Theoretically, the slide safety could be accidentally disengaged in your holster rendering a cocked and locked 1911 significantly more susceptible to a ND when drawn given the user didnt know the safety was disengaged. No permits needed, no interference from the State. No safety needs to include a stiff, lengthy trigger pull, like the LC9, or a DA revolver. Dave: And the 1911 series 80 fits into that category. So you think youre perfect look in the mirror clown I am not trying to get an A here I really wonder if you can shoot at all like getting rounds on the target I think I hurt your feelings again wha what wha. Or remembering faulty? People who dont carry with a round in the chamber have no training. People that just cant accept what someone else wants to do compared to what they feel is best for them smacks of their insecurity. Gunfights can happen that fast. Well, its nice to know Im negligible. Kaboom he shot himself as he sat there at the dinner table. Carrying A Glock With One In The Chamber. And you should be, too. In a holster made for the gun you carry, making sure its unobstructed is a quick check. Heres a link to it. . Your taste is in your ass., Your brains (what little you have) are in your ass. Perfect for everyday carry, the compact Glock 43 is a popular concealed carry option chambered in 9mm. Um, Smith & Wesson doesnt use a transfer bar, they use a hammer block. But now I get 18! And it will ALWAYS stay in its holster right? Mine, of course, is in the latter, and it's held up well to a lot of shooting. Correct. I carry with a round chambered in my autoloading handguns. De nada. Being a klutz is one thing. Just the easier reloading of the old Ruger 3 screw models (or any other regular types like the Colt SAA) vs the new ones, makes up for that one extra round, at least IMO. He thinks one big long post thats all one sentence is not a mistake. The odds are not in favor of the added time it takes to try and chamber a round, let alone the stress of a real situation. For myself I carry an HK P30sk with the double action hammer in the down position and the manual safety on. And in my opinion , and this would be scary, Id bet my draw and cock against the draw rack the slide anytime. . (I dont think any of us are going to try to pocket carry a 1911 or a Glock 17.). 1) either way you do it it takes Training, 2) ya silly ass might forget to flip the safety an fire so there is you 3 seconds, 3) the bullet may not fire, in which case you have to chamber anyway. If the pin has enough mass, it will fire the round, chambered or not, hammer blocked or not, trigger pulled or not, out-of-battery safeties, etc. When the time comes that you actually need your carry weapon things are going to happen really fast. Introduced in 2012, the Shield is thinner and lighter than the M&P Compact and features an improved trigger. I actually think thats worth a healthy debate and article all on its own. Jun 4, 2009. this aint 1902 with a Colt .38 Long primitive revolver and you probably aint riding a horse in pursuit of cattle thieves. Try it with any style sidearm. so the theory still stands, if you dont want a negligent discharge, dont be negligent. Each brand-new model enhanced the pistol and its functions. I dont have to hit a bypass cause its cocked, or turn off a safety, just pump and fire. Clearly not enough to train for scenarios where chambering a round can be life or death. And, it actually impeded officers ability to hit a target. The Glock handgun is the favored pistol of law enforcement agencies worldwide. Concerning long guns that are stored for home defense, I think that "cruiser ready" is the ideal state of readiness for rifles or shotguns. Glocks have a trigger pull of 5-1/2 to 6 pounds. I can cycle the bolt almost as fast as I can take the safety off, even when I stepped on a black bear who was sleeping under a downed tree. Lol. Well, now, lets analyze this a bit deeper, shall we? You can get a lockbox for $50 or less from Amazon or from most hardware stores. Because they have no external safety, Glocks are quicker to draw and fire. He has earned black belts in four martial arts and is a certified Krav Maga instructor. I carry "Mexican" and don't want to end up like Plaxico Burress. Ive been known to knock over a glass of milk , spill my coffee down my chin , have people toot their horn at me from time to time , you get my point . Are you my mother? We were assured that; were working on it. The guns must of been 1911s or Browning HPs or similar SA only. If the slide goes back far enough to be out of battery, then the gun will just fire out of battery. While millions of Americans keep and/or bear GLOCKs and GLOCK-like striker-fired pistols without mishap, mishaps do sometimes occur.Let's face it: the average gun owner has lousy trigger discipline. In order to fire, the pin needs to be hit hard enough to continue forward, past the point of contact with the hammer, and then into the primer. I am lacking a rapier and main gauche though so