guerreros unidos dismembered video

El grupo paramilitar denominado Los Tlacos, que dirige Onsimo Marquina Chapa, 'El Necho', difundi un video donde se muestra la ejecucin de ms de 20 . Afterwards, the head of the man was located in another area, on ga('create', 'UA-67136960-15', 'auto', 'ads'); Donate - by by kevin macleod (\"Martian Cowboy\" Kevin MacLeod ( under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License\"Stay the Course\" Kevin MacLeod ( under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License\"Martian Cowboy\" Kevin MacLeod ( under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License\"Evening of Chaos\" Kevin MacLeod ( under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License\"Come Play With Me\" Kevin MacLeod ( under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License\"Night of Chaos\" Kevin MacLeod ( under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License What is this blood lust ..IM SERIOUS. Come and place order here. Comandante 80: So, now it turns out that after being a bitch ass monkey youre I was the boss for the hitmen. Terrifying video shows mass execution of the Guerreros Unidos Cartel. Chilpancingo, Guerrero: Guerreros Unidos Release a Video Message, Federal Operation Raid To Capture "Guano" Guzman, Convicted Dealer Exposes What It's Like to Work With Mexican Cartels, Five Killed in Nuevo Laredo, CDN Hitman Among the Dead, Human Rights Violation Allegations, Matamoros, Tamaulipas: Grupo Escorpin, Armed Wing of the Gulf Cartel Interrogates Several Captives, Mayo's Aquiles Had El Lobo's Lawyer Killed, says Attorney General. Sicario #2: And what happened to the rest? IMO they shouldnt have executed him. Hours before the video made it on the Internet, gang members left four dismembered bodies in front of Gama Perez's home, according to the report. We have all of your piece of shit gunmen here. Hours before the video, the gang members left four bodies in front of the home of mayor-elect David Gama. Chucho Brito, the same goes for you traitor. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. launched a call to President Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador to intervene in the guys to carjack vehicles and extort people there in Huitzuco? In 2020, Mexican drug lord El Marro, the head of the Santa Rosa de Lima cartel which terrorized north-central Mexico for years, was arrested after years of evading arrest. Do you like to shop on Amazon? so this is why i didn't feel bad for him when i watch this video. eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), } En redes sociales circula un video en el que se muestra la ejecucin de presunto miembros del crtel Guerreros Unidos. Dudes in Guerrero just as brutal as the northern Mexican scicarios but without the lids + camouflage gear. Danny. Nice job AMLO voters. The bad guys are dead. Guerreros Unidos is a drug trafficking organization based in the north-central part of the state of Guerrero, with additional presence in Morelos, the state of Mxico, and Puebla. A Member Of A Rival Gang Was Slashed In The Face And Throat, Mexican Gangster Dismembered And Burned In A Barrel, The Man Wanted To Become A Member Of The Cartel But Failed, The Man Is Strangled With A T-shirt In The Favela, Victims Of The Shooting In Culiacan Sinaloa. window.googletag.cmd.push(function() { eventCategory: event.slot.getSlotElementId(), This page may contain sensitive or adult content that's not for everyone. Surrounding the men are other armed Los Tiacos henchmen. You already had your position at the table made beforehand. CIUDAD DE MXICO (apro).-. @DOLO White phospherous, sprinkled on the wet blood of his face would result a beautiful chemical fire burn.. Hope they get killed in a worst manner. Captive #7: I would sneak things into the Cereso prison. Wicho: In the towns of Tepecua (Tepecuacuilco de Trujano) and Huitzico. recorded in the context of the investigation of the Ayotzinapa case that gads_event = event; My boss is Chucho Brito. And who are the bosses? Did they killed all of them with this brutality? government as well as the Army of links with the narcos. This story has been shared 123,160 times. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Theres no indication that hes feeling whats happening to him. This is a perspective that I know about, but overlooked. remains unpunished so far. You can see that the executioner asked the boss (the one with the cap; the left one) via handsign if he should proceed and the boss just nods (1:05 . We do not publish all comments, and we do not publish comments immediately. Or is that just a stupid question ? Cousin please forgive me. Shocking video shows Mexican cartel members lined up on their knees and taunted, moments before they are executed by a rival gang. Just a short two-hour drive away from Mexico City, Iguala is plagued by the tragic triangulation between gangsters, crooked cops, and . trying to intimidate everyone. Those money men are usually just lowkey money men who also have legit businesses. At least nine lifeless bodies with bullet wounds were left lying on the road that connects this border municipality with the United States with Monterrey, in the northern state of Nuevo Len. A new video from the Mexican underworld has just surfaced online. Honest people of Mexico needs to fight back at least for your little children You cant let these punks steal your happiness and your childrens future If you dont do anything You might as well just lie down and die now Get a revolution going Demand Help Demand it Call on all your familys in the States to ask For Help from the Politicians to Talk to your President Call on Trump to Make Your President Protect you Send this video to every news station in USA pleading for help Send a powerfull message to Your worthless President Instead of fleeing Mexico Ask for Help to ""Stay in Mexico" Now that twist would get Both Democrats and Republicans attention Instead of crossing into USA illegaly Go to Border and Ask For Help So you can stay in your home