Nothing to hide other than people living their lives. [R339] You need a strong stomach to follow Heughans career ! That's a first. Purv is back to Hannah, and she's also dragging up Katie Rebekah who was supposedly Heughan's girlfriend 2011/2012. Well, at one point she shows him 3 fingers and he says to her, haven't we done 3 . they cry. Have a cuppa and a few cookies and you'll feel calmer in the morning. R353 I wonder if JA herself put him up to that video, it wouldn't surprise me at all. I hope Heughan feels some form of shame or guilt for exploiting them.. r164 Yeh, demented is the word - they seem to think that buying merchandise from him will somehow give them some sort of personal connection with him. [R393] I thought the whisky interview was interesting too and you're correct he does talk about wanting to create his own products. I watched a couple OL episode and the guy can act. Just came to F and F.17 posters, you sad homophobic fat slags. Wonder if he who has so obviously bearded, scrubbed etc etc is aware of Paul's words : I'm a supporter of gay rights. O dear Sam, holy MARY. Or even dirks? But he left it very, very late in the day for objecting, and then he targetted a relatively mild fan poster who just added "Still Hot" to publicly available photographs, and she felt obliged to shut down her twitter account. Sam seemed confident as well. Im no genius, but heres where my mind goes: I called out someone on my private blog who I think is a Tumblr phony, and I said I thought they were Paul Camuso. Also I can't imagine someone wanting this type of fake image. Hmm. with the showmance finally more or less scuppered, maybe JA and her lot have realised that SH just doesn't seem to be any good at the bearding and so they are going for the 'too busy to date' narrative instead. This really comes down to Andrew Scott really, cause that man. r393. The too tight jacket a crude attempt to look sexy..only succeeded in looking like a cheap HW starlet. But hey, it all helps that manly image he really really wants. Read some fanatical Twitter feeds where Heughans female fans are screaming fuck off at each other. Of course it backfires and begs the question of why they are playing such farcical games to say he's straight - well, there's an explanation for that, there's nothing straight about his Bat, as he said himself. From tumblr - probably reflects a view that is not uncommon-. This way he can hint that he's looking for love, he's a player, (although still throwing out a few hints to keep the Heughan/Balfe shippers happy - and spending their $$). In wearing that suit Heughan just stepped out of the closethe looked so gay. {R44] Agree. As well as a world first gin tasting, Sam told me all about creating the gin, what botanicals have been used and what inspired it. (this may be just the translator's interpretation but probably accurate). No - tied to his PR games, his showmancing, fauxmancing, straightwashing, his own words 'nothing straight about my Bat', 'boring an homosexual never go together but thank you for the compliment' etc etc and etc. Its noticeable sometimes that when some bloggers have a narrative they want to stress, repeat etc, particularly when there is a forthcoming PR event, into their in-box come anon messages on the lines of Im new to your blog and I have questionsI came across your blog and Id like to know.etc etc. Well, apart from saying rather than singing, looks like he's more or less fulfilled his wish. For info, I have been involved in the promotion of gay issues for decades, including marching, being physically threatened, counselling, workshops, policy development, advocating aspects such as same sex marriage (had the joy of being best person in seven marriages so far). I got snookered by letting someone into a private blog I shouldnt. SH is being stridently taken to task by some 'fans' /bloggers after he dared to make a pretty mild criticism of Trump. Er, no, not a default explanation, THE explanation. The Dude is Duncan Lacroix. The trouble is when he gets what he will no doubt see as good publicity like this article, it only encourages him to keep Monty and Melissa on the payroll. The messy hair out so much softer on her facenot a slick-back pony in sight @odessa-2 !! Kind of shoots holes into all your theories, doesn't it? r530 Maybe he'll do a presentation of a bottle of it to someone on the red carpet like he did to Balfe at the OL premiere - that was a bit awkward. Didn't Ross Morell say he wasn't "that well endowed"(see previous threads) before he deleted his twitter account that is. Damn that hot image that he went to so much trouble to encourage - didn't the Herald get the PR new portrayal