what are the four types of biblical criticism

"[4]:22, Biblical criticism not only made study of the Bible secularized and scholarly, it also went in the other direction and made it more democratic. The presence of contradictions and repetitions doesn't necessarily prove separate sources, since they are "to be expected given the cultural background of the Old Testament and the long period of time during which the text was in formation and being passed on orally". [125] Instead, in the 1970s, New Testament scholar E. P. Sanders wrote that: "There are no hard and fast laws of the development of the Synoptic tradition On all counts the tradition developed in opposite directions. [141], In the mid-twentieth century, literary criticism began to develop, shifting scholarly attention from historical and pre-compositional matters to the text itself, thereafter becoming the dominant form of biblical criticism in a relatively short period of about thirty years. [44], In 1896, Martin Khler (18351912) wrote The So-called Historical Jesus and the Historic Biblical Christ. [28] Schweitzer records that Semler "rose up and slew Reimarus in the name of scientific theology". In any case, the form critics did not derive the laws from or apply the laws to the Gospels systematically, nor did they carry out a systematic investigation of changes in the post-canonical literature. For example, in the late 1700s, textual critic Johann Jacob Griesbach (1745 1812) developed fifteen critical principles for determining which texts are likely the oldest and closest to the original. [140]:335,336 In the New Testament, redaction critics attempt to discern the original author/evangelist's theology by focusing and relying upon the differences between the gospels, yet it is unclear whether every difference has theological meaning, how much meaning, or whether any given difference is a stylistic or even an accidental change. Copies of scribe 'A's text with the mistake will thereafter contain that same mistake. What are the four types of biblical criticism? "[196], Social scientific criticism is part of the wider trend in biblical criticism to reflect interdisciplinary methods and diversity. [2]:31 Biblical critics used the same scientific methods and approaches to history as their secular counterparts and emphasized reason and objectivity. [41] Ernst Renan (18231892) promoted the critical method and was opposed to orthodoxy. Most scholars agree the first quest began with Reimarus and ended with Schweitzer, that there was a "no-quest" period in the first half of the twentieth century, and that there was a second quest, known as the "New" quest that began in 1953 and lasted until 1988 when a third began. [33][34]:9195 This still occasions widespread debate within topics such as Pauline studies, New Testament Studies, early-church studies, Jewish Law, the theology of grace, and the doctrine of justification. 1937) advanced the New Perspective on Paul, which has greatly influenced scholarly views on the relationship between Pauline Christianity and Jewish Christianity in the Pauline epistles. [4]:79 The height of biblical criticism's influence is represented by the history of religions school [note 1] a group of German Protestant theologians associated with the University of Gttingen. [14]:201,118 He distinguished between "inward" and "outward" religion: for some people, their religion is their highest inner purpose, while for others, religion is a more exterior practice a tool to accomplish other purposes more important to the individual, such as political or economic goals. [122]:16,17 Susan Niditch concluded from her orality studies that: "no longer are many scholars convinced that the most seemingly oral-traditional or formulaic pieces are earliest in date". Historical-biblical criticism includes a wide range of approaches and questions within four major methodologies: textual, source, form . Studies of the literary structure of the Pentateuch have shown J and P used the same structure, and that motifs and themes cross the boundaries of the various sources, which undermines arguments for their separate origins. It attempts to discover and evaluate the rhetorical devices, language, and methods of communication used within the texts by focusing on the use of "repetition, parallelism, strophic structure, motifs, climax, chiasm and numerous other literary devices". [16][17]:1315 Matthew Tindal (16571733), as part of British deism, asserted that Jesus taught an undogmatic natural religion that the Church later changed into its own dogmatic form. [36]:91 fn.8 Michael Joseph Brown points out that biblical criticism operated according to principles grounded in a distinctively European rationalism. [22]:297298[2]:189 Long before Richard Simon, the historical context of the biblical texts was important to Joachim Camerarius (15001574) who wrote a philological study of figures of speech in the biblical texts using their context to understand them. 7 Destructive criticism. [138]:100, Followers of other theories concerning the Synoptic problem, such as those who support the