add 7/8 teaspoon (approx) baking soda Thats only 4% of of the recommended daily value. However, because molasses is high in carbohydrates, people living with diabetes should consume it in moderation. The best product for the money, even with paying for shipping. AT (800)327-4406. Wow I wish!! It's drastically reduced my grey in just six weeks. Make sure to take a vit c with, helps your body to absorb Happy BSM. One or two teaspoons will help get you through the whole day. One 2016 study found that eating it alongside foods containing carbs resulted in lower blood sugar and insulin levels than simply eating them on their own. My question is "Does the molasses thicken her blood?" Add molasses to a glass and add just enough hot water to cover the molasses. In stores, a person can usually find molasses in the baking aisle near other sweeteners like sugar and corn syrup. I have been reading about Blackstrap Molasses and all it benefits, but after I read and saw the lead warning label/ cancer risk for California, it leaves a big question mark in my head!! For more information go to You could be missing the real reason youre tired, which could be harmful. No new breakouts. Blackstrap molasses can be sulphured or unsulphured. Or did it make you curious about sugar? However, researchers have linked the nutrients in the syrup to several health benefits. And it's very possible that it's the two in combination that is darkening my hair so much. Some people warm a cup of water and dissolve the BSM in that and drink like a tea. If you are allergic to sulfites, consult your doctor before consuming blackstrap molasses. It eases digestive problems, so if your acne is related to constipation, it's a sure-fire bet. Those seemed hard to test. Calcium is the most present mineral in the body. People dont understand FDA language as it is more technical . The high iron content of blackstrap molasses may promote healthy hair. My PT instructor was not aware of that. Because California has this list and threshold, any item that is being sold in CA containing lead requires this warning. Within 2 hours of first tbl spoon I percieved changing skin (flushed, drier) within 2 days (4 Tbls)no new acne and quickly healing. It is much better than the stuff you buy off the shelf. If youre looking to treat any of the following conditions, you should consult a healthcare professional rather than self-prescribe blackstrap molasses. And how long should it take before the acne stops? Cancer is a frightening and serious health problem that affects millions of people all over the world. From SUGAR! I love the product but am concerned about the chemicals listed-is this an over precaution that CA requires? Blackstrap molasses is a rich source of plant-based iron that may help treat iron deficiency anemia. Hi Minnie, as of the last test, blackstrap molasses contains 0.3 parts per million of lead. It is just about cured! While molasses can be a good alternative to refined sugar, consuming too much of any added sugar can have adverse effects. If blackstrap molasses is found being sold in California without this warning, anyone can bring a lawsuit against the manufacture which has happened to almost every brand and maker of blackstrap molasses. She told me its not the same person-to-person, not to depend on it and that people should continue to have their iron levels checked by theirdoctors. Is it safe if dont live in California or is it still dangerous!! All rights reserved. I just colored my hair again and I've been on the blackstrap molasses for two months. This is where blackstrap molasses shines. Im not diabetic but I find the syrup too sweet almost to the point of making me sick. In my morning coffee and I make a tea with it in the evenings. Everything you need to know about erythritol. Golden Barrel Blackstrap Molasses is a good source of natural iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Used in baking as a sugar substitute and as a healthy supplement, blackstrap molasses is slightly more nutritious than other varieties and has an intense robust flavor and dark color. of unsulphered black strap molasses and didn't fill the RX. The lowest levels of acrylamides were observed in jams, while the highest average acrylamide levels were found in molasses, at 901 ppb. What about probiotics? All of the nutrition info below is for a one tablespoon serving. This is such a frequently asked question right now that standardized responses are often used for consistency and efficiency sake. Sorry about that. The molasses contains high levels of sulfur, which may be linked to cancer. Potential Risks of. Additionally, because low potassium levels often lead to constipation, the high potassium content of blackstrap molasses may regulate muscle contractions to promote evacuation (7, 10). Manufacturers add a synthetic type of this chemical to diet foods and, Sugar appears in our food in many forms, including sucrose, lactose