memo? R55 We don't know that he doesn't have a partner, remember he shared a suite in Memphis with "a guy who handled everyting"? R373 it is a bit too much if I were him I'd go for a business that has nothing to do with OL(since the majority of the world population are not OL fans anyway) and I'd just silently invest in something without promoting it via his acting career. Why have they been deemed necessary? Hardly conducive to forming new relationships, especially casual ones. I've just attended a meeting on ways to face down a group of zealots who are pushing for a law making it compulsory for doctors to refer their gay patients for gay conversion therapy. So no amount of publicity of any kind is going to help it much by then. Huge fan of BSG and I like OL a lot. In two months the only posts that have leaked were about Paul Camuso.. This kind of talk is frowned upon, totally inappropriate topic for good fans'. And he has never re-tweeted that interview on Twitter, as he has done every other interview. What would we call a person who allows a relative stranger in a non-scripted situation to touch (or to APPEAR to touch) their personal anatomy FOR MONEY?? Exit one potential gf. Dive in! Or a talent, like playing the banjo. [Yeh, This Is True, And He's Done It So Badly] Plus his pinging. Let's hope not. Tell it to Die-in-a-grease-fire Gagballdom who keeps churning out leaky pen, rapey, racist, homophobic drivel to feed her cultists. We will see it all on sm because S will post it on sm. Fantasy Drama Ooh, that looks painful. Surely they won't drag out another beard, but you never know. In a recent interview, Sam looked back at his intense audition with co-star Caitriona Balfe. There you are DL'ers your first erotic fantasy of 2020. The hypocrisy, then, is straight people dreaming up storylines which position gay people as the primary espousers of the homophobia that they (as a demographic) created, spread and continue to maintain. I didnt know what I wanted to do, so I was working a lot and I traveledI flew to San Francisco R15 R16 hit the nail on the head. Anything is possible. R460 He saved that for the tv interview(s). Someone somewhere seems to be splashing around quite a bit of money to tweak the betting odds - for what these numbers are ever worth. It started out in 1978 when they wouldn't allow a protest march so a mardi gras was held instead - couldn't legally be banned. From the time I was a kid, I have never been able to understand attacks upon the gay community. This whole series is very remarkable. eg. Yes, here we go again.Straight (pun intended) out of the JA bearding playbook : - The pap walk just happened to be in a very busy tourist area on a Saturday afternoon (so private, unlike his real private life) with fans there with their cameras for that candid shot; - various bloggers had just happened to be fed a heads up name, which they did not pass on - spoilsports; - shes US and US based - convenient for FIFO; - Apparently he just happened to follow her on IG before he went to Vegas, and she has Lionsgate links and attends a lot of their events. Speaking of James Bond, this has been a bit of a success story for SH. When he was 5 years old, he and his brother and mother moved to the area of the city-New Galloway. Oh dear, Heughans suit at the OL premier makes him look as if he's had breast augmentation . If I wish to approve posts I assume I click on the WW symbol below the posts but what does the FF symbol stand for ? The physical touching and closeness of his body is being exchanged for a girlfriend or beard. R216 purv is even suggesting he's dating Georgia, Christina and Hannah. But the cultists will love it all. combined with his work schedule. Only 6 years to catch up on. These homophobic trolls have been trying to derail and close these threads since years ago. Something came to mind today when I saw Sam is following another blonde bimbo with fake boobs on IG. S and D both in LA right now. What?). R402 that was what I was thinking too, he might not be the only one running his SM accounts, R407 agree and you can simply copy the link to the video in the "Web Site Link: " box(right under "Posted by". Viewpoint, Jennifer Allen's PR company, is turning 10 and SH has been on IG praising her - so he must not mind being 'in a cave', in 'a pantomime', having her glued to his armpit in front of the cameras as he gave an interview at one of the premieres a while ago? All grist to the rumour mill that promotes his name and image - attention is everything. (further detail - he and newbie were seen at ArcLight Cinema and it was either before or after the movie that they just happened to wander down Malibu Pier for the