No one comes to the Father except through Jesus. So people could devote themselves more fully to God. What makes you think there will BE a judgment day? Heaven isnt a place you earn the right to live in. Throughout the whole Bible, we see this kind of thing in the Old Testament there is no God except me and in the New Testament there is one God. Im sure you would agree that (in an extreme example) reading only ONE verse about something as important as salvation would be a really, really bad idea. Sep 14, 2014. The Bible describes marriage as optional, and that definitely meant abstaining from sex. Let me know. I go to a christian school but no church. Jesus says no one comes to the father except through me, my problem is I would rather rest with Jesus most sacred heart any day than be with a wrathful angry God.I ask Jesus to protect me and hind me in his most sacred wounds and his precious heart from gods wrath, anger, ultimate power, destruction and vengeance.My secret is out I do not want to be with God I want to be with Gods gentle, loving, kind, peaceful and only begotten son. As you know, you cant force someone to like you or love youso, when God created us, He gave us the ability to accept His love or reject it. The New Testament has a whole bunch of verses that tell us that we are able to not sin, that we should not sin, that we should avoid temptation, and so on. And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. In other words, Baptism is a MUST for getting to Heaven Theres no denying this according to Acts 2:38! One of Jesus best students, John, explained it this way: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. We should not expect everyone to meet our standards. So when they die, as with our loved ones of the human variety, of course we want to know what becomes of them. Because this is true, it seems wise to not put it off. Each believer is baptized after believing, to profess their faith to the community. You see, Audry: our problem is not that were bad, and need to be good. Baptism is the response to repentance, not part of it. There is one God, and the Father is God, and the Son is God, and the Spirit is God but they are not each other. Are we reading from the same book because if read as it is written my interpretation is that god does not forgive, Jesus forgives and holy ghost guides but God is wrathful angry destructive and demands perfection from an imperfect subject made by his own hands. I want to be saved and I know that Jesus will save me if I stay true to him. You should be aware that not everybody who gathers with the church is born again. Every analogy falls short. What happens to your physical body when you die? Many are baptized multiple times because they arent taught accurately about conversion, at least that is the case for those I have ministered to. If you disagree in the end, I wouldnt worry about it too much. Ive just finished reading Cold Case Christianity by J. Warner Wallace. As you grow, youll begin to see that what you thought was a frustrating situation you couldnt wait to get out of was actually God, doing His thing, growing you and using you. I know you cant really answer that but I think Im not in the right path or its not good enough. Non-Christians? Let me know if you have any questions. highest level clan in coc 2020; what happens to unbaptized adults when they die. I do not believe that this is our enemy, trying to stop you. When you are able to both obey your parents and obey God, be baptized. It just wouldnt work for me. God raised Him from the dead to prove that He exists, and to show that He has the power to do anything. How can we have a meaningful relationship with a person that we barely know, and that we misunderstand? We may never be entirely sin-free on Earth, but we can definitely get better at pleasing God. I can also recommend some websites and radio programs that you can learn from, for free they can help you trust God better, too. God became a man for several reasons, but a main one was to show us how to live right. Your job is to cooperate with Him, not to do the work yourself. Hey tony .. praise the lord, I have a question too I am born in an indian emirati background my parents are Christians.. Pentecost and so am I since birth I am 15 right now I want to get baptized but I have no confidence my parents keep saying my relationship with jesus has grown short , which I surely dont believe and kind of makes me tear up whenever they talk about it. I salvation defined by one easy action, or is purgatory deniable? Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. ', Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness. You asked does God not accept people who believe in other gods?. Heres what John 1:18 says: No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known. You must believe and be baptized to be saved, but John 3:16 says whosoever believes in me shall not perish but have everlasting life. Government activity Departments. Ill try to provide what little insight I have. Your confusion is absolutely natural, of course. We shouldnt sin. My concern is not whether I can convince sinners to stop sinning, but whether I can make a case for them to trust God with their life and accept His free gift of salvation. Fortunately, theres an entire field of study for this! Most sacred heart, save us from the wrath of god. In that same passage, Jesus told Nicodemus that He would die for us, so that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him. P.S. The way I understand Scripture, Jesus is the Lamb that takes away the sins of the world. If theres some way I can help, I will help. This is a reply to your answer starting with: >> Do the rules change about sin or have we gotten the whole Gay and Christian thing wrong? before my grandson was born, I was shown him, and God told me I had to help care for him because he was the son of Gods child. To help me get in touch with him? You choose your own path in life. They cease all life functions, end of story. In the same