(26) Smoke tobacco and cigars 27.Work full time selling tobacco and cigars. YOU can study about him. For an unmarried woman to undergo artificial insemination is considered fornication. 10They Refuse To Go To War Or Bear Arms In Conflict When it comes to war, Jehovah's Witnesses refuse to bear arms or engage in war or conflict of any kindeven when refusing means imprisonment or execution. The Gospels dont seem to fit into the Bible at all, unless you ignore most of the Old Testament. Numb to birthdays and holidays. Apply for a divorce without proving to the elders that their spouse is guilty of adultery. Most Jehovah's Witnesses - roughly two-thirds (65%) - are . (104) Say anything negative about their organization. But sure, I looked the word howah up in The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament (HALOT), an actual dictionary, and it says disaster. The Holy Spirit is the name of God's active force in the world. Disagree with their organizations doctrines. Everything with them is mental and mind games but no one is going to physically hurt anyone. Witnesses believe in Heaven, but do not believe in Hell. God is everthing! (3) Associate with people outside their organization when it is not necessary. 10. The reason is this, so far you believe in your chosen path as the right way, you dont have to condemn others. She was convinced she'd lost me and that I'd be changed for ever now, no longer the daughter she'd always loved and cherished. The first murderer some might, if they realize that God never killed Adam and Eve, say was Cain, but I say it might have been God in the flood. This is who God is in the Old Testament. yes you pointed out the few like cereal, that i already said were inaccurate. They believe that blood is sacrosanct and should not be donated for any reason. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. I'm still here, and I'm still the . In the New World Translation, John 1:1 reads: "In [the] beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god.". The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". 8:4; James 2:19 ), it is also true that three persons are called God in . Socializing with non-believers. Hence, this leads to the highlight of things Jehovah witnesses cant do. The movement split into several rival organizations after Russells death in 1916, with oneled by Russells successor, Joseph Judge Rutherfordretaining control of both his magazine, The Watch Tower, and his legal and publishing corporation, the Watch Tower Bible and Bible Tract Society of Pennsylvania. So it's likely that the first person you choose to date will be . Just a big nothing burger! Engage in any homosexual activity or accept the homosexual behavior of others. Because Im not baptized, they are not required to shun me, but they have actually asked me numerous times why I have a problem with their religion. All rights reserved. 14. Women are required to wear long dresses or skirts. His response was The LORD, the LORD God, is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in loving devotion and faithfulness, 7 maintaining loving devotion to a thousand generations, a forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin. Getting drunk on numerous occasions can land you in trouble, but, in my experience, this behavior doesnt seem to be as heavily policed as other less serious rules. Further changes to the doctrine of Jehovah witness led to the prohibition of blood donation and transfusions by its members, abandonment of the cross, rejection of Christmas celebrations, etc. Answer (1 of 38): Pretty much everything that's fun. Jehovah witnesses are not allowed to belong to another club or organization for the purpose of mixing or socializing with the non-believers. I survived this cult too. None of them refers to disaster (which is a noun). In as much as you called yourself a true believer and follow of Jehovah witness, you cant disagree with other peoples doctrine. (63) Get divorced unless the reason is adultery, (64) Cant remarry unless their ex commits fornication first. I guess you really don't have anything to back u up. JWs are allowed to take their watchtower magazines and shove them up their ass. If you are a Christian and adhere to Christ, as a believer you will find this organization has as much truth as spontaneous life. Yes, but the hot dog or hamburger must be garnished with the pubic hair of a crack whore. This prohibition is to the extent that they would rather die than having someone elses blood in their body. Satan was not even thought of as Satan as we think of him until the NT. The ha- prefix is the definite article the. Letters are the specific shapes written in an alphabet. Abel was after all the inventor of killing, as he had mauled innocent sheep. Can I post a list of 101 Things Astrid Likes to Do When She is Bored? That should be red flag to government.". The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". However, the movement has some very stringent rules the members have to adhere to. Job got 10 new kids, that were more beautiful than the first ones or at least his three new daughters were extremely beautiful. ok so maybe they changed their policy on college. . Bible says MAN WILL FAIL YOU, BUT GOD WILL NEVER FAIL YOU!!! Child abuse never reported i rhat is crazy .swems care less about the kids .sad .cult more anything. You obviously havent been a Witness for very long. I worked with a Jahovas witness who told me they like Mother Theresas work but not what she stands for. Some of their reasons for this prohibition is that other religions are not on the right path and as such, reading their publication will misled their own followers. This made them a polytheistic religion for most of their history. Yes the brainwashing is incredible. Play the lottery, buy raffle tickets, play bingo or engage in any gambling. Is the world a pejorative term