cameras - this is so staged, yes, he's getting talked about, and yes, there is a woman in the photo, and no, not photoshopped, but the whole picture looks dodgy as usual). What an utter embarrassment. In the previous thread 4 one of the last comments was about whisky, yes I agree that Sam's whisky might do wel for a few years as long as OL is populair. Didn't say much at all, and in carefully neutral language. Did you catch that shes also a content creator? - Fondness for nicknames for her preferred pairings Samzie, Samtina, Samgia etc. Madden may have more success as a heartthrob, but it's sort of incidental. Of course he knows, he's Sam's longtime friend. Pity. If Heughan were really a straight guy, why would the trolls bother to "defend" him? Or maybe a theme from a movie or TV : The Mask; The Riddler; Liar, Liar; The Secret Life of Us. JA again keeping a very close eye on Heughan. This is grossly disrespectful and should not be blamed on his PR team. R587 it was a stupid move of Diesel to not postphone the premiere. He's not only working out at EDA in the past year he has posted pics of another gym in Glasgow. You had to find out about the PI report. [R 492' Is it Sams boyfriend taking the picture or Duncans ? Oh. Just one word of advice and Ill drive out of here and stay in my own, private lane. And OP, we're nearing 600, and we need a part 6 of this thread set up and linked please. No more closet and tbh I think when he stands for who he really is, he will be a better actor for it too. Yet, new girl seen with is younger than SS and seems very immatureand dirty. And the Omaze date competition reeled in the customers. No one has the right to infiltrate privacy and take it upon themselves to broadcast it at will. Ah, Purv is on the case! In the meanwhile Cree says he'd dreamt of this. A leisurely business trip with a camera-hungry business partner perhaps? Interview April 2015 - another time, another Heughan _________ BROWN: Is there a lot of pressure to capitalize on your current success? $$ 20 is expensive. I think that pretty much clears up the bat both Sam and Amy were referring to as not being straight aka its curved. Hopefully he has learned a lot about tradecraft by working with them. (after a bit of distraction with the disastrous Tunagate bearding effort). Heughan shilling his " Bottoms Up Whiskey " on IG this evening, sounds as if it's about to be released for sale. Why not in 2014? For those of you who were regular readers of the blog jamesandclairefraser, imagine if this was three years ago, and Jess had decided shed had it with the trolls, she still wanted to continue blogging, but she wanted it to be a more intimate experience, so she invited a small group to join her as she made her blog private. Who could forget this staged pap walk that nobody bought. I love their love! The questions about Heugan being gay will never go away. Nothing to see there but a useful opportunity to sell 'straight' I guess. Within half an hour of my asking people on TFH yesterday to report the post, he removed it from his tumblr blog, this after two days of doing nothing. I have to admit that the few times I've met Alex briefly, he was a nice and friendly guy(like Sam himself) but but still I never forgot about the business aspect. ) The Sam is closeted gay brigade have always used that Tweet as proof that Sam is gay. Hey, the Johnsons have unpaid bills, looks like she has a prescription drug problem, and the son left dirty condoms in his bed.. Variety review for Bloodshot. The photo of her and Heughan together doesn't seem to be there now - but it is on But he is not looking manly. [yep, that's us] They are morons, this is 'pure evil hate' [ really? It seems Sam Heughan 's motto truly is 'no days off'. [Yeh, Like he's Going To Say That In Homophobic HW, And It Is Him Playing All The Games]. Which leads me to speculate he might still be in a serious relationship from before he was famous, someone he was settled with who would understand and be prepared to wait i.e. Heughan gives every impression of a man determined to take as much money as he can, in any way he can, from his legion of blindly worshipping fans..he'll be laughing all the way to the bank. Not everyone is worth the engagement. As others already stated here: He, and the guys behind him just are milking the Outlander cow, the fans. Might see an upswing of FB feeds - more 'he was with a girl and they were cute together, and he looked happy' - no photo of course unless it was cropped or clumsily photoshopped. Why are we all living rent free in your brain? Personally, if I enjoyed reading Jess blog every day but was only a lurker, Id be super bummed that she decided to