maybe not ready for the six fingered man. THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY AND ONLY ONE WAY TO CARRY A GLOCK SAFELY AND THAT IS WITH AN EMPTY CHAMBER PERIOD AND THERE CAN BE ZERO ARGUMENT ABOUT THAT IF YOU ARE STILL IN CONTROL OF YOUR MENTAL FACULTIES AND NOT LIVING IN A NARCISSISTIC FANTASY WORLD OF GLOCK UTOPIA. In fact, when applying for a gun permit in Israel, self-defense is not an acceptable reason to get a gun. Much the less wish to discuss the merits of hammer mounted versus frame mounted firing pins, or the S&W design of using a rebound slide instead (my favorite design). Perfect analogy. Usually I just get to see Colt SAAs with 16 chamber cylinders. Now getting older, I have trouble with body positions for competitions, so I dont enter very many club competitions anymore. Being an *untrained* klutz is something entirely different. Seattle is like a miniature version from a driving perspective. When suddenly a rabbit rushes out of the brush, I sometimes forget to switch off the safety. The answer is "yes." Milliseconds count. The best line of all time is Dirty Harrys. THAT is a significant, even dangerous, error to be stating as fact. It is a compact pistol that is chambered in 9mm and is designed for concealed carry. you roll the dice. Just old school geeze, too used to doing the hard chit the same way, but it worked for me. Dont you dare break the three rules of safe gun handling. My opinion. Glock originally designed the gun with an exposed hammer and their marketing agent said are you joking no one in their right mind would buy such an unsafe weapon because they can see that the hammer is cocked back. First a 5906, then a PPK/S for 20 years. In practice? Appendix carry, when performed with the right holster and a trained hand, is perfectly safe, and that includes your Glock 19 handgun. One of the interesting things about that is I can (after clearing) dry fire repeatedly and get a rough visual about how much the aim point moves depending on my grip and finger position. Just saying. Note the flat(ish) hammer. Make that line above into: a solution in search of a problem. A forum community dedicated to Glock Pistol owners and enthusiasts. Not much difference really. Will again once they are old enough to figure out crapping ones pants is a bad idea. I got to 8 feet off the floor and a Series-70-style 1911 clone would not ignite the primer. I turn it into the five gun question instead. A S&W Model 329. Both have pros and cons the secret is you must be well versed to bringing your gun up to the level of lethal quickly. . My Taurus Millenium G2, basically a glock with a safety, same thing, actions are needed to make it fire. Thats why the old timers carried them on an empty chamber. You've only seen one page. What you are overlooking is the odds. I left it in my series 80, but a gunsmith can easily remove it if desired. And we all make mistakes. PS: I have never had an ND with my EDC G23 chamber loaded these past 22 years. What an idiot libtard if you have a gun you get good at handling it stay with your BB gun, Mad says, What an idiot libtard if you have a gun you get good at handling it stay with your BB gun. Subscribe and receive the latest information on GLOCK products and more. Picture if I was to just strike a primer laying on a hard surface, with a hand held hammer, manually. If my chamber is empty, I obviously increase the chances that my gun wont be useful when needed, but I also reduce the chance of a ND caused by a minor in my care. Same mental disability, but different symptoms. When the term "loaded" means a round in the chamber and you need to carry, either open carry or concealed, with an unloaded gun, training to be faster with your draw will be very important. The Glock 26 Gen 4 weighs approximately 25 ounces with a loaded magazine. Next, there was some discussion about GLOCKs. #5. Pray the gay away gov. On Firefox for my Linux machine it even goes right to the place on the page I was when I saved. So yes, its completely safe. If anybody could advise me, I'd be grateful. Still chambered in 9mm, the G19 measures 7.28-inches in total length. Unfortunately, some may not and I have no idea which do and which do not. When something becomes familiar, inattention and negligence become more likely. Sometimes I ask a question. Some might even have second strike capability, which is the real holy grail. So the trigger pull is utterly irrelevant *if* you are paying attention to your firearm which you should be doing, again, with *any* firearm. There are lots of better choices out there than the glock. Again, carrying with an empty chamber isnt wrong, but it just isnt quite right. SOME of these guns (Ruger, Rough Rider, IWI, Freedom Arms, Linebaugh) have transfer bar safeties and thus can be carried fully loaded. I would hope that all semi-auto handguns have some sort of striker/firing-pin block that absolutely prevents detonation from dropping the pistol. The first click is there so the hammer isnt resting on the cartridge. Amen brother. Height: 5.4. As long as you use some sort of holster that covers the trigger, and keep your finger out of the trigger area, leave the 19 in the holster, unless its needed, you wont have a problem. At Incognito Concealment, we're confident we have the right holster for you. In non service activities, all occurred either nearly cheek to cheek, face to face, or less than 3 ft. when chit went south, and it happens so fast, Id bet few if any pro operators could rack then stack em A true DAO trigger that has as much chance of going off in a pocket, or other ND, as a DA revolver does. Its decocker is better than a thumb safety. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. Same here. How often do you train your driving abilities? Because there are a lot of areas where carrying a firearm will bite you if you cant get it right. Said every one of the people who later came to suffer from glock leg. Learn your own weapon and try not to drop it, the last thing you do might be a good catch. 1:43:08-1:43:32. I carry a LC9, no problem. These arent exactly the most concealable guns out there. I carry a 5 shot .357 magnum revolver a good deal of the time. Is really shouldnt be that hard. The finger does not go in the trigger guard until Im ready to fire. Repeatedly doing the same thing is training, because it becomes habit. uncommon_sense: I would hope that, by now, you know whether or not the handgun you actually OWN has a firing pin safety. Come on, Gov, you know better than that. My AR is half loaded with the mag in but unchambered. Nope. Sykes wrote their highly influential book, " Shooting To Live," based on their experiences with the Shanghai Police Department. Yep, if you havent actually ever been in a gunfight before you can shut the f#*k up about what or how I carry. I dont expect hardware (or software) to compensate for a persons stupidity, as opposed to the opinion of many other people who think it should. But still a nice catch. The priming compound could care less WHAT hits it, so long as the blow has sufficient energy to activate the explosive charge in the primer, it will detonate. Beyond being "The Original" Glock, which won the company favor with the Austrians then the world, the Glock G17 is arguably the most popular Glock pistol model on the planet.. There are more and complicated details about the Israeli attitude (prohibition) of self-defense, but the point is that the Israeli system may work for the IDF, but not for you. I suggest a CZ 75 D PCR, in 9mm. Those who scream that everybody who doesnt think exactly like them, pick the same options as them, etc., are dumb for not recognizing that they are perfection itself, are just more of the loads of SJW types out for attention by putting everything and everybody down, to make themselves feel a bit better about not having a life. For me I often carry without one in the chamber, like when I am in the woods doing stuff. I keep hearing the words with proper training, like that is the Holy Grail! the safety doesnt enter into it. OMG I love those old Fractured Fairy Tales shows! Have you ever negligently failed to check your blind spot and cut someone off on the freeway? Just do what you are comfortable/confident with and what is best for your individual personal situation. My Ruger LCP is carried with one chambered, and in a pocket holster that covers the trigger. A lot of guns, particularly the early revolvers, were considered too dangerous to carry with a loaded chamber . DA/SA make the most sense to me. Certified Glock Armorer, Colt Armorer, FN Armorer, Beretta Armorer, Smith and Wesson revolvers Armorer. OH NO! . Negligence or stupidity, flip the coin on word choice. Each new design improved the handgun and its features. and self styled know it alls. In a way, the GLOCK trigger is similar to a double action revolver trigger. Thats a bunch of bologna written by writers who know nothing about guns. The most common objection was something is better than nothing (or words to that effect). This also means that if the firing pin somehow gets enough inertia to hit the primer, from some other source than the hammer (whatever that source might be), and then the round in front of the pin suddenly ceases motion, the firing pin will continue forward into the round anyway, no matter what the hammer, trigger, barrel, or etc, do. Stop all AR-15 and AR-10 calibers with this RTS Tactical level 3+ Armor Kit. The hammer snagged on a branch, and he shot his horse (he was twisted by the tree). The reason that the Israelis carry with an empty chamber is because Israel does not have a concept of self defense. (Take that, NYPD!) It made me feel extremely uncomfortable. I got them after watching the best experts I know of, champions, and their green light review. Of course my Smith .38 has EVERY chamber with a round in it. Its your right to be retarded. I have been a revolver guy my whole life, and just switched to a Glock 19 after getting two days of excellent training