Section 40:55D-96 - Exceptions, permitted, Section 40:55D-97 - Submission of storm water management plan, ordinances; approval, Section 40:55D-98 - Grants for preparation of storm water management plans, Section 40:55D-99 - Technical assistance and planning grants for municipalities from counties and county planning agencies and water resources associations, Section 40:55D-101 - Legislative findings and declarations, Section 40:55D-103 - Manufactured homes on land with title in owner, Section 40:55D-104 - Prohibition of use by municipal agency of discriminatory development regulations to exclude or restrict, Section 40:55D-105 - Review and approval of development regulations by municipal agency; determination of mobile home parks as means of affordable housing, Section 40:55D-106 - Trailers; inapplicability of act, Section 40:55D-107 - Historic preservation commission, Section 40:55D-108 - Historic preservation commission funded by governing body, Section 40:55D-109 - Responsibilities of commission, Section 40:55D-110 - Applications for development referred to historic preservation commission, Section 40:55D-111 - Issuance of permits pertaining to historic sites referred to historic preservation commission, Section 40:55D-112 - "Landmark" as substitute, Section 40:55D-114 - Findings, declarations, Section 40:55D-116 - Development transfers, Section 40:55D-117 - Report; infrastructure plan; amendment of master plan, land use regulations, Section 40:55D-118 - Designation of sending, receiving zones, Section 40:55D-119 - Development transfer ordinance, Section 40:55D-121 - Review, recommendations by county planning board, CADB, Office of State Planning, Section 40:55D-122 - Recording of transfer; record to assessor; taxation, Section 40:55D-123 - 3-year, six-year reviews; prevention of repeal, Section 40:55D-124 - Repeal of development transfer ordinance, Section 40:55D-125 - Development transfer bank, Section 40:55D-125.1 - Solid waste facility buffer zone; definitions, Section 40:55D-126 - Sale of development potential, Section 40:55D-127 - Right to bargain for equitable interest, Section 40:55D-128 - Farm benefits rights, Section 40:55D-131 - Findings, declarations, Section 40:55D-133 - Extension of approval; exceptions, Section 40:55D-134 - Extension of project exemption, Section 40:55D-136 - Liberal construction. Section 40:55D-13 - Notice concerning master plan. Section 40:48C-14 - Definitions; employer; payroll. Section 40:33-13.14 - Agreements with municipalities not served by regional library. (B) Pursuant to policies established by the Township Committee, the Chief of Police shall: Section 40:45-16 - Count of ballots; statement of returns; canvass. Section 40:48-2.12n - Findings, determinations, declarations. Section 40:66-1.5 - Reimbursement schedule. Section 40:55D-150 - Formal comments, recommendation of county planning board. All Ranks! Section 40:56-34 - Assessment set aside; new assessment a lien; refund, Section 40:56-35 - Assessments, payment in installments; delinquent installments, Section 40:56-36 - Separate account for assessments; sinking fund, Section 40:56-37 - Municipality to pay excess over assessments; taxation to meet excess; report to auditor, Section 40:56-38 - Assessments for benefits not affected by annexation or consolidation, Section 40:56-39 - Mortgaged lands officially held treated as other property, Section 40:56-40 - Limitation on proceedings to restrain or review assessment or award, Section 40:56-41 - Former actions not impaired, Section 40:56-41.1 - Farmland or other open space defined, Section 40:56-41.2 - Deferral of payment of assessment against farmland or other open space; exception; duration of deferral; interest, Section 40:56-41.3 - Lien; filing of record, Section 40:56-41.4 - Nonenlargement of time of appeal due to deferral, Section 40:56-41.5 - Burden of cost of local improvement subject to deferral by municipality, Section 40:56-43 - Proceedings deemed a local improvement; procedure in certain cases. Evening sessions are held from 5:30pm - 9:30pm. Section 40:9A-4 - Standards for libraries. Section 40:14A-7 - Sewerage authority a public body corporate; powers. Law Enforcement Status Report . Section 40:13-1 - Contracts for public health service, Section 40:13-3 - Health society recognized as regular health organization, Section 40:13-4 - Contract not to exceed three years; advertisement for bids unnecessary, Section 40:14-1 - Opening and keeping open waterways; bonds; control, Section 40:14-2 - County or municipal appropriations to port or harbor commission. Section 40:74-18 - Ordinances; adoption, submission to voters. Section 40:54D-31 - Authorization to collect rates, charges, fees for use of projects, Section 40:54D-33 - Government entity may convey property, Section 40:54D-34 - Cooperation of county, municipality. to the sports authority. Section 40:14-8 - Assessments for benefits, Section 40:14-9 - Individual powers of county or municipality unaffected, Section 40:14-10 - Freeholders may appropriate money for digging channels; bulkheads, Section 40:14-11 - Municipalities may contribute to expense, Section 40:14-12 - Money voted contingently, Section 40:14-13 - Borrowing money appropriated; expenditure, Section 40:14-14 - Money raised by taxation, Section 40:14-15 - Erosion prevention; bulkheads and structures; expense; resolution, Section 40:14-16 - Authorization to establish; policy, Section 40:14-17 - Establishment by ordinance or resolution; terms, Section 40:14-18 - Members; appointment; term of office; alternate representatives; compensation, Section 40:14-19 - Organization; chairman; rules; records, Section 40:14-21 - Appropriations; application for and acceptance of grants in aid; surveys and studies, Section 40:14-24 - Individual flood control action by county or municipality, Section 40:14A-2 - Declaration of policy; purpose, Section 40:14A-4 - Creation of sewerage authorities, Section 40:14A-4.1 - Name change to water reclamation authority, permitted. Section 40:48-1.4 - Criminal history record check requested by municipality, authority for. Section 40:55D-42 - Contribution for off-tract water, sewer, drainage, and street improvements. Section 40:56-13.2 - Amounts of money to be expended for improvements established. Section 40:14B-19 - Purposes, acquisition of facilities; alternative electrical energy. Section 40:37A-55.4 - Prevailing wage rules, regulations, adoption by county improvement authority. Section 40:55D-8.6 - Inapplicability of certain provisions of law imposing fee upon developer of certain non-residential property. Section 40:43-66.47 - Appointment of commissioner's representative. Section 40:5-2.1 - General conflagration; appropriations to relieve loss from, Section 40:5-2.2 - Prerequisites to county's expending money to relieve losses from general conflagration, Section 40:5-2.3 - Boroughs, townships, cities, villages, etc., prerequisites to expending money to relieve loss from general conflagration, Section 40:5-2.4 - "General conflagration" defined, Section 40:5-2.5 - Raising and appropriating money to relieve loss from general conflagration by resolution, Section 40:5-2.6 - Notes or other obligations; raising funds to relieve loss from general conflagration, Section 40:5-2.8 - Inapplicable to conflagration occurring before April 1, 1941, Section 40:5-2.10 - Appropriations to carry out program, Section 40:5-2.10a - Rate for diagnostic services and treatment; payments to county; reimbursement. Section 40:43-66.61 - Prohibition on creation of joint municipal consolidation study commission while proceedings pending. Section 40:11A-22.2 - Qualification for appointment as parking enforcement officer. Section 40:48-2.58 - Municipality prohibited from limiting, prohibiting display of U.S. flag, yellow ribbons, signs in support of troops. Section 40:14B-23.1 - Definitions; host community benefit. Section 40:54D-9 - Forwarding of tax assessment collected, filing returns; vendor liability. Section 40:48-1.7 - Private outdoor video surveillance camera registry. Wall Township Police Department (732) 449-4500 - 2022 MADD Award 2 months ago On Thursday, December 