go private. Ask me anything Follow. R64 is also R55, our homophobic resident troll who KNOWS that Sam is GAY:). r370 Yes, it is wrong - always has been and always will be. [R216] Agree, but he's a closeted gay trying to make it big in a notoriously homophobic H.W. Love everything about what she's wearing. This year, from a reluctance by tumblr-ites to even raise the possibility that he is gay and risk the ire of his Jamie fantasist cultists, his sexuality came to be discussed and debated by some bloggers on a daily basis: He is gay, thought so; Hes not! All Heughan has to do is place a hand on her knee, arm, shoulder and stupid fans begin to wonder.if they were to be seen having a quiet dinner alone together that would be confirmation they are a couple. Outside of Scotland he is very little known in this country and could do with putting in some solid acting work to change that. ", Henry Cavill in an August 13, 2015 interview in Cosmopolitan. Just occasionally there are comments here about people who have stopped watching Outlander when they found out that SH is gay. simply because the need their king of men to be straight? One thing you can be sure we will see a lot of in season 5 of Outlander is a great many artfully arranged gourds and pumpkins in the new house on Frasers Ridge .however good acting might be in short supply ! . R563 I'm curious too what she thinks.. And the rumours roll on: the newbie works for Play Boy TV - given that she's an ex Playmate, this may well be true; it's really Marina - no, profile completely different; it's Kat McNamara - no; one blogger broke the seeming deal about not helping his PR efforts and posted an IG address that she claimed was that of the woman G - may be so, or maybe not. 'Outer Banks' Showrunner Dishes On The Rachel Zegler Attends 'Shazam! I bet Sam Heughan has the logo for Sassenach Spirits printed on his Dickhe's got it printed on everything else !! Dalla Scozia con tanto amore, Sam Heughan, attore, nel suo ruolo principale che lo vede interpretare l'highlander Jamie Fraser nell'adattamento televisivo della serie di romanzi "La straniera" di Diana Gabaldon: Outlander. He even worked in a plug for Sassenach Spirits in his New Years message. It's Holy Hetero Heughan all the way. Yes, you did read that correctly. [quote] have a look at the strikingly beautiful Heughan being interviewed with the Outlander cast , producer and writer at the Paley Fest L.A,-2015 { on U Tube I think ]. May be she either has no idea. So maybe were wrong all the time and the fat guy must be here for a longer time we didnt know.". Hello and thank you for being a DL contributor. What I wish I had added to my post of 107 was that I think that in this day and age it is outrageous and very very cruel that anyone is denied work merely on the basis of their sexual preferences. There is some mention of SDCC ?- is that a maybe ?. Shitner, Purv and Camuso will hang around often being enthusiastically less than helpful , the Bond speculation will wax and wane - watch this space, the parade of cookie-cutter gfs may continue or a more steady candidate may emerge, or (please) he may keep his private life really private and lay off the PR games. If you go under any of his gay roles they are all deleted. Of this I am certain. She seems pretty active re promotions etc for her career and I'll bet she would have 'run into' him sooner or later - good publicity for her, and him. This is probably again because of his businesspartner Alex. R6 gotta love Cree. Watching Sam and Balfe in their last interviews it looks like there not even friends anymore. With the cover of the showmance gone and the 'player' parade of hinted new 'gfs' looking pretty clumsy, the straight selling has gone a bit rudderless. Too bad he is gay. You couldnt be a normal person and wonder what was being said. News flash -- alcohol is a risk factor for breast cancer in that demographic. Erit will never be because of the pink elephant in the room. R359 snowboarding riskier than skiing for sure. Guess who has a Brand New Beard! "Outlander" lead star, Sam Heughan, confessed that he had a hard time filming love scenes with his co-star and leading lady, Caitriona Balfe. Still, it will earn him a lot of money probably, and that is what it's all about for him for now. [quote]I hope that writers stop relying on this trope because it does very little to explore what makes straight people homophobic, which is by far the most urgent issue. Seems OK so far bot not sure that appearing in 'smart trash' is really going to expand SH's horizons. r310 She was a staff member at the Wizard World Con. But of course he isn'the isn't. MPC, Sassenach etc. bat-cat-reader. Georgia