and fructose. Research shows that calcium supplements may reduce osteoporosis risk. Later I tapered down to a Tablespoon once a day, and now, for maintenance, I take it once or twice a week. Must supply our needs for essential fatty acids. In comparison, blackstrap molasses contains 22,200 parts per million of potassium. Although lead levels in the food supply decreased dramatically between the 1970s-1990s, low levels of lead continue to be detected in some foods due to the continued presence of lead in the environment. Sis did the Butterscotch candy. Manufacturers repeat this process several times, producing different types of molasses each time. Beyond potassium, the magnesium and calcium that are also found in blackstrap molasses can help to promote a healthy blood pressure and cardiovascular system. 1. But because my iron has been low since my teens, yet Ive never taken iron supplements per many doctors recommendations (I dont know why), I was like, lets give this the ol college try. I was somewhat disappointed that you do not list the potassium content along with the sodium content. I mix 1 tbs. Nutrition labels can be confusing and misleading. Ive read every post on this thread, and I just wanted to say I appreciate the straightforward way you answered these questions. I think some of this site did not realize the difference in molasses and BSM. However, unlike refined sugar which has no nutritional value blackstrap molasses packs plenty of iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus. The bottom line is that the state of California has come up with their own list of chemicals and thresholds that they believe could be harmful. People can use it in baking, but it lends foods a distinct color and flavor. It is a very small amount and is naturally occurring. Research associates polyphenol intake with preventing, delaying, or reducing the effects of chronic illnesses, including heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and cancer (13, 14). Molasses may have a stronger effect [in terms of iron absorption] because its easier for bodies to assimilate. Thanks for the info.. This is the syrup that results from the first boiling. I have had only good results myself when using Blackstrap for a variety of things in my family. "By the way, molasses is a superfood indeed. Research shows that iron deficiency is common in women with hair loss. I started taking 500 units of vit .C in the morning before work and them in the evening every day until I started to feel better.I up it to a couple thousand units every day and instead of getting a sinus infection every couple of months it would be every 6 months and it finally went away completely.I haven'y had a sinus infection in 40 years..I still take Vit. Registered dietician nutritionists do not recommend that people start eating molasses for nutrients because its sugar content is so high. A similar lawsuit is currently ongoing with the coffee industry as they have acrylamide that California says need the same warning. Besides, horses and horse campers seem to love this stuff. Just the fading red marks from the old ones. Drinking plenty of water will help to keep cells hydrated, also. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Calcium is often associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer. Had I known themolasses in these cookies could improvemy iron levels, maybe I would have participated in the taste-testing. Blackstrap molasses is a plant-based food thats rich in iron. Have your doctor check your levels before supplementing, then check again every couple of months to ensure its in an appropriate range. Never self-supplement just because you feel like your iron levels are low. Blackstrap Molasses Nutrition. It must have done something for him as he turns 90 this year. We avoid using tertiary references. MARILYN,,,,,,, did organic gardening back in the 70's and it was very labor intensive and I gave up on that chore. Blackstrap Molasses contains vitamin B6, iron, calcium, magnesium and . I am not sure if I or my crops are more heather. TYG for Earthclinic.. Marilyn. Required fields are marked *. We can take this as a precautional activity done by the companies. Just had Golden Barrel with hot buttered biscuits. Also assists in helping the heart, muscles, and nerves to function properly. Blackstrap molasses is a byproduct of sugar production and is used in baking and flavoring. I have issues like digestive problems, (specially in winters because it is so cold here that I can not go for walk during winter and it really effects me both mentally and physically), keep burping all the time if I eat something with skin like soy beans or kidney beans. Trace amounts of lead and acrylamide are naturally occurring in sugarcane which is concentrated with other minerals in blackstrap molasses. Blackstrap molasses is a source of natural potassium and can help to promote a healthy, normal blood pressure. This