Greisbach hypothesis which says Matthew was written first, Luke second, and Mark third, have pointed to weaknesses in the redaction-based arguments for the existence of Q and Markan priority. [181], This tradition is continued by Catholic scholars such as John P. Meier, and Conleth Kearns, who also worked with Reginald C. Fuller and Leonard Johnston preparing A New Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture. Morally, people have abandoned absolutes and opted for radical relativism. For full treatment, see biblical literature: Biblical criticism. [201]:74 Biblical scholar A. K. M. Adam says postmodernism has three general features: 1) it denies any privileged starting point for truth; 2) it is critical of theories that attempt to explain the "totality of reality;" and 3) it attempts to show that all ideals are grounded in ideological, economic or political self-interest. [21] The importance of textual criticism means that the term 'lower criticism' is no longer used much in twenty-first century studies. Jonathan Sheehan has argued that critical study meant the Bible had to become a primarily cultural instrument. What are the four types of biblical criticism? Cooper explains that a recombination of the consonants allows it to be read "Does one plough the sea with oxen?" [114]:41 Q allowed the two-source hypothesis to emerge as the best supported of the various synoptic solutions. But times have changed [In the twenty-first century,] [c]an the notion of a sacred text be retrieved? [37], Biblical criticism's focus on pure reason produced a paradigm shift that profoundly changed Christian theology concerning the Jews. [54]:69[97]:5 These sources are supposed to have been edited together by a late final Redactor (R) who is only imprecisely understood. Over time the texts descended from 'A' that share the error, and those from 'B' that do not share it, will diverge further, but later texts will still be identifiable as descended from one or the other because of the presence or absence of that original mistake. Textual criticism examines biblical manuscripts and their content to identify what the original text probably said. [27]:viii,23,195 Schweitzer also comments that, since Reimarus was a historian and not a theologian or a biblical scholar, he "had not the slightest inkling" that source criticism would provide the solution to the problems of literary consistency that Reimarus had raised. [189]:8 Mordechai Breuer, who branches out beyond most Jewish exegesis and explores the implications of historical criticism for multiple subjects, is an example of a twenty-first century Jewish biblical critical scholar. mark. This was based on the assumption that scribes were more likely to add to a text than omit from it, making shorter texts more likely to be older. Viviano says: "While source criticism has always had its detractors, the past few decades have witnessed an escalation in the level of dissatisfaction". Schmidt asserted these small units were remnants and evidence of the oral tradition that preceded the writing of the gospels. [37]:2 African-American biblical criticism is based on liberation theology and black theology, and looks for what is potentially liberating in the texts. What are the four types of criticism? "[70], Sanders explains that, because of the desire to know everything about Jesus, including his thoughts and motivations, and because there are such varied conclusions about him, it seems to many scholars that it is impossible to be certain about anything. Methods of biblical scholarship are rapidly changing, but one can safely predict that viewing the biblical texts as literature and using the critical methods commonly applied to non-biblical literature will obtain a prominent place in academic study of the Bible. [17], Albert Schweitzer in The Quest of the Historical Jesus, acknowledges that Reimarus's work "is a polemic, not an objective historical study", while also referring to it as "a masterpiece of world literature. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). During the latter half of the twentieth century, field studies of cultures with existing oral traditions directly impacted many of these presuppositions. 20. The letter gave the first formal authorization for the use of critical methods in biblical scholarship. [113]:86, If this document existed, it has now been lost, but some of its material can be deduced indirectly. With these new methods came new goals, as biblical criticism moved from the historical to the literary, and its basic premise changed from neutral judgment to a recognition of the various biases the reader brings to the study of the texts. Source criticism searches the text for evidence of their original sources. Terms in this set (5) Biblical Criticism. [145]:4 Canonical criticism does not reject historical criticism, but it does reject its claim to "unique validity". This theory argues that fragments of documents rather than continuous, coherent documents are the sources for the Pentateuch. [2]:137 J. W. Rogerson summarizes: By 1800 historical criticism in Germany had