1, 2022, Ptl. Section 40:84-11 - Elections; when held; term of office. Section 40:14B-18.1 - Residency requirements for employees of municipal authority operating certain water system. Section 40:48C-15 - Collection of employer payroll tax by municipality. Section 40:12-15.1 - Definitions relative to recreation, conservation, floodplain protection, farmland, and historic preservation. Title 40. ; federal grants for community centers, Section 40:60-25.1 - Public parking lots; acquisition of land; use of land; leases, Section 40:60-25.2 - Lease of land for parking lot, Section 40:60-25.3 - Improvement and maintenance; employees, Section 40:60-25.4 - Operating expenses; parking fees, Section 40:60-25.5 - Liability of municipality for damages, Section 40:60-25.8 - Municipality may purchase property exempt from taxation because of state contract, Section 40:60-25.9 - Other property may also be purchased, Section 40:60-25.11 - Appropriations; bonds and notes, Section 40:60-25.12 - Intent of act; validity of bonds and notes, Section 40:60-25.13 - Disposition of property; repairs and maintenance, Section 40:60-25.14 - Surrender of tax exemption, Section 40:60-25.15 - Incidental powers of municipality, Section 40:60-25.17 - Inconsistent acts superseded, Section 40:60-25.18 - Industrial property; management, Section 40:60-25.19 - Plant management commission; members, Section 40:60-25.20 - Powers of commission, Section 40:60-25.21 - Revenue from plant operations; dedicated funds, Section 40:60-25.22 - Sale of plants; proceeds pledged to payment of bonds issued, Section 40:60-25.23 - Annual reports by commission, Section 40:60-25.24 - Terms and conditions of leases or sales of plants; approval of contracts, Section 40:60-25.25 - Employment of manager, engineers, etc. Section 40:66A-14 - Provisions of bond resolutions. Section 40:55D-145 - Characteristics of receiving zone. Section 40:23-54 - Criminal history record check requested by county, authority for. Section 40:74-19 - Submission of amendments or repeals to voters by board of commissioners, Section 40:75-1 - Members of first commission; election and terms. Section 40:56-57 - Condemnation appeal; procedure; further appeal, Section 40:56-58 - Condemnation; ordinance and map; abandonment of improvement; payment of award into court, Section 40:56-59 - Copy of award recorded; title vested; right of entry, Section 40:56-61 - Incidental damages ascertained and certified; payment into court. Section 40:54D-20 - Appointment of members. Section 40:56-56 - Appeal from award in condemnation proceedings; notice. Sgt. Section 40:67-16.5a - Fines for violation of certain truck route ordinances; required signage. the Sheriffs' Association of New Jersey; the Police Academy . Section 40:48C-17 - Exemption of non-profit corporations or associations, Section 40:48C-18 - Liability of employer to only one municipality, Section 40:48C-34 - Ordinances; contents; payment to municipality; use of funds; effective date of imposition of tax, Section 40:48C-35 - Tax as debt of taxpayer; action for collection; limitation of action, Section 40:48C-36 - Issuance of certificate of indebtedness, Section 40:48C-37 - Interest and penalties on unpaid tax, Section 40:48C-38 - Appeal of determination of liability, Section 40:48C-39 - Failure to make report or allow inspection; failure to disclose amount due, Section 40:48C-40 - Copy of ordinance to state officers, Section 40:48C-41 - Tax exemption; religious, charitable or educational institutions or organizations, Section 40:48C-42 - Inapplicability of exemption for parking taxes to certain State entities. Section 40:14A-9 - Appropriations by local unit to sewerage authority; construction, financing and operation of sewage facilities by local unit, Section 40:14A-10 - Bonds; issuance authorized, Section 40:14A-11 - Resolution for issuance of bonds; ordinance; sale of bonds, Section 40:14A-12 - Funding or refunding bonds, Section 40:14A-13 - Interim certificates or bonds, Section 40:14A-14 - Filing copy of bond resolution; publication of notice; objections, Section 