will be highlighted and selected). Check your notifications regularly for more gold hands from your neighbors who have visited you. All original photos, images and articles are copyright to their respectiveowners and no copyright infringement is intended. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Join A Fellowship ASAP. "5. If you are a player who likes to advance more aggressively, you will likely want more than what is suggested, here. It may not display this or other websites correctly. If you find an error, let me know! Its more casual than it initially appears to be, but that doesnt mean it doesnt deserve its own detailed guide. Here, you dont have that option. Of course, you shouldnt ignore the upgrade process, because what good are your buildings if you cant even upgrade them and make them more productive? In chapter IX, we rid our cities of the ugly orcs and welcome the wonderful Woodelves! Elvenaris a trademark of InnoGames GmbH. You are using an out of date browser. When you have a day where youll have more time to play, set your workshops on a longer production run; 9 hrs or even 1 day. This site is not affiliated or associated with InnoGames or Elvenar in any way. Elves get the more difficult upgrades this chapter compared to humans (except for those with a steel boost; then it is same for both.). We though that small ships in Chapter 17 were bad, but at least those had 3 hours productions. The Chapter comes with new Culture Buildings and new levels for the Main Hall, Residences, Workshops, Gems-, Elixir-, and Magic Dust Manufactories, Armories, Military Buildings and a new set of Streets. You will use this building to make Mana tears which will be used for building the other production buildings, and each of the research goods. accrue until it hits a maximum amount, at which. Run supplies on the shortest production times possible. And you can cut down on intermediate goods production time by expanding your settlement if you have a lot of space. Even ascended goods are probably fine, even though it is not certain at this point. Luckily, they are unlocked early in the chapter while there is still plenty of room to re-arrange things to find a space for their new shape. Of course, the Fairies are quite displeased with this fact and want to stop them. In other words, attacking multiple times to weaken another provinces army so you can easily destroy them just wont cut it. There will be occasions where you will be better off attacking new provinces, and others where you can talk it over and negotiate. JavaScript is disabled. M = Main Hall, sometimes this is abbreviated to MH or $. Many researches require 100k+, 150k+ and even 200k+ for just one. Calculate approximately the surplus or deficit of supplies by taking the amount in step 4 and minus the amount in step 1. Each province will have their own negotiation requirements, which could mean trading some common currency, or maybe providing some tools or other materials. The Dwarves need a lot of wood to fire up their foundries and have started to cut down trees in the Fairy realm of Unur. In this enchanting city-builder you can play as an Elf, be close to nature and give to your city a more magical plant-like look. Falling behind on storyline quests can create very challenging situations! It is a city building game where your objective is to create a flourishing fantasy city and discover the mysteries that lie in the world around you. Being able to create an actual city with a long-forgotten architecture, that's what makes Elvenar so great. In other words, it all boils down to your own preference, or whether you like human or elf design better. This is annoying, but given that we have settlement streets to connect its not that bad. Really try to hit them every day if you can. And it might be a bottleneck. Every 24 hours, your total Mana balance will be reduced by 10%. Explore the vast World Map to acquire the knowledge of your wise ancestors and discover new technologies. To the Forum. Herodite Senior Forum Moderator Elvenar Team Mar 22, 2021 #2 Greetings @EnchantedGilda! Dwarves). You will also need a good chunk of sentient goods for construction and upgrades, but none of that should be a significant problem for Chapter 18 players. Now elemental resources are also produced in intermediate producers, and no matter the producer and the element, a single elemental production gets you 20*1.6=32 elements and requires 44K worth of mana at L3 and max portal (10 and 22K at L1, and L3 having 2x multiplier and 1.6K coming from L4 portal). Contact Support and let them solve your problems. But hey, its possible that things will change. Tags: Embassies, Preview Previous Post Elvenar Embassies - Research Preview And yeah, we get dimension changes with every single upgrade. To upgrade the Forest Glade to level 4, youll need a total of: Once the portal is upgraded, then finish any remaining upgrades for the fabrication buildings., Total refined goods needed for upgrade through. Upgrading from level 22 --> 23 adds 150 population. I don't like that. Guest Race Guides Find everything you need to know about each unique guest race. Use roughly 1/3 of your total production capacity for each. And if you can, there is absolutely no reason to build any of these except perhaps if there are any quests for that (for those who care). In the end, it will be a clash of cultures and you will learn from each other: the reviving race will learn from you how to get back on their feet in new Elvenar, but you will also get inside knowledge of long lost technologies of the old world that will help you to improve your buildings, upgrade them even further, improve your units and so on - it is mutual growth for a brighter future for both of you! At the end of their destructive journey, even the Amuni couldn't find fertile land anymore to settle on, so they decided to take a deep slumber in their giant monument waiting for the land to recover. on it, and hover over the early collect icon. Had never needed BTG before Ch17, but did in the end build it at lvl1 to help settlement production. Intro Hello and welcome to the All Guest Races - the brand-new subpage on my website! The planks grafting site is 3x3. Upgrade roads when able for the increased culture, often a single 1 x 1 culture building gives more culture then a road so you can put culture objects at the end of roads. In this enchanting city-builder you can play as an Elf, be close to nature and give to your city a more magical plant-like look. This means