reached the point where Genesis had been divided into two or more sources, the unity of authorship of Isaiah and Daniel had been disputed, the interdependence of the first three gospels had been demonstrated, and miraculous elements in the OT and NT [Old and New Testaments] had been explained as resulting from the primitive or pre-scientific outlook of the biblical writers. Notes: Required of M.Div. [98]:4[102]:36[note 4], Problems and criticisms of the Documentary hypothesis have been brought on by literary analysts who point out the error of judging ancient Eastern writings as if they were the products of western European Protestants; and by advances in anthropology that undermined Wellhausen's assumptions about how cultures develop; and also by various archaeological findings showing the cultural environment of the early Hebrews was more advanced than Wellhausen thought. [49][50] Demythologizing refers to the reinterpretation of the biblical myths (stories) in terms of the existential philosophy of Martin Heidegger (18891976). ", "Truth or Meaning: Ricoeur versus Frei on Biblical Narrative". Lower biblical criticism has actually made several valuable contributions to biblical studies, since its only aim is to make certain that what we are reading are the actual words that the prophets and apostles wrote. [194]:11 According to Laura E. Donaldson, postcolonial criticism is oppositional and "multidimensional in nature, keenly attentive to the intricacies of the colonial situation in terms of culture, race, class and gender". The student body was hurt by these accusations as it seemed to impugn their motives and sincerity. [36] "Hence it is most proper that Professors of Sacred Scripture and theologians should master those tongues in which the sacred Books were originally written,[174]:17 and have a knowledge of natural science. [96]:208[119] One example is Basil Christopher Butler's challenge to the legitimacy of two-source theory, arguing it contains a Lachmann fallacy[120]:110 that says the two-source theory loses cohesion when it is acknowledged that no source can be established for Mark. Some variants represent a scribal attempt to simplify or harmonize, by changing a word or a phrase. The word "criticism" is not to be taken in the negative sense of attempting to denigrate the Bible, although this motive is found in its history. Newer methods brought about by the globalization of biblical studies and by concerns with the 'world in front of the text' - like new historicism, feminist criticism, postcolonial/liberationist criticism, and rhetorical criticism - are well represented in the series. Tradition played a central role in their task of producing a standard version of the Hebrew Bible. The dates of these manuscripts are generally accepted to range from c.110125 (the 52 papyrus) to the introduction of printing in Germany in the fifteenth century. "[T]his question affects our innermost cultural being and traces our relationship to the foundational text of our religious and cultural origins". The term was originally used to differentiate higher criticism, the term for historical criticism, from lower, which was the term commonly used for textual criticism at the time. [9]:204,217,210. [22]:298 Conservative Protestant scholars have continued the tradition of contributing to critical scholarship. [81]:214 [92] Some twenty-first century scholars have advocated abandoning these older approaches to textual criticism in favor of new computer-assisted methods for determining manuscript relationships in a more reliable way. [191]:2425 Carol L. Meyers says feminist archaeology has shown "male dominance was real; but it was fragmentary, not hegemonic" leading to a change in the anthropological description of ancient Israel as heterarchy rather than patriarchy. [107]:15 As Nicholson says: "it is in sharp declinesome would say in a state of advanced rigor mortisand new solutions are being argued and urged in its place". Historical-biblical criticism includes a wide range of approaches and questions within four major methodologies: textual, source, form, and literary criticism. In societies where the "lay person" often has a passionate relationship with the Bible, it has been controversial to examine the book through historical types of literary criticism.Even though, as religious experts explain, historical criticism is used in seminaries, it is not popular in non-academic environments, where many people . Critics are interested in what the text means for the community"the community of faith whose predecessors produced the canon, that was called into existence by the canon, and seeks to live by the canon". [4]:22 It begins with the understanding that biblical criticism's focus on historicity produced a distinction between the meaning of what the text says and what it is about (what it historically references). [152]:5, As a form of literary criticism, narrative criticism approaches scripture as story. [57] The New quest for the historical Jesus began in 1953 and was so-named in 1959 by James M. He identified four ways in which the Bible