This can be a great way to see new places while getting paid for it! Buy this book and dig in. Stan King does a terrific job of telling it like it is in the aircraft maintenance profession. He talks about the salary of aviation mechanics, the positives and negatives of the career, the dangers, etc. Since I still had my copy I thought well I'll give it a second chance. I started reading it again a few days ago and now I have to admit after looking this book over its very helpful at just how good its written in terms of breaking down the career and also the fact that it explains in depth where everyone can understand with out the author talking down to the reader. var day=mydate.getDay() Sincetraining to bean aviation mechanic directly involvesthe airworthiness of the aircraft,there are certain requirements thatneed to be met beforebeing eligible for the FAA certification. This literally keeps pilots and passengers safe in the air and can save their lives. This is the best book about being an aviation mechanic I have found. Im 21 and have always worked dead end jobs since I graduated high school. Working hands-on on complex and exciting aircraft. Here are some following cons to keep in mind as you decide whetherthisis right for you. I can tell you what you want to know. The way the book is written is kind of like a reference manual where I think it would have been more enjoyable if he would of loosened up a bit when writing it. Even though the colleges will never tell you this, you might not need a license to work on airplanes. Don't be a dummy! 2023 SPARTAN COLLEGE OF AERONAUTICS AND TECHNOLOGY. For only $27 you will learn everything you need to know about working in aviation. I've already made up my mind to start working as an aircraft mechanic, and the advice in this book is really going to help me avoid some of the challenges. This book has many chapters about the process of becoming an aircraft mechanic that are required reading before choosing the career. There are a few drawbacks to consider if you want to pursue, . Positives of this section of the book: Explains what a lot of new mechanics will go through and how to avoid some of the pitfalls. This book is called the "truth about working in aviation" - if you like airplanes or helicopters and want to work on them pick this book up now! They need to know about the different systems and components in an aircraft and how they interact with each other. I get to work with my hands, fixing and maintaining the machines that allow people to fly. The last one I responded too was the first time I had seen the Helite or even heard of it. var month=mydate.getMonth() This does not mean that you cannot have a good career working in aviation, it means that greedy corporations in aviation are no different than greedy corporations in any other field. The following guide can help you understand the steps you should take to, c, and both the pros and the cons of pursuing, , there will be a significant need for new, aircraft maintenance technicians in the next two decades. Accept And now whenever someone asks me these questions I just point them to this book. The only negative Id say is that I did disagree with him on a few issues, but like he says in the book everyones situation is different. I make even more if I work over my normal time. I think Stan king did a great job discussing the career. Benefits of Being an Aircraft Mechanic. From training to be a pilot to becoming anaviationelectronics technician, there are countless ways that a person can become involved with aeronautics. I soon learned why I was answering these same questions over and over, again and again. So,youvedecided to train to be anaircraft mechanic. "Should I got to school for an A&P license?" Airlines train. Airlines don't exist to fly people to their destinations safely. Most people are clueless when it comes to all of the systems and components that make them fly. document.write(""+montharray[month]+" "+daym+", "+year+""). There are a bunch of mechanic jobs out there but you cant just go and get one. The video about how to get a free A&P license is great and after reading you will know how the system works and you can save $ by 1) not having to spend all that $ in school and 2) gaining the experience you need while getting your license. But at least now I know that I can become an aircraft mechanic if i want to. I havent found a job yet, but I have emailed a few places and there are some spots available. I also found myself answering these questions almost every day. I constantly recommend this book to others that ask me about my job. There are many reasons that pursuing training in this field is a smart thing to do. of aircraft mechanics in the United States earned around $37,890 per year. var daym=mydate.getDate() Excellent resource if youre thinking about this career. Fact #5: Only some will have a high-paying career in aviation. After all, becoming an aircraft mechanic takes time and money. There are many factors to consider whenthinking about training tobecomeanaircraft mechanic. I had decided to do some more research online and everywhere I turned I kept running into The Aircraft Mechanic. Here are five reasons why aircraft mechanic could be the right career for you: 