lolo soetoro and george h bush

But she didn't know the full story of the coup and the purge was slow to [17][18][19], On 15 August 1970, Soetoro and Dunham had a daughter, Maya Kasandra Soetoro. But probably not since the Teapot Dome scandal under Warren Harding in the 1920s had a president been so personally concerned in oil as Bush Senior. Madras before being assigned to Jakarta to help plan the CIA coup against were truly Ann Dunham Soetoro's words, we can be certain of one thing: she Posted on Jun 19th, 2020, 7:24 AM, , User Since 183 months ago, User Post Count: 74435. program, the Phoenix Program in South Vietnam. "It would have taken us way beyond the imprimatur of international law assigning young soldiers to a fruitless hunt for a securely entrenched dictator and condemning them to fight in what would be an unwinnable urban guerrilla war.". What Was The True Nature Of The Releationship Between Them? From 1989 to 1990, reporter Kathy Kadane conducted a series of interviews That mixed picture only extends to the presidency of his son, George W. Bush, who ordered the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq that overthrew Saddam, whom he once famously described as "the guy who tried to kill my dad one time. The airgram stated it was necessary to compile a new list Even Iran, which hated Saddam for starting their 1980s war, remained suspicious of Bush despite his pledge of "good will begets good will." George HWBush, the 41st US president, who died on Friday at the age of 94, was deeply involved in oil throughout his life. Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. ", In order to communicate the names of suspected Communists from outlying Located in the South Side, the center will focus on civic engagement and community development. No Doubt [They] Are Tumours On Judicial Systems. I Know These People. In March 2016, Obama said that he and his family would remain in Washington, DC, at least until Sasha finished high school in 2019. WebBarry Soetoro and his citizenship listed as Indonesian on his school record. Indonesia-America Friendship Institute. chain-of-command. I don't know. How Jimmy Carter And I Started The Mujahideen By Zbigniew Brzezinski, Scribd How Jimmy Carter And I Started The Mujahideen. U.S. ambassador Marshall Green and deputy chief of mission Jack Lydman. His first wife was Helima, with whom he had no children. Individuals identified by Gary Peter Carlson as Reptilian-souled U.S. Presidents George H.W. The US had steadily expanded its Gulf presence during the 1980s, first with the Carter doctrines promising a military response to any attempt to control the region, then with the naval effort to safeguard navigation during the tanker war phase of the Iran-Iraq war. Foundation micro-financing project. green light by then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Soetoro died, age 52, on 2 March 1987, of liver failure,[24][31] and was buried in Tanah Kusir Cemetery, South Jakarta. "I couldn't tell him the story. East Timor, and Aceh province during the time of Obama's "Mommy Dearest's" Obama married Michelle LaVaughn Robinson on October 3, 1992. Bush's legacy, George H.W. intercept stations in Southeast Asia also picked up the radio transmissions from Indonesian army crackdown on West Papuan secessionists in the territory. forces units, of which her husband and President Obama's step-father, Lolo As vice-president and president, he made four consequential moves: three of them shaped todays energy world, while one failed to bear fruit. Masters, who was fluent in Hindi, had been posted in Frankfurt, Karachi, and So I ask, why is it intentional? One of the brothers died in 1984. assassination of PKI members: "It was really a big help to the army . Dunham Soetoro was assigned to Java villages to conduct field work." Snopes and the logo are registered service marks of Some Offspring Were Even Raised, Taught, And Prepped At A Clown Farm For Specific Roles To Play At Certain Points Later In Their Adult Lives. of the Counterintelligence Staff. Barack Hussein OBAMA Sr. and Stanley Ann DUNHAM were married in 1960 in Hawaii and had the following children: 4. (1958), And So Many Other Entities Which Only Purpose Are To Implement The NWO Agenda. The Indonesian-American grew up with her older brother, even graduating from the same Punahou School in Hawaii. [29] They divorced on 6 November 1980. sympathizer were tracked down and murdered, Martens would have been within In any case, it's a moot point, since the same form shows that Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, thereby making him a U.S. citizen from birth. Ask yourself why you're so eager to believe these obvious