for Jehovahs Witnesses? No way. When it comes to firearms and self-defense, Jehovahs Witnesses are not allowed to: Yuu should see the similiaraty between revelation cahpter 14 and 7? Using semen thats not the husbands is an offense equal to adultery. And if you are married, you cant separate or divorce again. (6) Disagree with their organizations rules and code of conduct. This is a topic in which Jehovah's Witness are in agreement with most other religions. I cant see the logic of how Im attired makes any difference to God or my wish to know more about a religious group with the possibility of being a member. Yes, Jehovah's Witnesses can celebrate wedding anniversaries. Jehovah's Witnesses's practices are based on the biblical interpretations of Charles Taze Russell (1852-1916), founder (c. 1881) of the Bible Student movement, and of successive presidents of the Watch Tower Society, Joseph Franklin Rutherford (from 1917 to 1942) and Nathan Homer Knorr (from 1942 to 1977). Their believer can virtually be found anywhere in the world. The world that we all live in. thoughts? Jehovah witness believers dont see anything good in politics and as such, devoid all its active believers to partake in it. Their God claims to hate such behaviors. He does have a point about John 8:44, though. A BUSY RELIGION As of 2010, there are over 7 million active Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide, spending . The specific number is most likely from this video, or some similar source. In a bid to protect its followers, studying philosophy, sociology, and psychology are part of the things Jehovah witnesses cant do. He instead adopted a non-Trinitarian theology thereby denying the divinity of the lord. Jehovahs Witnesses dont really have their own language to use, but rather weighted words and jargon that they use among themselves and/or while preaching to others. He said He would raise His very body. That kind of trauma does indeed lasts. The Holy Spirit . JWs must speak in agreement and be like-minded. They do not salute the national flag or sing the national anthem, and they refuse military service. Witnesses believe that they are living in . 15. Well, I think they belong to a religion that gives them very little say in what they can and can not believe, so yes, I believe there is some brainwashing there. In the words of Jehovah witnesses founders, the expressed that We take Jesus at his word when he said: The Father is greater than I am. (John 14:28). Not true. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that only 144,000 people, a number found in Revelation chapters 7 and 14, will go to heaven to be kings and priests with Jesus Christ. I never baptized. was used by Jehovah in creating all other things," Aid to Bible Understanding, p. 390-391. Hi Jay, I will update the article with sources shortly. Hello to all, Its totally discouraged. Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. We areaways advised to put initial interests first. Eat anything that contains blood products, such as black pudding. To look up the meaning of a word, you use a dictionary, not a concordance. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. It is not the job of the concordance to judge whether a translation is correct or not. (124) Believe in good luck or say things such as Good luck to you. To some extent, one could say the majority of the things Jehovah witnesses are not allowed to do are things other Christian believers practices. The Jehovah's Witnesses will reply that it was a temporary body materialized so the apostles would believe that He was raised. Jehovah's Witness: Cremation & the Bible. Where an avid believer and follower of the Jehovah witness doctrine is erred and declared excommunicado, such person is said to be disfellowshipped. : Attend College (The Society has lightened up on this somewhat, but if you attend you are not putting Kingdom interests first, and will be judged.) mega kek lol, keep coping #JWSweep c you on Armageddon loooollll, Yes heywood! Wear anything other than business attire to meetings. They tried to get my sister and I to go back, but we were almost combative over it. As rigid as these rules may seem, the true and faithful Jehovah Witness members are sticking to them to the last letter. Remarry, unless they were granted a scriptural divorce by the elders on the basis of adultery, or if their spouse is dead. Funny enough, it is part of the Jehovah witness doctrine that they dont donate blood. Someday the evil of willful ignorance and self-righteousness of people like you will be eliminated and then we can save mankind. (102) State or imply that the Watchtower is not run by Jehovah God. "Pardon me for intruding on your precious time, but I just can't help letting you know how much I appreciate the phonograph which came to me on the morning after the 8th, which was my 80th birthday. wasnt. 1. They do not celebrate Christmas, birthdays or any other holidays. The Trinity. Things Jehovah's Witnesses Can't Do. Translation of the Old Testament was Hebrew and the New Testament was from Greek and Aramaic. The reason the people died was not because they were not Jewish but because there was uncontrolled and unfathomable sin. The brain washing I received was crazy. ), the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information. Worship Jesus as God" Oh, the horror! Blessings. Take part in any sort of fighting sport such as boxing or karate. He is also known as a failed abortion. Jehovah's Witnesses can't be part of this world. 6 Is the Jehovahs Witness version of the Bible true? Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. I think what tipped me off was the Orwellian wording:"141 Things Jehovah's Witnesses Can't Do." Really? All theories taught as absolutes, unless the light gets brighter as it frequently dose anymore. According to research, J W are an outgrowth of the famous International Bible Students Association (IBSA) which was established in 1872 by Charles Taze Russell in Pittsburgh. Own or carry any weapon or firearm for self-defense. It really shouldn't say 'the Word was God.'