Manage Settings Urban:1) Relating to or concerned with a city or densely populated area (e.g., "urban development"); 2) Located in or characteristic of a city or city life (e.g., "urban property owners"). PIG. Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window). an analytical process that integrates all available information about pipeline integrity and the consequences of a failure. Add it HERE! Looking for the definition of PIPE? surface of the pipe is protected with a varnish-type oil. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. Also known as 811. Pipe Abbreviations in Steel / Page 4 1. BILLET: Round solid bar of steel which is pierced to form a seamless tube or pipe. This gives a complete description of pipe fittings in fewer words. Your IP: TRV. 14.0 INTRODUCTION . T&C . Piping Related Abbreviations A-E AFC AFC is an abbreviation of A pproved F or C onstruction. (Reference 49 CFR 191.3, 49 CFR 195.50)). This list is meant for indicative purposes only and should not be relied upon for anything but general information. Photo Credit: Terry Wild Stock Photography, Williamsport, PA. Distribution Pipeline:A natural gas pipeline other than a gathering or transmission line (reference 49 CFR 192.3). It is typically run for 1-2 months, and allows potential investors an opportunity to enter into an agreement to sign up for a portion of the capacity rights that will be available. import spacy from scispacy.abbreviation import AbbreviationDetector nlp = spacy.load("en_core_sci_sm") # Add the abbreviation pipe to the spacy pipeline. Listed below are some of the commonly used abbreviations in the piping design, but it may vary from company to company and project to project: Can u please tell us how to review a 3d model??? Last edited on 27 February 2023, at 11:09, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, FMI formation micro imaging log (azimuthal microresistivity), FMS formation multi-scan log; formation micro-scan log, International Association of Drilling Contractors, International Marine Contractors Association, Independent Petroleum Association of America, National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain, Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998, surface-controlled subsurface safety valve, United Kingdom Offshore Operators Association, Wellsite Information Transfer Specification, wellsite information transfer standard markup language, wireline-retrievable surface-controlled sub-surface valve, "Home:: American Association of Drilling Engineers", "BP names VP of offshore activities in AGT region",, "arcVISION Array Resistivity Compensated Service | Schlumberger", Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, "Crain's Petrophysical Handbook | Login Page", "Openhole Logging - Wireline Formation Evaluation | Schlumberger", "SlimPulse Retrievable MWD Service | Schlumberger", "Task Geoscience - the Borehole Image and Dipmeter Experts", "MSCT Mechanical Sidewall Coring Tool | Schlumberger",,, "VSI Versatile Seismic Imager, Schlumberger", Oiltrashgear Oilfield Acronyms & Terminology, SPWLA Petrophysical Curve Names and Mnemonics,, 1oo2 One out of two voting (instrumentation), 2C Proved and probable contingent resources, 2oo2 Two out of two voting (instrumentation), 2oo3 Two out of three voting (instrumentation), 3C three components seismic acquisition (x, y, and z), 3C Proved, probable and possible contingent resources, 3P proved, probable and possible reserves, 4D multiple 3Ds acquired over time (the 4th D) over the same area with the same parameters (, 8rd eight round (describes the number of revolutions per inch of pipe thread), AADE American Association of Drilling Engineers, AAPL American Association of Professional Landmen, AAODC American Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors (obsolete; superseded by, ABAN Abandonment, (also as AB and ABD and ABND), ABSA Alberta Boilers Safety Association, ADE Advanced decision-making environment, ADEP Awaiting development with exploration potential, referring to an asset, ADT Applied drilling technology, ADT log, ADM Advanced diagnostics module (fieldbus), AFE Authorization for expenditure, a process of submitting a business proposal to investors, AGT (2) authorised gas tester (certified by OPITTO), AIChemE American Institute of Chemical Engineers, AIPSM asset integrity and process safety management, AISC American Institute of Steel Construction, AL appraisal license (United Kingdom), a type of onshore licence issued before 1996, ALAP as low as possible (used along with density of mud), ALLMS anchor leg load monitoring system, AMS auxiliary