40:14A-15 - Negotiability of bonds, Section 40:14A-16 - Provisions authorized in bond resolution, Section 40:14A-17 - Series of bonds; default; trustee for holders, Section 40:14A-19 - Liability on bonds; exemptions, Section 40:14A-20 - Real property; acquisition, Section 40:14A-21 - Interest on service charges; liens; enforcement, Section 40:14A-22 - Sale or lease of property by county or municipality to sewerage authority, Section 40:14A-23 - Contracts for collection, treatment or disposal of sewage; powers of sewage authority, Section 40:14A-24 - Sewage and industrial wastes, Section 40:14A-25 - Connections with existing drains and pumping stations, Section 40:14A-26 - Connections with drains serving county and other property; service charges, Section 40:14A-27 - Mortgage or sale of property of authority; limitations; exemption, Section 40:14A-28 - Pollution prohibited; prevention of violations, Section 40:14A-29 - Construction of other disposal plants prohibited, Section 40:14A-30 - Investments in sewerage authority bonds authorized, Section 40:14A-31.1 - Eligibility for annual host municipality benefit; calculation, Section 40:14A-31.3 - Benefit constitutes personal obligation of authority, Section 40:14A-32 - Pledge of State to bondholders, Section 40:14A-33 - Depositary bonds required of banking institutions. Section 40:62-3 - Ordinance authorizing sale or lease; laws governing. Section 40:66A-27 - Municipalities' powers respecting garbage disposal limited after creation of incinerator, environmental services authority; use of services. Section 40:55D-12.1 - Registration for notice to utility, CATV company, Section 40:55D-12.2 - Local utility notice of applications. Section 40:48-2.56 - Recreation trust fund, creation, use. Section 40:48F-5 - Collection, administration of tax. Section 40:37A-55.2 - Prevailing wage rate for workers employed on projects with county improvement authority involvement. Section 40:55D-149 - Submission by municipality prior to adoption of ordinance to county planning board. Section 40:45-7.2 - Arranging ballots for general election. The current minimum salary for Cleaner/Maintainer's Helpers is $13.61 per hour for a 40-hour week.3609. Section 40:37-95.13 - Powers of commission. Section 40:43-66.42 - Election of members of consolidation commission. Section 40:48-1.2 - Enactment of ordinance relative to possession, consumption of alcoholic beverages by underaged person on private property. 27, 2021, 11:37 a.m. Section 40:66A-25 - Competitive systems; State's pledge and agreement with bondholders. Section 40:55D-69 - Zoning board of adjustment. Section 40:55D-89 - Periodic examination. Section 40:85-11 - Nomination, election of officers for new government. Section 40:45-10 - Designation of candidate on ballot, Section 40:45-10.1 - Designation of committee on vacancies, Section 40:45-11 - Nomination for one office only, Section 40:45-12 - Order of names of candidates on ballot; drawing lots, Section 40:45-13 - Publication of names of candidates, Section 40:45-14 - Persons with same name; statement of identification on ballot. Section 40:52-14 - Conditions for refusing license, public hearing, Section 40:52-15 - Issuance, renewal of license. Section 40:23-6.43 - Appropriations and payments of State aid. 31.03 CHIEF OF POLICE; POWERS AND DUTIES. Section 40:55D-66.11 - Wind and solar facilities permitted in industrial zones. Section 40:12-20 - Findings, declarations relative to county, municipal parks, Section 40:12-21 - Definitions relative to county, municipal parks, Section 40:12-22 - Agreements to provide for maintenance, operation or improvement, Section 40:12-23 - Provision of equipment, materials, supplies, services, Section 40:12-24 - Advertising, promotion, Section 40:12-25 - Public recognition of participating entity, Section 40:12-26 - No liability in civil actions, insurance, Section 40:12-27 - Participating entity, not public, State employees, Section 40:12-28 - Applicable laws, regulations, Section 40:12-29 - Donations, solicitation authorized. Section 40:48-2.52 - Definitions relative to adoption of curfew ordinances for juveniles. Section 40:14B-22.1 - Solid waste service charges. Section 40:56-13.1 - Clean energy special assessment, financing through bonds. Burlington, formerly known as Burlington Coat Factory, is an American national off-price department store retailer, and a division of Burlington Coat Factory Warehouse Corporation with 631 stores . Of the new Sergeants, 67 percent are minorities - about half of whom are Hispanic - while nearly 43 percent of the new lieutenants also identify as minorities. R.S.40:47-19, persons whose duties do not include any police function, court attendants, State . Pictured from left to right are Sgt. Section 40:20-18 - Results of election; return and canvassing. Sign up for our free summaries and get the latest delivered directly to you. Section 40:48-2.59 - Municipal powers to abate graffiti. Section 40:48-3 - Power to do work where owner refuses; procedure, Section 40:48-4 - Plants or facilities for public use or benefit, Section 40:48-4.3 - Municipalities between 200,000 and 300,000; contracts with motor bus carriers; reduced fares for senior citizens, Section 40:48-4.4 - Contracts; conditions, terms and provisions, Section 40:48-4.5 - Payments to motor bus carrier, Section 40:48-4.6 - Rules and regulations; investigations; access to property, books, records, or documents, Section 40:48-4.7 - Appropriations by municipality; application for and receipt of grants from other sources, Section 40:48-4.8 - Exemption from regulation and jurisdiction of board of public utility commissioners, Section 40:48-4.9 - Municipalities between 103,000 and 125,000; grants for ambulance or emergency rescue services. Section 40:48-9.4b - Account of expenditure of funds, Section 40:48-9.10 - Snow and ice removal; first aid and emergency or volunteer ambulance or rescue squad association or volunteer fire companies premises, Section 40:48-9.11 - Cost of snow and ice removal; option of municipality, Section 40:48-9.12 - Historic place or site; expenditure of federal aid to preserve or rehabilitate, Section 40:48-9.13 - Municipality with nuclear-powered electric generating facility; appropriation and grant to county or other municipality, Section 40:48-9.14 - Appropriations by municipality authorized. officer in a law enforcement unit as prescribed by Title 11A of the New Jersey Statutes, Civil Service Commission Rules and Regulations, or of any other law of this State, municipal . Section 40:48-8.16 - Tax act definitions. Section 40:48C-1.3 - Parking tax, surcharge, certain municipalities. Section 40:55D-66.17 - Findings, declarations, definitions, relative to tiny home occupancy on vacant municipal land. Section 40:55D-11 - Contents of notice of hearing on application for development or adoption of master plan. Section 40:54-8.1 - Limitation on increase in amount raised by taxation. Section 40:48H-5 - Assignment of proceeds to trustee. Section 40:3-4 - Sinking fund commissions; appointment, duties and powers. Section 40:66A-23 - Bonds as legal investments. Section 40:66-1.6 - Limits on solid waste collection; operating hours, Section 40:66-2 - Buildings, appliances for solid waste disposal; acquisition of lands, Section 40:66-3 - Lands in other municipalities; consent required, Section 40:66-4 - Contracts; bid specification, advertising, renegotiations, Section 40:66-5 - Cost of solid waste collection, disposal; ordinance, Section 40:66-5.1 - Municipality to adopt proof of service ordinance for solid waste generators, Section 40:66-5.2 - Solid waste generators provided opportunity to contract for collection services, Section 40:66-5.3 - Solid waste facility may establish hours for direct transport of solid waste for disposal, Section 40:66-8 - Creation of solid waste collection district, Section 40:66-9 - Provision for collection, disposal of solid waste, Section 40:66-10 - Funding for cost of solid waste collection, Section 40:66-11 - Funding for cost of solid waste collection, disposal, Section 40:66-12 - Moneys assessed, levied, lien upon the land.