way, your neighbor is misled. Do you trust God? I dont commit adultery any more. Its actually pretty wise. Sometimes, we just didnt know the people very well, or even know them at all. I dont think there needs to be a now what in this situation. Two prominent Bible teachers say parents can rest assured their baby is in heaven because the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross provides for their salvation . Thousands of books have been written about this one subject. We have no evidence that our dead loved ones appear to us at any time, let alone as butterflies or flowers or rabbits or ghosts. Im praying for you, my brother. I wouldnt rely on the UCG for any of my doctrine. Im not against Rob Bell. Im not certain if I should get baptized again or not. Im also not trying to call anyone out. I do believe it would be meaningful for you to be baptized in front of your community of faith, to express to them your desire to join them in working to build Gods Kingdom, and to make clear your commitment to following Jesus closely. God will change you from the inside out to be the person you were always meant to be. After you read it, please come back and let me know whether you still believe that one must be baptized to be saved. No, I dont think youd do those things but you seem to have no problem suggesting that youre right simply because youve read the Bible very deeply. All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting peoples sins against them. In the meantime, God wants to give us joy, and peace, and confidence, and courage. Does this also apply to other situations? Barbara Tsipouras Translator at Saddleback Church Author has 3.1K answers and 1M answer views 5 y Related It is the first of the three Sacraments of Initiation, the other two being the Sacrament of Confirmation and the Sacrament of Holy Communion. This is why Muslims have always denied that Jesus is the Son of God, because to them there is no one like Allah, and claiming that Allah has a son would be like saying theres another one just like Allah. Also, we dont even know whether he was a Jew let alone whether he kept the law at all. Angels and humans are simply two different kinds of beings that God has created, like cats and giraffes. How can I get to know who he truly is and fully trust him? Nicodemus was puzzled, of course. Theres no sin that Jesus did not pay for. As long as we dont pretend that our wishes are the truth, and tell others that they should believe as we do, I think were safe. I hope that youve already trusted God with your life, and that we are already brother and sister in Christ. A real person, who is God become human. In John 3, Jesus told Nicodemus that we must be born again to go to Heaven. I have a lot of visions about people I care about. The picture is of dyeing fabric. It sounds like youre saying that only people who perfectly follow His teachings will go to Heaven. Dont be afraid to ask Him for help. Do you believe that ALL of the nations were gathered before Jesus in 70? No of course not. If not, why would you believe that anyone should act contrary to what the Bible teaches? I cant see into your heart, and I cant see into Gods mind. To me, Rob Bell may indeed be a false teacher. Turns out my faith was strong enough to not need Him holding my hand all day, like I thought. That doesnt mean you have to go to church every time the doors open it means dont give up. Ive done so much in the past that was not good in Gods eyes. Its not that difficult. Dont believe everything you hear about who God is and how He works. Have a great day! Only those who submit to God will end up in Heaven. Id like to think that Justice is based on much more than devotion, but I dont feel I have the right judging others Its not my place. The question isnt really what to do with your body after youre dead, but what to do with your spirit while youre alive. The Bible doesnt provide enough information to answer. I want to make sure youre on the sheep side, and not the goats side. He didnt raise questions and leave people hanging. That you would presume to say otherwise speaks volumes. Demonstrably false, and dangerous. Take a deep breath, ask God for help, trade some of the less-important things in your week for some more important things, like finding biblical answers to your questions, like singing songs that inspire you and help you grow, like finding someone else who needs your help and friendship, and spending one-on-one time with God. Im always curious. Thats not the whole story. I have no doubt that dinosaurs roamed the earth millions of years ago. Its available to everyone, at any time. God lives in you, Hannah! However the bible also surports your soul going on to heaven immediately. What do I mean by that? Modalism teaches that the Son didnt ask the Father to send the Spirit, because the Father and Spirit ARE Jesus. God will not judge you for things you cannot control. But coupled with that question filled with heart wrenching anguish begs the question who we think God is. Of course, people make dumb decisions all the time, including the decision to turn their backs on God because they dont want to do things His way. You seem confused, Roger. If youre able to ask them for advice, you may find their information helpful even if it hurts a bit. - user32 Feb 21, 2014 at 18:40 I hope this helps you* 2no Timothy 1:7 For God doesnt give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. Jesus told a story where a son who did pretty much everything wrong. Check it out: Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. I have no way of knowing that. Life can be tough sometimes, right? She became a Christian and wanted to be baptized, so her church adjusted their normal baptism ceremony to make sure she was able to be publicly baptized without risking her life. The question is whether they can appear as a PARTICULAR human being, like your grandmother. No, baptism is not required for salvation. I choose to live His way, which by the way is the best way Ive ever found.