did seem to have perfectly legit business links (as well as a boyfriend and a sense of camera direction), but hey, dont let a hetero selling opportunity go to waste. And of course SH banters back. Why do you even know about me? Can't imagine many of them will develop a whisky drinking habit and order more.. Agree it makes sound marketing sense for him to suggest parties and photos etc but I can't help finding his manipulation and exploitation of his unwitting , idolising fans deeply distasteful . Ultimately, the propagation of the gay homophobe is just a subtle form of homophobia that masquerades as positive representation, allowing straight people to avoid taking responsibility for the homophobia they have created. Stalking trainee cheerleaders? Again, maybe, hopefully not. "In 2011, way before Outlander, Sam and Amy Shiels used to flirt like crazy and banter back and forth on Twitter. {R419]Not only fans who were extreme conservatives would react badly to news of his true sexuality. A real balancing challenge for him. Now that's a claim I never thought I'd see. He seems very fed up with all her bitchy jokes and comments(which I understand). If you hadnt brought it to their attention, theyd never have known. Or not. His people need to turn the page in the playbook. I didnt say it publicly. No One Can Resist Him.". [R357] Perhaps he's snowboarding .is that less dangerous?. I just can't see him as Bond. We all know, that he can do much better if he is relaxed. Tv and film wasn't on his radar? The Outlander actor, who has been playing Jamie Fraser on the hit show since 2013, posted . "I dont want to work with people like that. So a new twist on the traditional beard - long, thick and multi-strand? Purv is weird (but tolerably amusing) - how long did it take her to come up with that description of a guy's dick? R344 thanks this rings true and explains a lot. and has won BAFTA, IFTA, a Laurence Olivier Award, and was a nominee in Golden Globes 2020. Onward and upward. In the longer term though, it will have challenges in the wider market - too many competitors, a lot of people don't drink blends (must admit to being a biased single malt drinker myself), it's quite expensive, and when OL ends, as it will in the fullness of time, not sure that the fans will keep buying. That's our boy. I hope it does. A number of people who have met him talk about how nice he is, and deep down he probably really is a lovely guy, but at least for now it's all about the $$$. It will. Concerning Bloodshot. (Dont get all excited and victimy, Drama Queen. When he's not busy filming season 7 of the Starz show or promoting his new book Waypoints, it seems like the actor has . He had an empty seat beside him. Now it's mainly shilling. [R585] Will the film even make 4 weeks in cinemas, aren't they going to be shut down due to the virus ? [quote]Sam is an embarrassment. I wonder what their collaboration was like, just like with the Spy movie there seems to be a lot of distance between the actors. If you Tumblr ladies continue to give this phony an entrance into your world, you deserve him. According to that bastion of credibility, Purv, there's a possible new gf contender. Admire his work but just wondered. He would like to find love but it's very difficult with his travelling and being in Scotland 10 months of the year (so there aren't any Scottish girls around?). Just a few weeks ago, Starz debuted the first teaser for the upcoming seventh season of Outlander, which will be released this summer. It was all quite exciting and even a bit glamorous at first - sneaking into hotels during trips, secret signals and looks across crowded rooms, snatched moments, loving phone texts, quietly laughing at the idea of 'wouldn't this lot be shocked if they knew', etc etc, but it is all wearing a bit thin. Its sad. The most hilarious thing is the amount of people who shares the thought via private message but dont dare bring it up in their blogs because its unpopular and it costs you followers and friendships plus anon hate and the bad fan label. Popcorn interview - adroitly buried the personal life question. Youve earned it. A fine actor and delightfully camp and assume a good friend and colleague of Heughans. But, a new angle.. drum roll..steady..wait for it. '"Camuso and his sidekick Purvelina control this disgusting site". R33 "Princess for Christmas" ? MPC members questioned it and people are saying his FB was hijacked.. Seemed to be about one every month or so usually very young, usually blonde, short, athletic, conveniently offshore, and a shared belief that their thong-clad bum was their best side. And of course it could fend off those bloody pesky gay rumours