and realizing I could shoot the Glock better (to say nothing of more copiously) than my old Detective Special. Ive been carrying mine daily for five years and will continue to carry it as long as I can. But as Sam has pointed out, one needs to practice and I have. I carry with one in the chamber but you choose not to. You cant just twitch and accidentally shoot one. Quick easy to access and small enough for the P365, a spare magazine, and a small 300 Lumen Tac Light. With any decent holster you will be fine. I carry my Jericho the same way. It is also popular for law enforcement and for use as a backup weapon. Or even sex. With only six on tap anyway, whats one less? While the bad guy is picking up the decoy gun and trying to shoot you with it, you draw your real piece with a round loaded. Then I chambered a round. When the handgun is retrieved, the mag is shoved in and the gun is ready to fire. If the trigger safety is not depressed, the trigger will not move rearwards and allow the pistol to fire. Pray the opponent was just carrying a Taser and not a knife. Various firearms but could go to dagger, spear, sword and buckler, longsword, or smallsword if for some reason one of those seemed like a good idea. Glocks have a blade in the trigger that is very light so that if the pistol is dropped, the inertia of the fall will not pull the trigger ( as the pistol is partially cocked). Why would you do that more in a Glock than in *any other firearm*? Just not for me. oh yeahuhcarry what you like guys. I once owned 12 of them. Or would it it take more movement of the slide to do that before an impact could trigger potential discharge? Hell, Colt still makes the Single Action Army. Ive carried in condition one for nearly 25 years. I still dont get any notifications that someone has replied to any of my comments. If a person was going to leave a gun in Condition 3, they had better practice loading and firing the pistol, because not doing so just might get them killed. Running this way I am even more vigilant about how I handle the gun. But do suggest they make more of them and lower the price for us plebes. As a matter of fact in an extreme emergency you could carry the HK with no holster and in your pocket or even waist band but if you did the same thing with a Glock you would quickly blow your balls off in short order. A few weeks went by & I realized I was safe. People that just cant accept what someone else wants to do compared to what they feel is best for them smacks of their insecurity.. Considering the capabilities of the average glock owner, in front of the muzzle is likely the safest place to be. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. I cant believe this is even a subject for discussion. But the real benefit is in the noise. He thinks. Not a hard and fast rule. It was called Fractured Fairy Tales, The difference between you and me is I am real you live in a virtual reality world oh and btw dummy they dont call it Glock perfection for nothing, Your rants always remind me of that long ago cartoon show. The 1911 has a grip safety as well as a thumb safety. The Glock trigger is too light and too short to be safe. Folks need to do what they are comfortable with though. Not an appreciable amount of time. So you are in reality arguing that if someone makes a *negligent mistake*, the Glock is more likely to discharge than another firearm. Kind of like Youtube is determined to censor everything but SJWs and cat videos. Let the one with no traffic tickets throw the first stone. The Israelis do it because they had to come up with a training procedure that worked for all their soldiers, including those that dont know which is the end that goes bang. I think five guns is the bare minimum, and thats how I always answer the one gun question. Sound off in the comments! Learn what it means to have muscle memory. The Sig 320 problem was that it had an internal block but dropping (or smacking it with a hammer) could make the trigger move to disengage the firing pin block. That being said, I also carry a M&P 9mm with one in the chamber. I assume it had something to do with its mechanics. The 43 chambered for the 9x19 cartridge, along with its immediate predecessor the .380 caliber Model 42, were not the . To each their own, and god speed, The first gunm I packed was a SA .22 with a half cock safety and I loaded all the holes, then I went DA but cocked it most of the I got in a habit of cocking the hammers Then I went to auto pistols and just never did trust that hammer sticking up so I carry them with one in the chamber on half cock. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'guntradition_com-leader-2','ezslot_6',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-guntradition_com-leader-2-0');All this comes from an old incident within the New York City Police Department. Agreement. More : Glocks are safe to carry with a loaded chamber as long as they are carried in a . or not. This is why. Whats the controversy? And that is the key to any methodology, simply having the proper training. Training is nothing more than repetition. I think they heard how bad its getting over here and want to provide a better place to be, so that TTAG will be left with nothing but trolls and snowflakes. No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. P.T. Does the gun have a external safety, or is it internal. Yes, you're being silly. And an unloaded weapon does you no good if/when you need it. I always wanted to see in a western someone who knew he was about to get into a gunfight slip that 6th round into his Colt SAA. PS: There was a 12 yo kid recently that subdued an attacker with a common socket wrench after Dad missed 39 times with a pistol. This subject is DOA just like the OP. Glocks are designed with internal safety features to prevent accidental discharge. My Glock 23 is fully loaded, and no problems at all, even with the 3.5 connector in it that lightens the trigger pull a bit. Glock came up with this and called it the 'Glock Safe Action Trigger'. Notice if the trigger is ever depressed. Im not interested in Israeli carry of a firearm. I have yet to find a dumb ass vaccine. You always have time to do that. Do u know what the 21 foot rule is? But that would be true for almost ANY gun that didnt have a manual safety engaged. OFC, most people would rather just follow the herd, but that isnt reasonable, logical, nor wise. If you did not realize the design is dangerous, you would not have spent so much time belaboring the obvious. You just have to get comfortable with it. OthersI just didnt think about and for some pretty good reasons. I carried a 1911 for awhile and the duty holsters made for 1911s have the retaining strap that goes across the back of slide, which also blocks the hammer from firing pin. The list of pistols that have a drop safety to prevent the gun from going off unintentionally when impacted is quite long you need to look no further than any of the handguns allowed in the . I find myself walking around with my hips thrust foward, flinching away from the gun. What youre proposing is more, Are glocks, or other strikers without safeties, truly safe?. If something else provides that energy to the pin, the primer wont care whether its in a chamber or not. These Glocks have been beat to death and not once has the gun " fired " without some sort of trigger manipulation. I have four (4) SA revolvers. I carried it un-chambered for a few weeks till I was comfortable. I hope r.i.p is on your tombstone if you fail in a confrontation. I can raise and lower the bolt slowly in complete silence. Most cap and ball revolvers have carry notches between the nipple notches. How often are you drinking a glass of milk, or spilling coffee, or having a horn tooted at you while actually handling or holstering your firearm? Anything is possible, which is why the smart move is to play to the best probabilities. I now carry without it, with one in the pipe. In a prima facie, on-paper, in-theory sense, thats true. Well your odds of dying of heart disease is about a thousand times more likely than dying from a criminal attack, so, maybe something to think about. Let's dive into the depths of insanity when it comes to concealed carry myths. Those stances, their great for cops and competition but IMO bot so great in a gunfight up close. It completely wraps the pistol in hard plastic so there is no chance of anything flexing into the trigger guard. It worked before. You can conceal the Glock 43 comfortably and discretely in a Galco leather holster like the . In my own case I carry a gun because ITS MY GODDAMN RIGHT and being prepared for the defense of my life is a purely secondary concern. to all you sanctimonious what iffers and self styled know it alls out there: If you liked this article, you might be interested in one I wrote all about Glocks Safe Action System. Here's video that GLOCK produced that explains the trigger safety. plan A: have an empty gun you throw onto the ground to start the action. Which gets me to this. If dropped, the hammer could contact the primer and therefore, fire. But youll likely carry for years and years, manipulating said weapon an uncountable number of times in the process. And I do not carry them ever. Modern revolvers (Smith & Wesson, Taurus, Ruger, Kimber) have transfer bar safeties and as such theres no need to mention it.. 1911s are traditionally carried empty chamber (probably a bad idea) or cocked and locked: hammer cocked and slide mounted safety engaged. Thats all Colt added to the series 80, the internal firing pin block. The fact remains, we are always training. the department said it was the pistols fault. Its just not for me, especially as I get into my golden years. The Glock Gen 4 and Gen 5 models have actually ended up being popular with civilians and self-defense shooters alike. Im a mommy-frelling ballerina with a pickem up truck towing. I've never been to the range with you and I know . A GLOCK is a striker fired pistol with about