article sets the record straight about how to avoid falling into some of these consumer traps. However, if a person is going to eat sugar anyway, molasses is likely a more healthy alternative. Love this drink. The funny thing is, that I didn't even know I was iron deficient until reading about the same symptoms I've been having for years! I started buying the small jar. I would stick with it because it will likely pass. I first bought blackstrap molasses for the potassium content as I eat high potassium foods instead of taking supplements/drugs. Make sure to read the product label and look for the cancer warning. I know the chemicals are caused by the extreme heat used in cooking the product. This article. Its not absorbed as readily as heme iron from meat, but it is a source of non-heme dietary iron amongst other plant sources including pulses, lentils and dark leafy greens.. Its anti-inflammatory properties as a treatment for acne were documented in a 2002 study found in the Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology. Blackstrap molasses is used as a folk medicine to cure anemia caused by a deficiency of iron as it is believed to contain not only a good amount of iron but also iron absorption enhancers. Reduces risk to certain types of cancer, may help prevent migraines, and aids in blood clotting. Do better. It really does work better than any other blackstrap molasses that I have tried. Here's just one of many studies: Lesson 35 Junk Foods: A Case Study On Molasses, Article #1: Denatured Foods Destroy Life By Alfred W. McCann, Article #2: Junk Food Diet Result In Disease By Susan Hazard, Article #3: Food In Your Poison By Viktoras H. Kulvinskas, Is Bulletproof Coffee Diet Overhyped? The bottom line is that the state of California has come up with their own list of chemicals and thresholds that they believe could be harmful. great product, Joanne heckman (verified owner) November 6, 2017. Blackstrap molasses is rich in a variety of essential minerals including iron, zinc, selenium, magnesium and potassium as well as the majority of the vitamin B complex, deficiencies of which confer a major cancer risk. It's the inorganic iron that builds up in your system and acts as a free radical. Whats more, although blackstrap molasses is a source of plant-based iron, which your body typically doesnt absorb as well as iron from meat, its iron bioavailability is around 85%, which is considered high (4). That said, molasses may help stabilize blood sugar levels in healthy adults on a high carb diet. Blackstrap molasses contains very high levels of the chemical acrylamide, which may be carcinogenic (19). First, manufacturers crush sugar cane or sugar beets to extract the juice. Hi, can anyone please let me know how much Blackstrap Molasses one is supposed to take for anemia? Wonder which healthy eating books are worth a read? Sometimes that shocks people. Let's say it is close to 8.5 so, Stir one teaspoon of blackstrap molasses into water. Why does blackstrap molasses have a lead warning? Excess sugar intake has been linked to some of the worlds biggest health problems, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. Blackstrap molasses is a nutrient-rich sugar byproduct. Put some in my overnight oatmeal mix. Trace amounts of lead and acrylamide are naturally occurring in sugarcane which is concentrated with other minerals in blackstrap molasses. Hello, Would like to know if this is safe to consume? While the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends reducing the amounts of acrylamide in foods, there is currently no set upper limit for acrylamide intake, nor are there guidelines for the presence of acrylamide in foods (23). Additionally, iron deficiency may play a part in hair turning gray during childhood and early adulthood. The lady had tried everything for her acid reflux so the doctor finally told her about blackstrap molasses. I make my own brown sugar with it. To prevent fermenting, a person should refrigerate unsulfured molasses. The role of calcium in human aging. You have explained in simple way. Blackstrap molasses is a byproduct of sugar production. If I take one TSPB daily will it affect my future chances of having a baby?? It is often available in bottles or jars. Great product. I am now forcing myself to drink it straight from the spoon with some warm water right after to take away the taste. Medeiros, D. M. (2016). Update: Since experimenting with other possibilities, I find that Aloe Vera works well at night, and Blackstrap Molasses in the morning. However, the mineral content, organic/conventional status, and plastic/glass packaging varies a lot between brands, so I've dug up as much info on each brand as I can find. Sometimes this lead is the result of pollutants in the soil, or agricultural products like pesticide, which can contaminate sugar cane that is used to make molasses and once that lead gets in, it's hard to get out.