that just wont go away, damn them. Sam grew nearby Kenmure castle, where he and his brother played as children. He didn't say anything we haven't heard before. When Sam used to be so hot and new in the game he had really good artists taken pictures from him. He was raised from a mother, who managed her life, who went from a hippie girl without the father of her two sons to a grown, earthed woman. ah, the hubris of celebrities who believe their own publicity ! r518 Not sure if he was there - no reason to be, but then there was no reason for the ridiculous Camuso to be either, and he was. This thread is run by the Welp Troll, f and f. I don't come to this thread bc I'm a Sam fan, I come to attack the Sam fraus for being homophobic. But then Putin introduced anti-gay legislation this summer sobeing a gay personI switched to Rudolf Nureyev videos instead. Do you really expect anyone to believe youve earned the loyalty of anyone to share private blog information in order to protect you, but wouldnt spread the blog posts about Sam and Cait? Oh wait, when skiing you are wearing a lot of layers of clothes, may be that's not Gia Maria's style. He came across as a hyper-thirsty wannabe, totally out of his depth. And it goes on. She seems to have transferred to Glasgow with her long-term boyfriend in Sep/Oct 2017 because he got into Veterinary Science, and she commutes to a job in Edinburgh in her field publishing/media/marketing. Barnum supposedly said, "There's a sucker born every minute". A bit tough on SH as he has done far more that the others to keep the increasingly mediocre OL even reasonably interesting, but he is probably quite happy at this stage to pick up what non-OL work he can but concentrate on his brand. On cue, the SpazPurvMuso troll is having another CAPS-LOCK hissy fit. He even follows and 'likes' the thong-clad images of the fiancee of his friend - that really doesn't fit the bro code, just as you don't slobber all over another guy's girlfriend, fiancee and now wife, whether she is your costar or not. Trying way too hard. First episode of OL season 5 corny beyond belief but Heughan looked magnificent in Tartan, buckskin and Leather. That's enough to keep the hetero image ticking over. You can say all that on your own, you dont need some sicko catfishing you in order to do it. Love the article's claim that 'Many of the gay rumors surrounding Sam Heughan (Outlander) seem to be tied to his obsessive attention to his body, like most actors', what a cop-out bloody excuse that is - hadn't seen that one used before. Heughan could make guest appearances at random Shelters dressed in groin high jeans to display the latest underpants add. but surely she would see that this could just be counterproductive. The pair both posted the photo of Camuso and Gabaldon smiling for the camera. Been a while since SH was in Enty but here ya go. Foxella: January 3 2020 (don't think this is quite the discussion that JA is after), "The closeted foreign born A- list mostly television actor from a pay cable show who is now doing some movies, is terrible at picking beards. He likes the posts of a hell of a lot of people. Watch this space, I guess. We've seen countless examples. It has been said before here on DL it's soul erroding, you will lose yourself living like this. One problem thoughshe cant act. I can think of a few possibilities for this - see next post. Does not ring true. Could be a risky venture as one poster here has already stated " the whisky market is very crowded. Our advice is that you should not click on the link and whatever you do, don't read their truly terrible articles. In a cage indeed. You had to do something underhanded because thats the only way you operate. You supposedly like the idea of space travel so why not teleport to our Mardi Gras parade tonight - almost 200 floats (including floats of police, military, emergency services - all in uniform), 12,000 in the parade. Not bad eh Sammie? Because a gay Heughan is not acceptable but we all know better.. hopefully he will find the courage to lose this shit. Actually I think I never posted that Anon. Sam's whiskey is featured in Forbes magazine..It's better than the usual tabloids. I think that is one of the best trilogies ever made, he told us, and Caitriona added, Sam tries to talk about it every day if he can.STARZ, Related: Kristen Stewart Was Told to Hide Being Queer to Land a Marvel Movie, [quote]"I have fully been told, 'If you just, like, do yourself a favor, and dont go out holding your girlfriends hand in public, you might get a Marvel movie,'" Stewart told Harper's Bazaar UK. Wtf. The most gay-associated SM post Heughan has made in a very, very long time.