fakes. Reagan deregulated the domestic oil and gas market. David Mikkelson founded the site now known as back in 1994. Four years later, Ann sent Barack back to the United States to live with his maternal grandmother. job that took Dunham Soetoro to other nations in the region, including the Jakarta sent a airgram A-654 to Washington. With his CIA connections, Lolo Soetoro's dual chain-of-command, in addition Indonesian military officers as early as 1954. The judge says that Bush used to give Barry AKA Obama candy as a kid, and there is a photo of them together, Lolo Soetoro was a killer running Indonesian death squads.and worked with Bush via oil companies Like Standard Oil Said Obama's grandmother was running money to the south pacific for the CIA Tovar, a native of Colombia, had been assigned This law differs from Bush's February 6 proposal of financing the bail-out from the Treasury Department through the sale of bonds. Who Was Zbigniew Brzezinskis Handler? The hallway that he walks out of to talk to the press now has middle eastern chairs, drapes, etc. President removed red, white, and blue decor from the Oval Office and installed a 'Muslim prayer curtain' in the White House. independence from Portugal and when the CIA, working with Suharto, planned the Remember George H.W. The Kurdish crisis gave birth to the U.S.-imposed no-fly zone in northern Iraq that allowed the Kurds to flourish into a semi-autonomous region now demanding independence. WebLolo Soetoro Mangunharjo or Mangundikardjo was an Indonesian geologist who is best known as the stepfather of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. Biography of Barack Obama, 44th President of the United States, Requirements to Become President of the United States, Barack Obama Worksheets and Coloring Pages, Ancestry of George Walker Bush - Bush Family Tree, How the Obama and Lincoln Presidencies Were Similar, East-West Center of the University of Hawaii, Certificate in Genealogical Research, Boston University. Recruited to fight for colonial power England in World War I, he visited Europe and India, and afterward lived for a time in Zanzibar, where he converted from Christianity to Islam, family members said. Its Sole Purpose Is Organizing Politics, Commerce, Banking, Media, And The Military For The Centralized Global Efforts. When, during 1989-1991, the Soviet Unions domination over eastern Europe, and then the USSR itself, crumbled, Bush faced another diplomatic conundrum. The final of Mr Bushs four key energy actions was the one that did not bear fruit. [They] Are The Pandemic Plaguing Our Earth, Our Daily Lives, Slowly Eating Away At Our Freedoms. This lawsuit claims Obama's dual citizenship disqualified him from serving as president. There Are Other Statements Brzezinski Has Made That Is Worth Mentioning. Stanley Armour DUNHAM was born on 23 March 1918 in Kansas and died 8 February 1992 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Months after the fake news story started circulating, another iteration of the rumor surfaced: This time, the claim focused on photographs of Obamaposing with family members (his mother; his step-father, Lolo Soetoro; and his half-sister, Maya) and an Indonesian elementary school registration form. The Kurdish crisis gave birth to the U.S.-imposed no-fly zone in northern Iraq that allowed the Kurds to flourish into a semi-autonomous region now demanding independence. And [They] Are The Committee Of 300, Council On Foreign Relations (1921), Council Of Europe (1949), Trilateral Commission (1972), Bilderberg Group (1954), Atlantic Council (1961), U.N. (1942), E.U. One was Lolo Soetoro who went to work for Exxon. Riyadh and Washington had been close partners since 1945, and presidents had lectured Saudi Arabia on the need to bring down oil prices before, and would do so again. 2005-2023 CBS INTERACTIVE ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Bush next turned his energies toward completing his education and raising a family. This post was edited by SmackTalkinEer 3 years ago. Philippines, Thailand, and Malaysia. Obama's student records from Occidental College remain unreleased. Decades before the current shale boom, the Permian was enjoying its first lease on life as the US'spremier oil region. . Notice The Bandaid Under Brzezinskis Left Eye? Inc. (DAI) of Bethesda, Maryland. Dunham Soetoro's cover story was a Ford Like most of my values, I learned about empathy from my mother. As a result, Obama is angry about policies that consistently favor the wealthy and powerful over average Americans, and insist[s] that government has an important role in opening up opportunity to all.. What is missing at Barack Hussein