measurement service log; auxiliary measurement sonde (temperature), APWD annular pressure while drilling (tool), ASOG activity-specific operating guidelines, ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials, ASCSSV annulus surface controlled sub-surface valve, AV annular velocity or apparent viscosity, AVGMS annulus vent gas monitoring system, B or b prefix denoting a number in billions, Bcf billion cubic feet (of natural gas), Bcfe billion cubic feet (of natural gas equivalent), BGL below ground level (used as a datum for depths in a well), BHA bottom hole assembly (toolstring on, BHCT bottomhole circulating temperature, BIVDL BI/DK/WF/casing collar locator/gamma ray log, BLD bailed (refers to the practice of removing debris from the hole with a cylindrical container on a wireline), boepd barrels of oil equivalent per day, BOTTO bottom hole pressure/temperature report, BPV back pressure valve (goes on the end of coiled tubing a drill pipe tool strings to prevent fluid flow in the wrong direction), BRT below rotary table (used as a datum for depths in a well), BSEE US: Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, BTEX benzene, toluene, ethyl-benzene and xylene, BTO/C break to open/close (valve torque), bwd barrels of water per day (often used in reference to, bwipd barrels of water injected per day, CAAF contract authorization approval form, CalGEM California Geologic Energy Management Division (oil & gas regulatory body), CAODC Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors, CART cam-actuated running tool (housing running tool), CCL casing collar locator (in perforation or completion operations, the tool provides depths by correlation of the casing string's magnetic anomaly with known casing features), CCLBD construction / commissioning logic block diagram, CCLTP casing collar locator through tubing plug, CDRCL compensated dual resistivity cal. Regulations require a pipeline operator to take specific steps to ensure the integrity of a pipeline for which a release could affect an HCA and, thereby, the protection of the HCA. LTWA includes more than 56,000 words and their abbreviations in 65 languages. The process involves creating a receiving hole, where drilling fluid or mud (see Water Based Mud) lubricates the drill, and subsequently the pipe itself, through the desired arc. Is there any difference? PL006, 018, 067, 23 Dec 1996, NPD Stavanger, Extended Abstracts. Project:An activity or task (or set of related activities or tasks) that is contemplated, devised, or planned and carried out for the purpose of accomplishing a goal. The low system pressure results in lower saturation temperatures, which is necessary to work with the polycarbonate pipe, especially for MDM, and beneficial to reduce heat losses. For oil pipelines, HCAs include high population areas, other population areas, commercially navigable waterways and areas unusually sensitive to environmental damage. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Sort. Abbreviation to define. Local governments and property developers/owners should consider implementing a planning area to protect communities where new development is planned near transmission pipelines. 1G, 2G, 3G Bioethanol: What are different Bioethanol generation technologies? Easement:(1) A legal instrument giving a transmission pipeline operator a temporary or permanent right to use a right-of-way for the construction, operation, and maintenance of a pipeline. Your IP: B B Piping, Plumbing Abbreviation. STANDARD DRAFTING ABBREVIATIONS. What does SD stand for in Pipeline? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It has been compiled and prepared to aid both the newcomer and others with a convenient list for mutual use and understanding. 20+ Pipe acronyms and abbreviations related to Steel: Steel. Natural Gas Liquids(NGL): Natural Gas Liquids belong to the same family of hydrocarbons as natural gas and crude oil, but are typically ethane, propane, butane and isobutene. Tank Recovery Vehicle. Hose, Water, Valve. 