country Yes I understand the dangers and many may be killed But this is better then hiding or allowing these punks destory your life and you doing nothing Plan it in secrect Have Films cameras Get the Worlds Attention Youve always said they the cartels dont want heat Well what are they going to do when the worlds watching ? My boss is Chucho Brito. Mencho has Jalisco on lock, he just recently kicked out modt of the Corona cells, and the only places rivals are seen is outskirts bordering some states but not even there how you think. Guerrero, ante su vuelta: "Soy distinta a la de antes, he aprendido a escucharme" La campeona de Espaa de 1.500, que se perdi 2022 por lesin, regresa a un gran campeonato despus de Tokio y . They want peace in iguala meanwhile they are the ones who killed 43 students, Polls show that the people (60%) support Amlo. Heres all the trashy individuals who were extorting, thieving, and killing innocent civilians. Lift up your face bro. Of course mouney launderers in the big city of GDL but im sure CJNG has money laundering going on in places where CDS rules king. The actual questioning begins several males away from first captive). Sicario #2: Wicho, where exactly were you in charge of? And now look at where you sons of bitches are at now. eventAction: 'click_ads' 12:52 or he was betrayed by someone he trusts. We are supported by the mayor Jos Luis vila Lpez. Just how it works. hi, South American here, this video is from Mexico, AKA North America. Sicario #2: Heres that son of a bitch Randy! }); power theyre trying to intimidate everyone. Members of the United Warriors Cartel are executed. I belong to the Garrafos. If not mistaken i believe remnants of Z and Cdg operate together in Nuevo Leon to fight back CDN and soon CJNG encroaching from the south (San Luis Potosi) Dr. Arroyo Nuevo leon has presence of CJNG thats the first town reported with their presence in Nuevo Leon. The following message is for you. enjoyed itIt was a small town It breaks my heart to see this Man it would have been great if the cowboys had guns and shot these terrorists dead Theres a recent video of a rodeo I think in Las Vegas USA where a bad guy was stealing etc the cowboys surrounded him until cops came Yea i know much different Guns Vs no guns I just hope the Good people of Mexico can somehow fight back and these little boys would get whats coming to them Cant these places ck for guns before being allowed to enter ? order" in Iguala. And what all In addition, its noted that the double homicide is the response Since last year there have been clashes in that municipality between both cartels, each month the lists of deaths have increased in the area and the inhabitants no longer feel safe living in the place, so there is a slow migration of people who want to escape the place. The Guerrero State Office of the Attorney General said they are continuing the investigation to locate people responsible for this criminal act. Why didnt the place have sercurity there to protect these people ? No other way to see it. In addition, evidence the group Guerreros Unidos remains intact WTF IS WRONG WITH ALL THISThis bloodlust is very bad.There is a lot of evil in Mexico right now. A Mexican cartel released horrifying footage of tormenting a rival cartel of twenty men shown bound and kneeling on the ground before being executed. One of the most recent and outrageous incidents took place on February 9, when a 13-year-old girl and her brother, a 16-year-old boy, were shot dead in Cocula, Guerrero. Sicario #2: You just all fucked yourselves you sons of bitches. This is due to the confrontation with large-caliber weapons between alleged members of the Northeast Cartel and the Gulf Cartel, who dispute the control of the transfer of drugs, migrants and contraband in this area, are the reasons why every day they end up murdering and no matter who crosses your path. Si we, el no sabe de que habla, pero tu como yo, si sabemos. And this is what is being done. Many farmers in the state grow opium poppies, but drug cartels have taken to trafficking fentanyl more than opium, thus decreasing violence associated with collecting opium paste.However, new state and local governments are due to take office this year in Guerrero, and such transitions have traditionally been marked by violence. antagonistic gang of Tlacotepec that seeks to seize the Iguala plaza. A small town sits on Federal Highway 95. The clashes began after the announcement of the current One of the members also admitted that Brito had a direct line with the mayor's office. At one time during the recording, a member of Guerreros Unidos Well thank you sir, my country is going down, down. }) different parts of the northern part of the entity where the Guerreros Unidos His body was found wrapped in garbage bags with two signs pinned to it with knives. Video of armed attack at the Zacacoyuca rodeo. Because theyre trying to come into Iguala. This type of situation has become common in the area, where clashes have been the order of the day. }); He kinda had it coming. This story has been shared 140,848 times. 444 you been watching to many movies, we all know Almo would not go for that, then his bribe money while in office would dry out. Gama Perez's office has yet to provide a comment on the matter. Also he is using only 10% of the military to help out, the others stay at the barracks playing cards, smoking joints. Ey puto, you're aware what he did to get it like he did right? face of what is seen as a new war for Iguala. Fersi: I was involved in homicides. 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Texas man busted in death of DJ galpal found stuffed in suitcase in Colombia, Inside the luxe lives of El Chapos sons including jailbird Ovidio Guzmn Lpez, Arizona officials say Mexican cartels control US border: Ticking time bomb, Passengers on Aeromexico flight crouch in fear as plane caught in cartel crossfire: video. } Local jails are controlled by CdG and Z/CdN making it worst for CJnG members getting cought and sent to one.