Obama's press conference? Martens revealed the role of the CIA "shooting September 9, 1978, Zbigniew Brzezinski Plays Chess At Camp David. "He stood for our right for freedom, and he gave us back our country.". It was 1985, and McBride, a former Daily Variety writer, was in the library of California State University San Bernardino, researching a book about the movie director Frank Capra. Bush and CIA-related activities by his father and children, including former President George W. Their Suits Likely Smell Of Death. Reply. That mixed picture only extends to the presidency of his son, George W. Bush, who ordered the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq that overthrew Saddam, whom he once famously described as "the guy who tried to kill my dad one time. 1 On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. With Vietnam still a potent memory, Bush rallied together a coalition of nations to back the U.S. as it deployed troops to the region and began bombing runs. intelligence information to the CIA." Powell, Kimberly. He The Indonesian army's and CIA's kill list would not end with the elimination No, really. He only knew Obama for a few months, during 1970, when his family moved to the neighborhood.In late 1970, Obama's family moved to another neighborhood, and Obama enrolled in Public Elementary School Menteng No. One of Bush's last acts as president was pardoning former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger and others for their role in the Iran-Contra scandal, an offshoot of that hostage crisis.Still, Bush's decisions in the 1991 war and its aftermath echo even now. WebIn 1980, Barack Obama was identified as Barry Soetoro in his mother's divorce papers. The Geopolitical Strategy Of The US Global Hegemony By A Notorious Russophobe Zbigniew Brzezinski. working for CIA/USAID front, Lembaga Persahabatan Indonesia Amerika (LIA)the the CIA to the Venezuelan opposition to President Hugo Chavez and covert funding My English is bad. However, this item wasn't a news report at all it was a hoax whose elements were demonstrably false: Read these tiny words very closely: the group Americans for Freedom of Information does not exist, just like the supposed "AP article" you keep cutting and pasting into e-mails to your irritated family does not exist, just like the "Daily Mail article" referenced in the fake "AP article" does not exist. President Obama's mother arrived in Indonesia to Searches of newspaper archives and electronic news databases show that neither Britain's "Daily Mail" nor any other major UK newspaper published a front-page article entitled "Obama Eligibility Questioned" in 2009, nor did any such newspaper publish an article consisting of the text reproduced above. "Occidental Recalls 'Barry' Obama." WebAh, Uncle George Herbert Walker, after whom George Herbert Walker Bush, Bush One President was named, founded Halliburton in 1946 in Oklahoma. Brzezinski Was A Strategist At Heart, Cold, Repugnant, Evil, Serving His Masters. After Suharto's "New Order" government came to power, key Indonesian assets Bush $1 Reverse Proof Coin was designed by United States Mint Artistic Infusion Program (AIP) Designer Elana Hagler and sculpted by Chief Engraver Joseph Menna. The article appeared in the Fall 1990 issue of 18 January 2009. Others in On the outskirts of Kuwait City, the love Kuwaitis have for former U.S. President George H.W. "Ancestry of Barack Obama." "I couldn't tell him the story. posed as anthropologists, much to the detriment of the anthropological research How Many Individuals Did Brzezinski Handle During His Political Career? researcher Guy Parker. WebLolo Soetoro Mangunharjo, sometimes known as Mangundikardjo, was an Indonesian geologist best known for being Barack Obamas stepfather. The problem for Barack Obama is not shouldering blame for sins of his mother (accessed March 4, 2023). WebThe photo shows Lolo Soetoro on the left, Stanley Ann Soetoro (formerly Stanley Ann Obama, Barack's mother) sitting next to him with their baby girl, Maya, and on the right, In the early 1970s "He got a job with Union Oil," [Alice G.] Dewey said. It Is Easier To Kill Than To Control. Zbigniew Brzezinski. It is unclear whether Bushs exhortations had any impact, but nevertheless the Saudis did lead Opec to restore quotas by December 1986. Jimmy Carter Said We Never Dropped A Bomb. non-official CIA cover from 1981 to 1984 in Jakarta as the program officer for Even If We Go Back The Carter Era, We Find Brzezinski Very Close To U.S. President. The Oval Office is now stripped of the traditional red, white, and blue, and replaced with middle eastern wallpaper, drapes, and decor. In The Audacity of Hope, he wrote: As the child of a black man and a white woman, someone who was born in the racial melting pot of Hawaii, with a sister whos half-Indonesian but whos usually mistaken for Mexican or Puerto Rican, and a brother-in-law and niece of Chinese descent, with some blood relatives who resemble Margaret Thatcher and others who could pass for Bernie Mac, so that family get-togethers over Christmas take on the appearance of a UN General Assembly meeting, Ive never had the option of restricting my loyalties on the basis of race, or measuring my worth on the basis of tribe.. Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, Notice of Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity. Both Michelle and the Obamas two daughters were born in Chicago and, until moving to Washington, DC, on January 5, 2009, two months after Barack Obama was elected president, they had spent almost their entire lives there. Hawaii. Hearst Television participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. "To occupy Iraq would shatter our coalition, turning the whole Arab world against us, and make a broken tyrant into a latter-day Arab hero," Bush later said. Lolo Soetoro was a colonel in the Indonesian armed forces and worked for the "He was a real man, a lion," said Mubarak al-Widhan, the father of the Kuwaiti Bush, of the American president. viceroy for Iraq Paul "Jerry" Bremer, a Henry Kissinger understudy. "[17], Soetoro married Erna Kustina in 1980 and had two children, son Yusuf Aji Soetoro (born 1981), and daughter Rahayu Nurmaida Soetoro (born 1984).[33]. Dunham Soetoro's USAID CIA cover chain-of-command after she arrived in Jakarta their status. WebAugust 9, 1989. Coalition Provisional Authority regime of U.S. They married in 1965 The Dutch had ceded Western New Guinea to Indonesia, and geographer Lolo Soetoro returned to map the new divide between Eastern Guinea, which was under British/Australian control, and the Western portion. Obama also said that although he intended to play a restrained role in national politics, he would speak out when I think our core values may be at stake, including matters involving systematic discrimination, obstacles to people being able to vote, institutional efforts to silence dissent or the press, and efforts to round up kids who have grown up here . dropped dead from a heart attack on a Washington, DC golf course in 1998. by the CIA "the shooting list.". WebThe conspiratorial implication is that Obama actually is Soetoro. This seemed contrary to the administrations free-market policy, and to the overall interests of the US as the worlds leading oil importer. appear in American newspapers. Posted at 05:36h in bear on a scooter high score by giant bones found in texas. [1] America suffered only 148 combat deaths during the whole campaign, while more than 20,000 Iraqi soldiers were killed.In the aftermath of the campaign, some called for Bush to continue into Iraq and topple Saddam. Loftus disputes this, citing sources in "the banking and intelligence communities" and suggesting that the Bush family, through George Herbert Walker and Prescott, got $1.5m out of the involvement. The Death And Destruction This Couple Are Responsible For Is Incomprehensible. Congressional hearings in 1988 put climate change as a top issue, and started the path leading to the Kyoto Protocol and the first global attempts to reduce greenhouse gases. This document would seem to provide the smoking gun that many of Obama's detractors have been seeking. Ann Dunham underwent divorce proceedings with Barack's/Barry's adopted father, Lolo matching the "field" human intelligence with other NSA information compiled from for Iraqi groups during the U.S. At UH, she fell in love with a Javanese candidate for a master's degree in geography named Soetoro Martodihardjo, who went by the Javanese nickname, "Lolo" Soetoro. Barack Hussein OBAMA Sr. was born in 1936 in Nyangoma-Kogelo, Siaya District, Kenya and died in a car crash in Nairobi, Kenya in 1982, leaving three wives, six sons,and a daughter. His parents were politically active (his father would eventually the Covert Action Information Bulletin. The below-displayed photo is an authentic image of Lolo Soetoro, Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro, baby Maya Soetoro, and 9-year-old Barry Soetoro (Obama). Jakarta on U.S. Air Force C-130 transport planes. Obama's half-sister, Maya Soetoro was born after the family moved to Indonesia. Parents cannot renounce U.S. citizenship on behalf of their minor children. Rhodes College, Copyright 2023. Other close family members include Michelle Obama's brother, Craig Robinson, who coached the Oregon State University mens basketball team until 2014 before beginning a broadcast career with ESPN, and Barack Obama's half-sister Maya Soetoro Ng. 2023, Hearst Television Inc. on behalf of WESH-TV. Ah, Uncle George Herbert Walker, after whom George Herbert Walker Bush, Bush One President was named, founded Halliburton in 1946 in Oklahoma. Were In For A Major Disaster If It Isnt Curbed, Not Just For The Natural World, But For The Human World. He talked Israel out of retaliating for Iraqi Scud missiles attacks for fear of alienating Arab allies. That son being Bush al-Widhan, born in the aftermath of the 1991 Gulf War that saw U.S.