1. Aircraft mechanics have high earning potential in their jobs. Is Becoming an Aircraft Mechanic Worth It. I've already ordered 2 more copies to give to my younger brothers. There are a few drawbacks to consider if you want to pursuetrainingas anaircraft mechanic. Negatives: I wish it would have been longer, even though there's tons of info in the book. If you don't want to know the dirty secrets about working in aviation, then don't read this book. One is that the work can be physically demanding, and sometimes dirty and noisy. If you like airplanes and want to work on them this book covers all the topics. From performing routine maintenance to troubleshooting complex problems, mechanics always have something new to keep them challenged. Makes you realize there's a lot to think about any career but especially aircraft related careers. Also, this is not just a book it's 2 books and a video on how to get an A&P certificate without going to college. If it wasn't for this book I would never have even known to look for a job. I bought The Aircraft Mechanic for my son because he was talking about working on helicopters. Most people automatically assume that you have to go to college. When youtrain tobecome anaircraft mechanic, therecould beroom to grow in the fieldas you gain experience. - Don Eastman, Oklahoma City, OK Once you know the truth about this career and the money that can be made, I can almost guarantee that your whole perception of the aviation career field will be turned upside down. He was so happy when I gave it to him and he talked about it for weeks. Out of all the websites I have went through online I could find no other book like "The Aircraft Mechanic", and as I went through some of those websites I realized that there was not much in them that King had not already written about. It turns out you can get a job and start making money first, and then get the certification later. I am the creator of The Aircraft Mechanic materials. However, after reading the book a couple of times over a couple of months and really thinking deeply about the content, and finding myself not only referring back to it, but also recommending it to friends, I now realize the banner isn't a claim, but is a credible statement. A Good Aircraft Mechanic Always Communicates One of the biggest aspects of the aviation maintenance industry is communication. A mechanic who holds an A&P License is certified to inspect, perform, or supervise maintenance of aircraft and aircraft systems. If you are interested in becoming an aircraft mechanic, it's very important that you know the requirements for the job. program like the one offered at Spartan College, not only for the aviation industry, but you'll also develop skills that will prepare you to work in a variety of. There were no books, videos, or online resources that provided a clear answer to any of these questions. So why do I do it? Most of these blogs and forums tell you very basic information. At the beginning of my work experience I spent 2 years working retail for Target. So is becoming an aircraft mechanic worth it? I was most wanting to know how much money I could make as a mechanic like I'm sure most people are and the chapters in the book went over everything I needed. There are many pros and cons of being an aircraft mechanic. I have also read almost every blog and website on the subject. mechanics is expected to increase over the next two decades. Don't even think about a career in aviation before you read this book. So why become an aircraft mechanic? I had planned to go to college, but so far I havent been able to go. The positives of these chapters: Told me everything I needed to know about having a career as an aircraft mechanic. I bought this book because we're reading it in college, and it is for the most part detailed and accurate. Don't guess if an aviation career is right for you. Do Hands-On Work For people who enjoy doing work with their hands, training to be an aircraft mechanic could be ideal. } else if (window.location.href.indexOf("international-brotherhood-of-teamsters") > -1) { The schools are only concerned with getting you through the door, so you can start paying them tuition. I almost immediately asked for a refund and after I got my money back I pretty much forgot about the book. In other words, I didnt know anything about this career. I was afraid that it would cost a lot of money to go to school but he tells you how to get a job as an mechanic without going to school at all. Well, apparently there are a good number of girls that work as mechanics so thats good if youre a girl like me:). then this one is the perfect present for every dad, mom, wife, or Aircraft Mechanic husband, it makes the best fathers day, mothers day, student graduate, or reHvacment choice "I Hate Being Sexy But I'm a Aircraft Mechanic" is a great design for work, university, family reunions, or any holiday parties! The book is about the aircraft mechanic career - how to become an aircraft mechanic, what it's like in the career, how to get an A&P license. Ifyou'reanaircraft mechanicwho wants to do something new professionally, you'll already have similar training under your belt especially if youre interested in other maintenance industries or professions.