a 5.5-pound OEM trigger pull that has incorporated into the trigger--in the form of a lever--and when it is engaged blocks the trigger from moving rearward. You may need your weak side arm to hold an attacker at bay while you draw, etc. However, that may be the reason I carry a revolver, but the reason I carry a gun (as I said) is because ITS MY GODDAMN RIGHT. The Glock 17M and Glock 19X are two designs with Gen 5 features. Two motions will always be quicker than four, unless one can somehow arrange to do all four simultaneously. It is generally safe to carry a Glock with a round in the chamber, as long as the user follows proper handling and safety protocols. However, with an unchambered semi-auto, that may be a more credible concern. What is your birthday including time and birth location? Glock 23 Handgun. What Glock Is Most Used By Law Enforcement; Who Makes The Glock 22 They said that it was the fault of Glocks having a super light trigger. Somewhat different than in rural MS tho, speaking as one who attended a full auto shoot at a local range about a month ago. Your family is worth it. . I couldve even been Ken again, like I was here years ago. I dont condemn those who carry a striker with one in the chamber. Place your loaded, chambered G19 into the holster (not attached to your belt). and so as to keep continuity in their mindset they keep that same gun on the headboard at night with no round in the chamber so that there wont be any confusion The gunfight at the end was pretty good otherwise, but at one point Costner gets 16 shots out of his Colt SAA without reloading. Thats when I started looking for a better way. Please consider creating a . Have you ever negligently turned down the wrong way of a one way street? The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. IMO, anyway. link to What is a Pistol Caliber Carbine. It takes a dedicated squeeze of the finger. Human brains arent too sure of themselves, and if an expected result does not occur, our brain responds by doing the action again, just to make sure it did it the first time. Even in that highly unlikely scenario, the gun would likely kill them anyway, even without going off, by blunt trauma alone. If one wishes to carry sans a round in the chamber. Almost as good as a ball peen hammer. This is not remotely comparable to carrying a semiauto with an empty chamber, where the slide must be racked to make the gun ready to fire. Length: 7.3. Because if youre smart enough to be worried about a Glock short trigger and trigger safety, youre probably smart enough to know you need to train so that your trigger finger is never in the trigger until the sights are on target, and you take the time to inspect your holster for obstructions before holstering or unholstering. I agree about the Colt SAA. Some extras, just in case one breaks? Ive committed all those errors and I grew from them. The engineer who designed a take down system whereby the slide has to be forward and you have to pull the trigger must have on that day tripped out on LSD. Guns in my bigger safe are in condition 3 (AR rifles and defensive shotguns), except for my SAA revolvers are empty as I dont consider them as a defensive weapon (my hunting rifles and shotguns are empty too), mainly because both have 8 1/2 barrels and were used for silhouette shooting when I was younger. Five years ago I reviewed the Glock 43, the second pistol in Glock's "Slimline" series of thin grip pistols. Save Share. Never happened yet I would rather shoot myself in the leg but still be in fight than have bad guy shoot me because I didnt have a chambered round. Second, they also trained. The firearm entered Austrian military and police service by 1982 after becoming the top performer in reliability and safety tests.. Glock pistols have become the company's most profitable line of products, and have been supplied to . So in 2019, are you telling a revolver carrier to carry only 4 bullets instead of five?? Glocks are designed with internal safety features to prevent accidental discharge. Glocks are completely safe handguns even though they dont have external safety. The practice of empty chamber carry continued with the introduction of magazine-fed, semi-automatic pistols. We have lots more on the site to show you. in the 20th and 21st centuries, empty chamber is just retarded. People are going to make mistakes but when you design a tool as unsafe as the Glock its not a maybe they will have an accidental discharge its a fking fact that sooner or later they will. Second Amendment to the US Constitution, "Get yourself a Glock and lose that nickel plated sissy pistol." Some of these points were deliberately avoided for reasons Ill get into. I am pretty tired of people telling me how to handle my weapons. Safe and ready when I am. Excuse me, but the inventor of the Linebaugh cartridges and custom gunsmith in Powell Wyoming is JOHN Linebaugh. Not exactly. If I have to carry a compact, its a DA only with no safety or one with the safety off.