Loyalty Rank 9A: If the merchants rebelled, the guards have arrested the plotters. The in-game text description of the results for a custom NPC will generally list 1 more point in the relevant kingdom stat than other Advisors. Jhod is every much "down with all remotely evil religions." Harrim is a lot more chill about religious freedom. Stats can also be increased by constructing buildings in each settlement. 4 Season of Bloom. Espionage Rank 7: The traitors have revealed that they were hired by someone in Daggermark. This means you could not only lose a kingdom adviser, but also a member of your combat team. and our " -, The land must bear fruit and feed the people . -, I dont want any problems with the merchants. -. Building up your Economy and furthering good relations with allies is where you should be devoting a good chunk of your time. Amiri (CN), Regongar (CE), and Kassil Aldori (LN) are the choices for this role, and you'll need a solid leader to suit the upcoming tasks. None of your advisors will give an opinion on this. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. -. If Fear > Concealment, Stability +5. Be warned, many of their ideas cost huge amounts of BP, and can leave the kingdom in financial ruin if not properly budgeted. -, [Gain 10000 gold and 200 BP] Free them from their chains. Divine - High Priest. Valve Corporation. Pages: 1. First, each adviser position gains bonuses from a particular ability score. -, Let them hold a celebration in my honor. The Regent focuses on the needs of the common people. And remember, sometimes your choices may mean having only one (or even zero) available candidates. Stability Rank 6: Remnant groups of barbarians are carrying out raids. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Laying the Foundation (-10% cost of buildings with a static Stability bonus). : The merchants want all trade to go through the trade guild. I allow this preacher to profess his faith in my lands. -, I forbid this preacher to fill my subjects heads with his rubbish. Loyalty Rank 3: A newspaper publisher has escaped from Galt to your lands and wants to found a printing house. Jhod can be great for a Lawful nation, but as a story important character there will be times when he is unavailable to act as High Priest. This throne room event unlocks the Projects: a) Trade Agreement with Galt and b) Trade Agreement with Gralton. Lets avoid the expense. (Kanerah, Jubilost, and Maegar disapprove). Loyalty Rank 7B: The merchants want all trade to go through the trade guild. We will place the barracks at the borders. - unlocks the Project: Border Training Camps (+2 to the Generals rolls to solve Problems). NPC auto - unlock Project: Alkenstar Manufactory. You will have to make important choices when recruiting. 1 The First Step on the Road to Glory. This triggers the Event: Exodus to Kyonin [General, Warden, Curator]. is one of the best light crossbows in the game against the Fey. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Improving Economic Status (-15% to the cost of buildings with a static Economic bonus). However, her leadership will lead to a path of pure Chaos, making Kassil a suitable alternative. Select those who have ambition. Community. - (Jubilost, Maegar, and Bartholomew's choice). But in HDGamers we bring you the help to be able to achieve it without problems. When planning and managing territory in Pathfinder Kingmaker, it is important to keep an open mind about mechanics. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Arcane Protection from Compulsions (immunity to compulsion spells within claimed territories). You gain strong benefits on Success or Triumph and suffer harsh penalties on Failure or Disaster, so you may want to use Crisis Points as necessary. This is the first of multiple decisions related to Larzios opera, and your decisions determine the results of the Culture Rank 9 throne room event and are summed up there in a table. This option does not unlock any buildings (or it may be the choice to unlock the Temple of Abadar, considering that that building appears to be bugged). -, We can do without a consulate in Brevoy. -, We need money and that means business. Allowing all reagents may affect the magic items available for purchase. Despite being of the Cleric class, Harrim doesnt have remarkably high stats for the job. - the, [Pay 100 BP] I will take the risk. You don't need to train people before using them. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Scouting Glenebon. Plus, since she prefers Chaotic and Good selections, both Valerie and Bartholomew are suitable backups. Octavia (CG), The Storyteller (TN), and Vordakai (NE) are the candidates of which are the neutral evil options - Vordakai is the most dangerous choice because of your peoples' reception. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Still she is not a bad choice per-se. Arcane Rank 4: The people are complaining about experiments in the mage quarter. The guards refuse to go out on patrol after everything thats happened. (The dialogue options for this event show +1 Stability; however, this appears to be the additional point in the kingdom stat that you always get from throne room events). [CG god of freedom and wine] (CG moral choice) - unlocks the Building: Temple of Cayden Cailean. Military Rank 2: The General asks you to pick between hiring swordlords and spellcasters as officers. We shall allow the servants of Asmodeus to set up a temple. [LE god of tyranny and contracts] (LE moral choice) - unlocks the Building: Temple of Asmodeus. Separately, the situation in the slums has gotten worse. If Divine Freedom > Divine Control, Arcane +5. im a bit hung up on my curator personally xD. There are two pretty significant ways to play this role, you can go down the route of treating these people with the same amount of respect as you do anyone, or you can go lenient on them if you're playing with more of a chaotic evil run. Part 2: If you agree to support him, the Curator asks if theres a specific lesson youd like to share with the audience. You need to decide his punishment. (Kassils choice, Amiri disapproves). For example, a Wizard with their high Intelligence would work best as a Magister or Treasurer. Once you achieve Rank IV Relations, the Diplomat will help unlock the Minister role and support it until it levels. Ability scores, alignment, classes, and other aspects should be very familiar to people who have experienced either role-playing game. But you can always reject your advisors suggestions for roleplaying reasons and most of the time they'll express disappointment but won't resign. - imposes the Kingdom trait: Butcher (Grand Diplomat and Minister make two rolls on Problems and pick the best result) (CE moral choice). Valerie (LN), Octavia (CG), and Lander Lebeda (CE) are all people who can be selected to take up this role, and it's down to you who to choose since each person will have drastic differences in how they wish to solve a situation. Divine Rank 1: The priests of the mainstream gods wish to demolish the idols of the ancient faiths. Divine Rank 9: The priests of the kingdoms gods are protecting your domain. The throne room event also unlocks the Project: Improving Cultural Development (-15% to the cost of buildings with a static Culture bonus). Relations Rank 7B: If you did not choose to support Sevenarches in Relations Rank 5, they cut off your food supply. Once youve assigned an Advisor to a position, you will get a special throne room event each time you unlock the next Rank Up Project for the associated kingdom stat. Possible Councilors include Tristian (NG), Shandra Mervey (LN), or Tsanna (CE) and gains a bonus from Wisdom. Thanks Plainoldcookies, for this info! Arcane Rank 1: An appraiser of magical items is offering you a gift. Along with the ten stats, there are at least three advisor choices for every role, and which person you choose suits this role best is whatever you think is most consistent with your character's moral alignment. Out of all the advisor choices in Kingmaker, the idea of a Curator is undoubtedly the strangest since it provides nowhere near as much use as the rest of the advisor roles. Cookie Notice The Speakers of the Depths are dualistic creator-gods of the protean race and a lot like the elder gods of the Cthulhu mythos. "Grind these strange idols to dust. Community Rank 4b: A merchant was attacked by Davor the Grey. (Kanerahs choice). This throne room event unlocks the Project: Crime Prevention (+2 to Warden's rolls to take advantage of Opportunities). The Treasurer role can be filled by Jubilost (CN), Kanerah (LE), Bartholomew Delgado (LE), or Maeger Varn (CG) and receives a bonus from Intelligence. Relations Rank 1: Hunters from Pitax are crossing the border. - the, We will raise the taxes by one third. -, [Gain 2 BP each week] Let us double the taxes. - the, (Maegar Varn only): Implements a work initiative. Nethys is the Neutral god of magic. The Diplomat is responsible for international affairs, particularly with allied locations like Brevoy and Varnhold. (Bartholomew only) Mint coins that are 10% copper - unlocks Project: Minting Coins and establishes the Kingdom trait: Minting Half Weight Coins (Gain +2 BP/day for every 1,000 BP in the treasury, up to 10 BP/day. . - unlocks the Project: Ambitious Recruits (+2 to Generals rolls to resolve Events; Military -1 when General gets a Failure or Disaster). Stability Rank 3A: If Defense > Prevention. That title belongs to Lander by far. But, all mercenaries take a -4 penalty on their assignments and have a preference for True Neutral actions. A guild of river shipbuilders want to give you a gift. You don't want to be in the dark about this kind of thing. Many of the Advisor Rank Up tracks have an associated Event/Problem that triggers in lieu of a choice at specific ranks. Where do you want your spies? Slunko. For example, Kanerah gives some unique options as Treasurer, and Jaethal is the only Curator who gives you the options that can lead to the best results on the opera. High Priest: Harrim Jhod Kavken [Dies in chapter 2 if you decide to not defend your capital!] Relations Rank 5: Sevenarches wants to bring its fleet to Novoboro and both it and Kyonin are asking for diplomatic support. The Magister acts as court mage and spell expert. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Like the High Priest, the Magister's work may be needed to research the full story and unlock alternate endings. This occurs if you did not accept the tribute during the Rank 1 throne room event. The people are flooding the streets, upset about the government's intrusion on their freedoms. Relations Rank 7A: If you chose to support Sevenarches in the Rank 5 event, Kyonin denounces you. I've listed the possible choices with lower case letters to avoid confusion. Whoever takes up this position will be handling requests about individuals causing problems for others, so think over the best way to deal with these. Honestly, don't leave it to a custom NPC. The Minister role can be filled by Jaethal (NE), Jubilost (CN), and Ekundayo (LG), where they will be providing support through finding out forbidden knowledge that can support your nation. - (opera bonus is to Community and Loyalty). Despite having the Fighter class, Valerie has remarkably high Charisma. Still, he will be ideal if you want more Evil within the Stolen Lands. Tsanna [If she survives the Witch Hunt quest.] [LN god of law and wealth] (LN moral choice) - this is supposed to unlock the Building: Temple of Abadar; however, this appears to be bugged, and I dont believe you can actually build this buildingunlike with the other three temples. Possible Curators are Linzi (CG), Jaethal (NE), or Storyteller (TN) and utilize Charisma. Why? Club 57 Wiki. You need to investigate your people to discover the spies. Loyalty Rank 2: A trader was discovered to have previously sold goods for the Stag Lord. Most of the time, the results of your choices can be seen by mouseing over the text [Choice effects] when it appears by an option; however, that isnt always the case and the mouseover is occasionally slightly wrong (due to typos). We will immediately increase border control. - unlocks the Project: Strength in Numbers (+1 to the Generals rolls to take advantage of Opportunities). Plan ahead, save often in multiple slots, and you can create an ideal and thriving region. Divine Control +1. You can still make Evil-aligned choices with Harrim as High Priest - it may not always be the course of action he specifically recommends, but at the most he'll grumble a bit and do as you say. -. Maintaining a successful kingdom is important to completing Pathfinder Kingmaker. Do I just go ahead and pick the chaotic neutral harrim since he's already available? I'm playing a lawful evil fighter and I need a high priest. So if you had Kanerah as your Treasurer, swap her out before this throne room event! This throne room event unlocks the Project: Love of the People (-10% to cost of buildings with a static Loyalty bonus). Military Rank 7: Representatives of three military groups have come to offer their services, you must select one. -, Place all the drug addicts in health institutions. (NG moral choice) -, Remove all the addicts from their stations. (LN moral choice) -, Hang the drug addicts. NPC auto - unlocks the Project: Training Camps near the Capital. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This stands in contrast to the descriptions in the Gamerguide walkthrough, which are based on the Rank Up Project unlocked by the event. (CN moral choice) -, "[Pay 100 BP] Give him some money and let him go in peace. This establishes the Kingdom trait: Trade Guild (+3 BP/week for every 50 economy points to a max of +30 BP/week. " (CN moral choice) -, [Pay 100 BP] It would be well to open a printing house in the capital. -, We wont be opening a printing house in the capital. -, Tell him that the law in my domain applies equally to all. -, [Gain 5000 gold and 40 BP] This corrupt tradesman will pay for his insolence. Declare their teachings prohibited, and drive them to the border. -, Execute them publicly. (CE moral choice) -. NOTE: This page contains spoiler tags. He's conservative and a traditionalist who is opposed to worship of any. Order them returned to the people. -, We will use them to revive the villages that suffered the most under the Stag Lords reign. -, [Gain 60 BP] Take these riches to the treasury. -, impacts the result of the Kingdom trait you can obtain at the Rank 8 throne room event with Kanerah, [Pay 2 BP each week] I have another proposal. With all the secrets spreading around, the Minister is single handily the most helpful advisor. Information on this event 3B comes courtesy of Runetooth. This throne room event unlocks the Project: Loyal Spies (Espionage +1 every time the Minister fails to resolve a situation). -, [Pay 50 BP] The composer is free to use the main square as he pleases. Once you achieve Rank IV Divine, the High Priest will help unlock the Magister role and support it until it levels. -. If your choice matched the higher variable: (Linzi and Storyteller only): Forget about schools. Stability Rank 9: The results depend on your choices during the Rank 8 throne room event. They'll influence the Economy, Relations, Stability, and Loyalty stats. It was basically pure propaganda. (Tsanna only) Give Tsanna the grove. Let the people decide who they want as governors. (LN moral choice) - This enables the Projects: a) Loyalty of the Masses (Loyalty +1 whenever the Regent has a Success or Triumph on Events) and b) Community of Loyalists (+2 to Regents rolls to resolve Events). This throne room event unlocks the Event: Purge the Ranks [Treasurer, Grand Diplomat, High Priest]. We wont be opening a university. - no change. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Temple of Kurgess (Community +7, Divine +7, and Community +1 if a Regent suffers a Failure or Disaster on a Problem, and Stability +1 if the Warden suffers a Failure or Disaster on a Problem). As a Cleric, Tristian has the best stats for this role. The Councilor brokers trust with nobles, merchants, and other very important people. New User . During Chapter 2 you will be crowned master of the Stolen Lands. Only on level up. Execute the slanderers! This triggers the Event: Silent Death [Treasurer, High Priest]. Stability Rank 8: Kellid barbarians are trying to poison the land. -, [Pay 75 BP] I wish to support this art society financially. -, [Pay 50 BP] We shall help them found and promote this society. -, Well support the provincial teacher. -, Lets order the series of etchings from the artist. -, (Jaethal only) Assist the composer and see how hes progressing! -, (Linzi/the Storyteller only) We shall grant this young composer what he asks. -, [Pay 2 BP each week] Well meet all their accusations by issuing our own newspaper. Loyalty Rank 8: This throne room event depends on your prior Loyalty decisions. Jhod Kavken is Lawful Neutral. This throne room event unlocks the Building: Swordlord Academy (if Military Skill > Military Magic) or the Building: Nethys' Academy (If Military Skill < Military Magic) and you can build a free one of the buildings. (Jhod's choice, Harrim and Tsanna disapproves). Whats the priority here? His work should tackle the all-important questions of faith and piety. - (opera bonus is to Divine and Arcane). The Warden sees to the Stolen Lands police and national security. (Bartholomew's choice). Magic plays a significant role in Pathfinder: Kingmaker, but it isn't necessary for those not playing with an arcane build. " - Divine +3. Trading also plays a notable role in a Treasurer's job, as does Economic status. A priest of Groetus, Harrim left his dwarven home to spread the word of the God of End Times throughout the Stolen Lands. Stability Rank 1: The Warden asks for advice on how to deal with threats to settlements. (Jhods choice). Nico is a List Writer for TheGamer. (Amiris choice, Regongar disapproves). There will be no taxes. There's a somewhat pedantic change I would like to make to my current save file. Each rank adds a +1 bonus to dealing with events and . As Chaotic Good do you think I should go for Harrim (Chaotic Neutral) or Jhod (Lawful Good)? Abadar: enables the Kingdom trait Blessing of Abadar (+2 to Regent and Treasurer's rolls in resolving Problems; Community +1 for each Success or Triumph with the Regent and Treasurer; +2 BP/week for every 20 points of Community above 200, up to 20 BP/week). The Regent advises over the needs of the common people and day-to-day problems that they can help with; it's important to keep not only those who are influential happy but also everyone within your kingdom; no one should be more important than the other. The rewards aren't worth the worsened unrest state. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. - no change. [CN god of strength and battle] (CN moral choice) - unlocks the Building: Temple of Gorum. -, I demand the preacher be executed. Economy Rank 3: A halfling wants to open a brewery. As an archery-focused Ranger, Ekundayo has great stats as a Minister. Cayden: enables the Kingdom trait Blessing of Cayden (+1 to Councilor's rolls on Events, Loyalty +1 when the Councilor resolves an Event unless you get a Disaster, 10% chance for unrest state to improve each week for each 20 Loyalty) and unlocks the Project: Trade in Wine (1d10 BP per 30 days +1d10 BP per 30 days for each of: Loyalty Ranks 8 and 10; Relations Ranks 6, 8, and 10; and every 50 points of Loyalty + Relations over 400 (up to a max of +5d10 BP)). -, The kingdom requires developed trade. But the two of them favor either Good or Evil actions, leaving Storyteller a good alternative if you want to have a morally balanced nation. They want to fight over it to the death. (Kassils choice, Amiri disapproves). You will stop supporting Larzio after this event and gain +0 to +4 BP/week, depending on the total amount of support you previously gave. The side objectives themselves are a lot of fun to do, exploring ideas like those who want restrictions on magic and those who rely on it. This triggers the Event: Cult Sacrifice [Grand Diplomat, Minister]. (Linzi and the Storyteller disapprove). Let the guards watch those who arrived by the caravan. -, Tell the merchants that if they fail to hand over the stranger, well seize their gold and goods. -, Send her in the wrong direction and follow her. -, [Gain 2,000 gold] Sell the information in Daggermark. -, [Pay 50 BP] Let them be silenced forever. -, We shall openly honor the dead. (NG moral choice) -, Take care of their families without attracting undue attention. -, We have nothing to do with them. Order these Taxmasters to stop oppressing our people. -, (Jubilost only) Denounce these Taxmasters in word, but not in act. Erastil is the Lawful Good god of the hunt. The options are: Jhod Kavken, Harrim, and Tsanna. The following also happens: Relations Rank 6B: If you rejected the trade agreement in the Rank 2 event, Razmiran spies fail to get your people addicted to drugs. Once you achieve Rank IV Military, the General will help unlock the Warden role and support it until it levels. -, Id prefer to forget about this minor matter. -, (Shandra Mervey only) "I will issue an order for free pardons." -, We will hold a luxurious dinner party for the merchants. -, Let the merchants and their mercenaries do as they will. -, (Tsanna only) "Tell the guards stay away from the dispute. Culture Rank 1: The Curator asks about building schools. You only get this option if you refused to build a school in the Culture Rank 1 throne room event. He also was a former editor for Electronic Arts' Origin platform. This guide will show how to recruit and use the kingdom advisers. While the Treasurer directly interacts with the Economy, their policies can have indirect effects on Relations, Stability, and Loyalty.