3", THP tubing hanger pressure (pressure in the, TMCM transverse mercator central meridian, TNDTG thermal neutron decay time/gamma ray log, TOFD time of first data sample (on seismic trace, TOFS time of first surface sample (on seismic trace), TOVALOP tanker owners' voluntary agreement concerning liability for oil pollution, TRCFR total recordable case frequency rate, TRSCSSV tubing-Retrievable surface-controlled sub-surface valve, TRSCSSSV tubing-retrievable surface-controlled sub-surface safety valve, TTVBP through-tubing vented bridge plug, TUTB topside umbilical termination box/unit/assembly (TUTU, TVBDF true vertical depth below derrick floor, TV/BIP ratio of total volume (ore and overburden) to bitumen in place, TVDRT true vertical depth (referenced to) rotary table zero datum, TVDKB true vertical depth (referenced to) top kelly bushing zero datum, TVDSS true vertical depth (referenced to) mean sea level zero datum, UBHO universal bottom hole orientation (sub), UBIRE ultrasonic borehole imager report, UCIT ultrasonic casing imaging tool (high resolution casing and corrosion imaging tool, UCSU upstream commissioning and start-up, ULCGR uncompressed LDC CNL gamma ray log, UMCA umbilical midline connection assembly, USIT ultrasonic imaging tool (cement bond logging, casing wear logging), UTA/B umbilical termination assembly/box, UTAJ umbilical termination assembly jumper, UWILD underwater inspection in lieu of dry-docking, VDU vacuum distillation unit, used in processing, VGMS vent gas monitoring system (flexible riser annulus vent system, VLTCS very-low-temperature carbon steel, VSI versatile seismic imager (Schlumberger VSP tool), VTDLL vertical thickness dual laterolog, WAG water alternating gas (describes an injection well which alternates between water and gas injection, WHMIS workplace hazardous material information systems, WOC water/oil contact (or oil/water contact), WOE well operations engineer (a key person of, WPQ/S/T weld procedure qualification/specification/test, WQ a textural parameter used for CBVWE computations (, WR wireline retrievable (as in a WR plug), WSOG well-specific operation guidelines, WSS well services supervisor (leader of well services at the wellsite, XL or EXL - exploration licence (United Kingdom), a type of onshore licence issued between the First Onshore Licensing Round (1986) and the sixth (1992), XMAC cross-multipole array acoustic log, XMAC-E XMAC elite (next generation of XMAC, XPERM matrix permeability in the x-direction, Z depth, in the geosciences referring to the depth dimension in any x, y, z data, This page was last edited on 27 February 2023, at 11:09. Also, the material used to fill the ditch. The following terms are useful in understanding the engineering and legal terms sued in the planning, construction and repair of pipelines. Video: Create a Custom System Type Edit graphical overrides You can customize graphical overrides to control the . The response to a pipeline emergency should be consistent with the pipeline operator's and other emergency responders' programs, plans, and procedures. spectrometry, density), RCR remote component replacement (tool), REZ renewable energy zone (United Kingdom), RFCC ready for commissioning certificate, RFO ready for operations (pipelines/cables), RFR refer to attached (e.g., letter, document), RHD rectangular heavy duty usually screens used for shaking, RMLC request for mineral land clearance, ROB received on board (used for fuel/water received in bunkering operations, ROV/WROV remotely-operated vehicle/work class remotely-operated vehicle, used for, RPM revolutions per minute (rotations per minute), RSES responsible for safety and environment on site, RSPP a publicly-traded oil and gas producer focused on horizontal drilling of multiple stacked pay zones in the oil-rich Permian basin, RST reservoir saturation tool (Schlumberger) log, RTTS retrievable test-treat-squeeze (packer), SAFE safety analysis function evaluation, SCADA supervisory control and data acquisition, SCBA self-contained breathing apparatus, SCUBA self-contained underwater breathing apparatus, scf/STB standard cubic feet (of gas) / stock tank barrel (of fluid), SCM(MB) subsea control module (mounting base, SDT step draw-down test (sometimes SDDT, SEA strategic environmental assessment (United Kingdom), SEG Society of Exploration Geophysicsists, SFERAE global association for the use of knowledge on fractured rock in a state of stress, in the field of energy, culture and environment, SGSI Shell Global Solutions International, SHDT stratigraphic high resolution dipmeter tool, SIF safety instrumented functions (test, SIGTTO Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators, SIPCOM simultaneous production and commissioning, SIPES Society of Independent Professional Earth Scientists, United States, SIPROD simultaneous production and drilling, SITHP shut-in tubing hanger/head pressure, SMPC subsea multiphase pump, which can increase flowrate and pressure of the untreated wellstream, SPAMM subsea pressurization and monitoring manifold, spf shots per foot (perforation density), SPHL self-propelled hyperbaric lifeboats, SPM strokes per minute (of a positive-displacement pump, spm shots per