no less than: 20k Mana, or roughly 20k/4480 (maximum daily collection amount per willow), Note - you can click the help button on any Mana building screen:. Anyone whos played city building or time management games might have a good idea of what to do those who may be concerned about tactical strategies on the battlefield can rest easy, as theres no PvP fighting mode where you have to match wits with a real player from anywhere around the world. To be read as, "If you have x forest fabrications, you'll need this many of each refined good to. You have plenty of time to work on building and producing Mana, and then Mana decay will start to become very important! Sounds like a wash, right? As the newly revived race is weak at first, it will need your help bringing its culture back to its former glory. Or you can choose the engineering Humans option and be the . It is important to complete each chapters' quests before researching too far into the next chapter, or before selling guest race buildings when in later chapters. The goods produced by square for each factory is very similar regardless of type and race and practically identical at level 15 and 19. Blue items are production functions of particular buildings. Return to Homepage | Join Us on Facebook. And at most, youll need ~1,400% worth of PPs for the whole chapter. Ascended Goods and the Merchant. It still might take a while to get to the max upgrade. We get 5 slots, and all 5 are available from the very beginning at L1. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. So keep in mind that you will get only Elvenar, Humans and Elves when dropping Portal Profits! Increases the number of people you can visit to gain a reward from visitations, Increases the number of people who can visit you, Score Usually used to ensure you have achieved a certain technology level, certain level of development or to maintain a high rank, Rank Usually used to maintain a fellowship in a high ranking, Technology and buildings related to goods Used if a fellowship wants to ensure all member can benefit equally from trades or are at a similar technology level, Activity Different measures and rules are regularly used when it comes to activity, Number of visits to fellowship members is the most common and this can vary from a daily requirement, to a few times a week to no requirement, Increasing score over a set time, usually a week. Once you progress past the main hall research, youll be on your way to the 2nd half of the research tree, which will bring you into the guest production buildings. You will need many supplies for everything in woodelves. They just cost a lot of supplies, but each upgrade adds a nice population boost to your city. Comments? The choice of whether to negotiate or attack is one of the more common dilemmas youll run into when playing the game. You will then need to build the gateway required for the race to come from the dimension, where their souls are roaming, into your city and connect it to your Main Hall. Between making mana tears and unlocking the very expensive grafting site researches, mana may be in short supply. Or if you just dont like engage in rumors and speculation, you should press that Back button now. Upgrading from level 21 --> 22 adds 190 population. After the weeping willows, youll need to unlock Greetings, Housing, and a Well in order to open up access to the workshops and residence upgrades. So this time around we have 3 groups of guest race production buildings. From this chapter forward, you will have access to a new category of goods: Ascended Goods. Then you can begin a few of those upgrades to get the rest of the population youll need to finish up your workshops. This site is not affiliated or associated with InnoGames or Elvenarin any way. Note - you can click the help button on any Mana building screen: Culture that produces Mana will have a Mana icon on it in the build menu. Elvenar allows you to represent the humans or the elves, and if you know your RPGs, youre probably used to the complexity of each race having their own strengths and weaknesses, their own special units, and the like. But during the conversion from mana to badges in C18, the BTG would kick in three times (Mana to Elements, Elements to Medals, and Medals to Badges). First two letters tell you what game market (often referred to as server by other players) youre playing in: The number tells you what world you are on within that server: Now that you know where youre at, check out the Fellows & Fellowships category in Every fact about every item in Second stage produces different medals on 4h cycles, and those take elemental resources from the previous stage plus Elvenar/Humans/Elves. In the Woodelves chapter, goods production can seem confusing at first, as there are even more new buildings than we're used to getting in previous chapters. Pro-tip: You want to have a particular focus on culture buildings, as these buildings are necessary for your other structures to operate as smoothly as possible. Elvenar is in continuous development, meaning that we are actively working on further expanding and improving the game, with regular updates, also taking into account feedback, suggestions, and ideas from our world-wide community! Their boisterous power of nature is bound into magic masks that enables them to take a stable shape. In the Woodelves chapter, we get 4 more upgrade levels for each tier 1 manufactory. The catch: it must be connected to a road. In Elvenar you can upgrade almost every building, improving the production and the look of your city. The information on this site is intended to help and encourage Elvenar players. As we dont know yet how these goods will be produced, it is hard to say if this will be a problem. Thats going to give you more space for other buildings that will be required to keep things running properly in your town. However, now that the elves version of planks will match humans, they can now afford to drop the number of manufactories they carry down to match their human counterparts. Or I could be right, and were screwed Unfortunately, the last time I made similar statement in Chapter 17 preview I turned out to be exactly right. As you can see, production is pretty symmetrical across different types. Check out the newest episode for interesting information! You are using an out of date browser. Mew guest race coming to Elvenar: The Sorcerers and Dragons.More information about Elvenar: http://www.f2p.com/games/elvenar/ Follow us on Twitter: https://t.