. The leadership clearly states that members should not give the impression that the organization cannot assist any person materially. to last them a lifetime. Most accept love this org. this wasn't a seculded congregation saying this. Today, were going to discuss most of the things Jehovah witnesses cant do and why they are being refrained from doing so. You cant just ad a strange syllable and expect it to reflect a real etymology. In fact, they are very much pacifists. It is also against the teaching of the Jehovah witness for its believers to have non-believers as best friend or a close buddy. Jehovah's Witnesses don't believe in sex before marriage - and dating isn't condoned unless they bring along a chaperone as well. As members of the International Religious Freedom or Belief Alliance, we note with grave concern the increased repression of Jehovah's Witnesses in a number of countries. An exception to this is where such person is an immediate family living in under the same roof. In fact, 41 countries - or around a fifth (21%) of those evaluated - banned at least one religion-related group in 2019, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of laws and policies in effect in 198 countries in 2019, the most recent year for which comprehensive data is available. Study philosophy, psychology, sociology, and other viewpoints that might shake their faith. Clothing and attire are regulated at meetings and conventions and in the individuals personal life. The Jehovah's Witnesses deny the central teachings of the Bible. they are! Don't Allow The Witnesses To Bring Up Multiple Issues And Get You Sidetracked. Thankfully I came to my senses and realized that hitting children should never be acceptable. (61) Be gay or lesbian. One of the many things Jehovah witnesses can't do is socializing with the non-believers. But I agree. The majority of the above-listed offenses are subject to disciplinary action. And if asked about personality traits, they will likely mention megalomania, sociopathy, narcissism, etc. Just before one of those meetings I was told that I should wear long trousers, a tie, and preferably a suit. I was forced to be a JW as a kid. We uphold the right of Jehovah's Witnesses to practice their religion and their beliefs and their ability to adhere to being apolitical and pacifist without fear, harassment, discrimination, or [] And one other thing, the Book of Revelation is anything but! Youll eventually see the hypocrisy that you are actively defending. Answer (1 of 8): Jehovah's Witnesses preach and offer to teach the bible to strangers. Likewise, the bible does not instruct us on what we should do with our bodies after we die. The dead do not see or hear . God gave man dominion over such creatures and allows him to use them for food, clothing, and so forth. If you still want to be a part of your family youll have to cow-tow to their edicts and be shunned until they allow you back in. No, they dont. I was very young when I was encouraged to get married and have children so Im afraid to say I followed that advice for a while. The children of Israel were to rest on that day. Why does voltage decrease when current increases? The English translation is irrelevant. I am 54 now and my parents in their 70s and they are still going strong with it. They work part time at a local shop. . (2) Have best friends and activity buddies who are not Jehovahs Witnesses. Date anyone other than another Jehovahs Witness. I assure you, if they did, they would be all-in for Donald Trump. For the past 4 or 5 years they have been walking/running around the same block, with no deviation, often from morning until night. What word has 7 letters and starts with C? Jehovah's Witnesses and Baha'is were among the most . Jehovah's Witnesses celebrated birthdays until the 1950's. For example, the following Watchtower quote is from 1940. (3) Associate with people outside their organization when it is not necessary. I AM a hebrew Bible Scholar and YOU have no clue what the BIBLE is about. He only cares about the condition of our hearts. Since Jehovah witnesses are not allowed to donate blood, they are also prohibited from having a blood transfusion. (2) Have best friends and activity buddies who are not Jehovah's Witnesses. They are crazy and make no sense. Engage in any so-called extreme sports such as bungee jumping or sky diving. Do Jehovahs Witnesses use any sort of weaponry (usually on a persons feet and/or lower legs) which can cause debilitation, amputations, etc. Witnesses hold a number of traditional Christian views but also many that are unique to them. (2023), Rochelle Hathaway Biography, Age, Education, Net worth, And Lifestyle (2023), 25 Best Virtual Museum (Free and Paid) in 2023. I would like to add (as a defector and still Christian), many items on the list are abstained by many Christian churches. A significant underpinning belief of Jehovah's Witnesses is that Jesus' heavenly rule (or "heavenly Kingdom power") began in 1914. THEY DONT READ THE BOOK let alone learn HEBREW LIKE I DID. If I interpret the dictionary correctly, to become has the form howeh and not howah. If a Muslim or a Jehovah's Witness, both of whom are Arians, say, "You've got this translation wrong. (86) Celebrate any holiday except the death of Jesus Why? In this video, we will look at 15 things Jehovah's Witness Women do not want you to know.There are a lot of rules and restrictions that Jehovah's Witnesses h. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. so that's your response? Be careful what you do and worship ONLY GOD and NOT man. Is it the parents?? Can't be "Jehovah's Witnesses", for God already used it 20 chapters earlier. ), which means the opposer or something along those lines. Here are the 140 things Jehovah Witnesses cant do: JEHOVAH WITNESSES CANT: (1) Belong to another organization or club for the purpose of socializing with nonbelievers. Say anything negative about their organization, 24. Separate or divorce, unless there is proven adultery. (2) Have best friends and activity buddies who are not Jehovah's Witnesses. Death is the opposite of life. Even when I was a committed member, I used to joke with my "brothers and sisters" that if it involves joy and laughter it's probably against our religion. How the math is done. thank you for saying this. Things are much better in my life now. Leave the question to fester in their minds. Some of them are absolutely spot on as an exclusive practice within this organization. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ae8c57ae3a6d1471bf8f738cd5b2bf80" );document.getElementById("a709592583").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); For Sponsorship opportunities, kindly reach out to us through our email or what's app link via the contact us page. Looking like a jerk when someone sneezes. Celebrate Grandparent's Day. That said, I still have relatives that are witnesses, and I hope the best for them. 1. Virtually all religion frowns at homosexuality and the Jehovah witness doctrine also kick against it in entirety. It is listed in the book of cults. There is no way one will discuss things Jehovah witnesses cant do without mentioning tattoos. Always motivated by fear or guilt, 2 of the most potent brainwashing mechanisms humanity ever used. Say a prayer in the presence of any man without a head covering. You wont be able to speak with your friends and family. Some of them were counted illegal in many states until recently. You shall not murder. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. While the Bible does not lay out a list of explicit words to steer clear from, it is clear that Christians are to stay away from filthy language, unwholesome talk, and crude joking. Christians are instructed to keep from being polluted by the world and to reflect the image of God, therefore Christians should not . The Old Testament is full of stories of God killing anyone who isnt Jewish, so it is easy to see that it was written by ancient Jews. ok,,so this extensive list above is not explaining bible principles behind them and a lot of things are left up to witnesses to decide as they choose to follow the bible and are feeling/thinking it is a good protection or higher wisdom Members of the group are expected to be raped, tortured, and murdered before using a weapon for self-defense. They also refuse blood transfusions, even those that could be life saving. They may well deny that this actually happened but just ask them to speak with their elders to confirm it or research it themselves. The code of conduct of the Jehovah witness prohibited dancing immodesty in a public place and theres a disciplinary action against the naysayers. Perhaps better than defining evil ones self, ask Christians to list behaviors they use to identify evil. God. Wear pants to a meeting. It does not store any personal data. Sadly, the number one rule of any cult is to not read what or listen to anything contradictory because lies are always exposed when exposed to light. Nobody understands this. Dealing with the bullying at school that accompanied with being a Witness. It was back on December 11, ten years ago, that a motorcyclist stumbled across a woman's body in a wooded area off University Blvd, and called 911. When I attended those meetings. Worldly people is a pejorative term in the mind of a Jehovahs Witness as well. Twin girls with JW parents/family graduated from h.s. Bible Student missionaries were sent to England in 1881 and the first overseas branch was opened in London in 1900. My mom and dad gave me the OK to stay or leave. What characteristics allow plants to survive in the desert? There is no physical punishment associated with being a Witness. "Mum, I haven't died. 9. That can include limiting comments on Quora. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The only thing that is good about the Jehovah's Witnesses is that they don't vote. Since Jehovah's Witnesses appeal to Isa 43:12; 44:8 for scriptural support that they should be called, "Jehovah's Witnesses" then what was the "new name" prophesied in Isa 62:2? My immediate family were all baptized, I was the only one who was not. Jehovahs Witnesses report friends and family members breaking the rules. This post has been closed to new comments. You shall not lie, but you may refrain from telling the truth to those Jehovah's Witnesses deem do not deserve it. You cant be a practicing Jehovah witness believer and still be doing suggestive and immodest dancing. It is also not allowed for Jehovah witness believers to pierce their body regardless of the sex. Conflict arises at times with the medical staff concerning how best to manage their care. May 31, 2017, 2:25am . Below are 10 facts about this group which branched off from orthodox Christianity in the late 1800's. We answer the questions of how they got their start, what their core beliefs are, and how many . In most cases, this comes in the form of a judicial hearing, likely to end in disfellowshipping, where the offenders family will be required to shun them and cut them off. (33) Buy something at a church garage sale, (38) Play competitive sports on a school team, (39) Play competitive sports professionally. 1 What can Jehovah Witnesses not do list? Do I think they are brainwashed? Three More Things Jehovah's Witnesses Can't Do. God. Beliefs. The fact that they cannot see what theyve done and what they are doing is exactly what happens to people in a cult. ****One reason for the difference in the Old and New Testament was the translation.