meter (perforation density, SPT shallower pool test, Lahee classification, SPWLA Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts, SRD seismic reference datum, an imaginary horizontal surface at which TWT, SS subsea, as in a datum of depth, e.g. Hi, Following the locate, the surface of the ground above the underground installation is normally marked through the use of stakes, flags or paint, or in some other customary manner. Be sure to check the front section of the construction drawing set for the abbreviations used within. Ton-miles:Describes the units of measure to measure the quantity and traffic of transportation used in transportation statistics, planning, and their related fields. . Technically speaking: In accordance with pipeline safety regulations for oil pipelines, an operator's integrity management program must include, at a minimum, the following elements: Line pipe:The lengths of pipe comprising the main part of transmission pipeline segments, line pipe is identified as only the pipe, excluding ancillary facilities and structures that are located on company property adjacent to the pipeline ROW. log, CDF core contaminated by drilling fluid, CGPA Canadian Gas Processors Association, CHCNC CHCNC gamma ray casing collar locator, CHECK checkshot and acoustic calibration report, CHESM contractor, health, environment and safety management, CHK choke (a restriction in a flowline or a system, usually referring to a production choke during a test or the choke in the well control system), CHOPS cold heavy oil production with sand, CHP casing hanger pressure (pressure in an, CHOTO commissioning, handover and takeover, CITHP closed-in tubing head pressure (tubing head pressure when the well is shut in), CK choke (a restriction in a flowline or a system, usually referring to a production choke during a test or the choke in the well control system), CNFDP CNFD true vertical-depth playback log, CNCF field-normalised compensated neutron porosity, CO change out (ex. borehole survey) MWD tool, PCDM power and control distribution module, PCO pre-commission preparations (pipeline), PDC polycrystalline diamond compact (a type of drilling bit), PDMS permanent fownhole monitoring system, PDP proved developed producing (reserves), PDPM power distribution protection module, PEDL petroleum exploration and development licence (United Kingdom), PERC powered emergency release coupling, PEX platform express toolstring (resistivity, porosity, imaging), PLTQ production logging tool quick-look log, PON petroleum operations notice (United Kingdom), PP&A permanent plug and abandon (also P&A, PPC powered positioning caliper (Schlumberger dual-axis wireline caliper tool), PPI post production inspection/intervention, pptf pounds (per square inch) per thousand feet (of depth) a unit of fluid density/pressure, PSE pressure safety element (rupture disc), PSIA pounds per square inch atmospheric, PSSR pressure systems safety regulations (UK), PTA/S pipeline termination assembly/structure, PTRO test rack opening pressure (For a gas lift valve, PTTC Petroleum Technology Transfer Council, United States, PU pick-up (tubing, rods, power swivel, etc. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. SR Short radius, stress relieve SRL Short radius ell SS Stainless steel Std Standard (a pipe or fitting schedule) Stand Pipe Pressure: S&P: Standard & Poors: scf : standard cubic feet (of natural gas) SOP: Standard operating procedure: ASTM F1166-95: Standard Practice for Human Engineering Design for Marine Systems, Equipment and Facilities: STP: Standard temperature and pressure: SOSC: State on-scene coordinator: SOR: Statement of requirement: SOW . BLOOM: A semifinished hot rolled product produced on a blooming mill. Emergency Preparedness:The act or state of being prepared to respond to and handle a pipeline emergency. What is Piping Isometric drawing? With help of it, communication becomes easier. The reason pipe would be specified as plain end rather than beveled end is when the pipe will be used in a socket weld connection or for use with a slip-on flange. Pipeline : A system of pipes and other components used for the transportation of fluids, between (but excluding) plants. ILI is a common practice throughout the oil and gas industry and . Excavation:Any operation using non-mechanical or mechanical equipment or explosives in the movement of earth, rock or other material below existing grade. repair criteria to address issues identified by the integrity assessment method and data analysis (the rule provides minimum repair criteria for certain, higher risk, features identified through internal inspection). Zoning may be use-based (regulating the uses to which land may be put), or it may regulate building height, lot coverage, and similar characteristics, or some combination of these. Enter your email address to subscribe to All about Piping and receive notifications of new posts by email. Transports Routiers de Voyageurs (French: Road Transport of Passengers) TRV. FPO floating production and offloading vessel with no or very limited (process only) on-board produced fluid storage capacity. A pain end pipe is a pipe that has been cut at 90 perpendicular to the pipe run. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. The World's most comprehensive professionally edited . Sometimes it happens that there are abbreviations mentioned on drawing/documents but the legend explaining the actual meaning of the abbreviation is missing. Liquefied Natural Gas is not the same as a Natural Gas Liquid. ), PUQ production utilities quarters (platform), PVTRE pressure volume temperature report, PWV production wing valve (also known as a flow wing valve on a, RACI responsible / accountable / consulted / informed, RAM reliability, availability, and maintainability, RCI reservoir characterization instrument (for downhole fluid measurements e.g. Because, clarity in understanding is important. An official website of the Chester County Government. (Reference 49 CFR 192.3) Gases are normally compared to air in terms of density. It is being developed as an anti-inflammatory agent for the treatment of COPD and other inflammatory lung diseases. abbreviations are much helpful in the following manners: Hmm is anyone else experiencing problems with the pictures on this blog loading? (Reference 49 CFR 195.2). There can be multiple commodities in one T-4 Permit, but there cannot be both gas and liquid commodities in the same permit. Here is the compiled list of Piping Abbreviations. Most popular Pipeline abbreviations updated in February 2023. Plat:A map or representation on paper of a piece of land subdivided into lots, with streets, alleys, etc., usually drawn to a scale. Facility:A buried or aboveground conductor, pipe, or structure used to provide utility services, such as electricity, natural gas, liquids refined from oil, oil, telecommunications, water, sewerage, or storm water. Know the meaning of PIPELINE? The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. A pipeline extends from pig trap to pig trap (including the pig traps), or, if no pig trap is fitted, to the first isolation valve within the plant boundaries or a more inward valve is so nominated. For hazardous liquid pipelines, a person who owns or operates pipeline facilities (reference 49 CFR 195.2). This list is intended to include most commonly used abbreviations and acronym found in Piping Engineering and Design work. Click to reveal Pipeline - What does pipeline stand for? NFG 'no fucking good' used for marking damaged equipment, NFW new field wildcat, Lahee classification, NGDC national geoscience data dentre (United Kingdom), NGRC national geological records centre (United Kingdom), NHDA National Hydrocarbons Data Archive (United Kingdom), NMVOC non-methane volatile organic compounds, NORM naturally-occurring radioactive material, NPSH(R) net-positive suction head (required), NPT Non-Productive Time (used during drilling or well intervention operations mainly, malfunction of equipment or the lack of personnel competences that result in lost of time, which is costly), NPW new pool wildcat, Lahee classification, NUBOP nipple (ed),(ing) up blow-out preventer, NUMAR nuclear and magnetic resonance image log, OCTG oil country tubular goods (oil well casing, tubing, and drill pipe), OD outer diameter (of a tubular component such as, OFIC offshore interim completion certificate, OGA Oil and Gas Authority (UK oil and gas regulatory authority), ONAN oil natural air natural cooled transformer, ONNR Office of Natural Resources Revenue (formerly MMS), OOE offshore operation engineer (senior technical authority on an offshore, OPITO offshore petroleum industry training organization, ORM operability reliability maintainability, OTIP operational testing implementation plan, OVID offshore vessel inspection database, PA producing asset with exploration potential, PACO process, automation, control and optimisation, PADPRT pressure assisted drillpipe running tool, PBR polished bore receptacle (component of a, PBU pressure build-up (applies to integrity testing on valves, PCCC pressure containing anticorrosion caps, PCCL perforation casing collar locator log, PCDC pressure-cased directional (geometry i.e.