could be understood: the literal, the symbolic, the ethical and the mystical. Evaluation of the Scriptures to uncover evidence about historical matters was formerly called higher criticism, a term first used with reference to writings of the German biblical scholar J.G. [154]:166 Scholars such as Robert Alter and Frank Kermode sought to teach readers to "appreciate the Bible itself by training attention on its artfulnesshow [the text] orchestrates sound, repetition, dialogue, allusion, and ambiguity to generate meaning and effect". [201]:67 It questions anything that claims "objectively secured foundations, universals, metaphysics, or analytical dualism". [172], That began to change in the final decades of the nineteenth century when, in 1890, the French Dominican Marie-Joseph Lagrange (18551938) established a school in Jerusalem called the cole prtique d'tudes biblique, which became the cole Biblique in 1920, to encourage study of the Bible using the historical-critical method. [192]:2 Feminist criticism embraces the inter-disciplinary approach to biblical criticism, encouraging a reader-response approach to the text that includes an attitude of "dissent" or "resistance". Don Richardson writes that Wellhausen's theory was, in part, a derivative of an anthropological theory popular in the nineteenth century known as Tylor's theory. The Enlightenment age, and its skepticism of biblical and church authority, ignited questions concerning the historical basis for the human Jesus separately from traditional theological views concerning his divinity. Thomas Rmer questions the assumption that form reflects any socio-historical reality; Such is the question asked by Won Lee: "one wonders whether Gunkel's form criticism is still viable today". [169], The Church showed strong opposition to biblical criticism during that period. The major types of biblical criticism are: (1) textual criticism, which is concerned with establishing the original or most authoritative text, (2) philological criticism, which is the study of the biblical languages for an accurate knowledge of vocabulary, grammar, and style of the period, (3) literary criticism, [26] Over time, they came to be known as the Wolfenbttel Fragments. No conclusive evidence has yet been produced to settle the question of genre, and without genre, no adequate parallels can be found, and without parallels "it must be considered to what extent the principles of literary criticism are applicable". The biblical scholar Hans Frei wrote that what he refers to as the "realistic narratives" of literature, including the Bible, don't allow for such separation. [46] Schweitzer revolutionized New Testament scholarship at the turn of the century by proving to most of that scholarly world that the teachings and actions of Jesus were determined by his eschatological outlook; he thereby finished the quest's pursuit of the apocalyptic Jesus. Different types of criticism: constructive criticism. The book was culturally significant because it contributed to weakening church authority, and it was theologically significant because it challenged the divinity of Christ. and M.A. [122]:10 Within these oral cultures, literacy did not replace memory in a natural evolution. [203]:120 "As Frei puts it, scripture 'simultaneously depicts and renders the reality (if any) of what it talks about'; its subject matter is 'constituted by, or identical with, its narrative". Proponents of this view assert three sources for the Pentateuch: the Deuteronomist as the oldest source, the Elohist as the central core document, with a number of fragments or independent sources as the third. The following forms are common to folklore: legends, superstitions, songs, tales, proverbs, riddles, spells, nursery rhymes; pseudo-scientific lore about weather, plants, animals; customary activities at births, marriages, deaths; traditional dances and forms of drama. [127]:42,70[note 7] For example, the period of the twentieth century dominated by form criticism is marked by Bultmann's extreme skepticism concerning what can be known about the historical Jesus and his sayings. [81]:213 Clark's claims were criticized by those who supported Griesbach's principles. For this reason Armerding's work . Since Mark was believed to be the first gospel, the form critics looked for the addition of proper names for anonymous characters, indirect discourse being turned into direct quotation, and the elimination of Aramaic terms and forms, with details becoming more concrete in Matthew, and then more so in Luke. It critiqued the quest's methodology, with a reminder of the limits of historical inquiry, saying it is impossible to separate the historical Jesus from the Jesus of faith, since Jesus is only known through documents about him as Christ the Messiah. These new points of view created awareness that the Bible can be rationally interpreted from many different perspectives. "It also means that the fourth century 'best texts', the 'Alexandrian' codices Vaticanus and Sinaiticus, have roots extending throughout the entire third century and even into the second".