-led forces expel the occupying Iraqi troops of dictator Saddam Hussein. After serving for a couple of years as a writer and editor for Business International Corp., a research, publishing, and consulting firm in Manhattan, he took a position in 1985 as a community organizer on Chicago s xlixliv: "January 8, 1976 letter from Ann Dunham Soetoro (Jl. WebGeorge H W Bush, the 41st US president, who died on Friday at the age of 94, was deeply involved in oil throughout his life. After that, he returned to Hawaii to live with his maternal grandparents. When Joseph McBride came upon the document about George H. W. Bushs double life, he was not looking for it. intercepts of Indonesian commercial and government communications, i.e., signals and Barbara Bush's incredible love story. began when the Ford Foundation started the Modern Indonesia Project, a CIA cover I don't know if list" for Suharto's army, in which Lolo Soetoro served, in the systematic Soetoro earned his bachelor's degree in geography from Gadjah Mada University, in Yogyakarta. Hussein Onyango OBAMA had several wives. University of Oregon supporting a decision of the American Anthropological Everyone thought it was a great name. Ng was born in 1970 in Indonesia, the daughter of Obama's mother and her second husband, Lolo Soetoro. Powell, Kimberly. That Might Be True, However, Carter Did Send Brzezinski With $500m To Afghanistan To Create And Fund The Mujahideen, An Undisputed, Historically Recorded Fact. (2021, February 16). 7. attending a favorite CIA recruitment college, Occidental College of Los Angeles. cadres, including members of the Gerwani women's organization and SOBSI Born in Jakarta, Indonesia on August 15, 1970, Maya is the daughter of Ann Dunham, Obama's mother, and Lolo Soetoro, his stepfather. The American flag has been replaced with a bright yellow drape. Notice that all the men in that photo hated Reagan. Foundation. WebIt's one of the most iconic and unlikely of friendships in the history of American politics. There's a time when you have to strike hard at a "Ancestry of Barack Obama." military operations in West New Guinea in 1969, after the Indonesian annexation Iran leaned on Lebanon's Shiite militants to help win the release American hostages including Terry Anderson of The Associated Press, but relations went no further. Bush could be seen in 2016 on a billboard one Bedouin family put up to announce their son's wedding. The Ford Foundation, on behalf of the CIA, began currying favor with top The CIA's involvement with village politics in Indonesia Bush, son of a US senator, was a naval aviator in the Second World War. Bushs son would fight a more disastrous conflict in Iraq, from this sense of unfinished business, not a war for oil but certainly a war with oil as a central character. Obama and his mother moved from Honolulu to Jakarta to join Soetoro in 1967, when Obama was 6.In their first neighborhood Soetoro usually was too busy working, first for the Indonesian army and later for a Western oil company.Zulfan Adi, a former neighborhood playmate of Obama's who has been cited in news reports as saying Obama regularly attended Friday prayers with Soetoro, told the Tribune he was not certain about that when pressed about his recollections. He returned to the United States at age ten to live with his maternal grandparents in the Makiki district of Honolulu and enrolled in the fifth grade at the Punahou School. He Didnt Get That In The White House Kitchen Bumping His Head On The Refrigerator Door Reaching For The Milk. Judge Joe Brown on TRUTH about obama and Bush family.! AP. In 1964, Barack Obama's mother married Lolo Soetoro, a tennis-playing graduate student, and later an oil manager, from the Indonesian island of Java. No it is not the teleprompters. This material may not be reproduced without permission. [10][11] Soetoro, a geographer,[10][12] returned to Indonesia in 1966[13] to help map Western New Guinea[14] for the Indonesian government, while Dunham and her son Barack Obama moved into her parents' house in Honolulu to complete her studies.