Oh, crap!, Peter flung himself off the building, making a beeline for the fallen Captain America. 32 Stories. Caps down!, Above all the muttered expletives, Black Widows voice came through. Peter sustains a severe head injury on patrol and deals with the subsequent recovery. Peter heard the whine of repulsors and Iron Man landed next to him, its metal face harshly impassive. Chapter 10 Peter doesnt even get a chance to see what he should watch out for when everything around him turns to black. Why is it so dark? multiple seizures. In which Peter Parker comes up with some ~creative~ coping mechanisms (for a fever-induced nightmare), the likes of which Tony Stark hasnt seen before. I also ignored the events of Thor Ragnorok because I wanted Thor, Loki and Bruce in this story too. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. Coming home from patrol, Peter Parker runs into more than he bargained for. His head feels like its splitting in two and every muscle in his body aches as though hes just fought off the Vulture again. I'm here to inform the school that the two of us should no longer be considered contacts for this boy here. Ah, Stark, youre late to the game! Sam Wilson called out as he shot by overhead. Nevertheless, hed swung over to the Williamsburg Bridge and avoided the congestion building up at both ends by swinging underneath the structure. Should I call May? Genre: Fluffy illness/injury, whump, hurt/comfort, humor, A/N: Thanks to @xxx-cat-xxx and@sallyidss for beta-reading and to @awesomesockes for plot, summary, and title ideas <3, SoTony snaps the single use ice pack to activate the chemicals and gives it a few shakes as he moves back over to the kitchen tablewhich one of you is going to explain what happened here?, Morgan shakes her head gravely side to side. Hey, Spider-Man, it's okay. "Would you ever date a fan?" , . So does Mr. Stark. . Not my fault he went all the way to Brooklyn. Dont want that happening again. Gasps and various other exclamations were audible around the room. "You, his friend. But feel free to ask anything else, Every spider has its day (but today is not that day), dont go, my darling (dont leave me behind), this is really only a small sample of all the excellent deliriouspeter content this fandom has to over, 5 Times Tony Thought Peter Was In Trouble, [chap 5] Tis but a scratch (I lied, please help me), [chap 5] when will i stop whumping them? His lungs burn from lack of oxygen. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. In which Peter gets poisoned by gas station sushi and then keeps Tony up all night chatting about pirates, At least I didnt puke on you by @xxx-cat-xxx. 5 times peter parker passes out in front of various friends and family members + the 1 time he passes out in front of tony (and tony flips his shit) 5 times Peter said he didn't feel so good by . Tony adopts Peter after May is suddenly killed in a hit and run. So he was bleeding out in an alley and unable to stand up. The Thompson's ran into the office right as this exchange begun. Clint Barton AKA Hawkeye She raised her eyebrows. KAREN seemed to be broken or damaged because she wasnt responding to him, so his best option was trying to talk by the coms and not his suits AI. His spider sense is screaming at him now and he feels his muscles start to twitch. Pain in his back, his arms, like theyd been ripped from him, muscles torn apart. Sentry mode. Tony ordered it over his shoulder. Captain America is hurt, Peter told the medic, jabbing a finger in the direction of the two Avengers. Work Search: Im always careful!, Uh-huh, Mr. Stark said dryly. Chapter 18 So I do believe I understand. Peter wonders if Michelle was going to watch him during tryouts - only to wonder if that would be worse, considering his inability to focus when she was around. Anyone but Peter. He settles on calling the next-best person to help, too bad (but its the life you lead) byjessicagoddamnjones, Are you even listening to what Im saying?, Jesus, kid he stopped and spun around, placing his hands on Peters shoulders. Honestly Im starting to think he just goes into shock on purpose to make sure we bring him along.. When the bad guys converged on one spot, Peter knew it was bad news. OK LAST ONE FIANLLY I CAN DLEEP Oh wait I just remembered! Peter stops walking right in the middle of the path and takes off his backpack, balancing it on the top of his shoes so as not to get the bottom dirty. Pepper let out a choked sob when she saw her son, laid out like this. "I like your badge Mr. Sr. Police-Man. He used his hearing aids majority of the time, except for that one time. Natasha whistled lowly. Peter can immediately tell something is wrong, his senses dialed up so wildly that he cant focus on anything, barely feeling like hes moving forward on the sidewalk as he tries to reach the Tower. Cue Tony and Steve spending a night on the bathroom floor with a very pukey Peter Parker. For the mission, Morgan explains as though its the most obvious thing in the world. You can use this for now.. "mr stark- " tears fell down his bruised and battered face, blood clotted his hair and his stomach now an opened and bleeding. Catch up, old man!. byeva7673. A very loud, extremely annoying horn sound blared through the ceiling speakers. Eventually the wave of nausea fades and he straightens back up. 20. Who knew Flash actually had it in him. Perhaps you should give me your phone number as well so you could check up on him." "Would my expect you too. "Give me everything you have." "Karen's last signal was at 3.07am. He wipes his mouth with the back of the other hand. Its not exactly the lie Peter would have gone for, but beggars cant be choosers. Tonys not unfamiliar with the concept of paralysis, after Rhodey. Tony Stark of all people came through. He'll freak out. When the vet came into view, Tony didnt bother slowing down. Yeah, I dont know either, kid, Tony grumbles. It all mixes together in an awful cacophony of sounds, so loud that hes convinced that his ears are bleeding as he walks forward. Flash dropped Peter, and he crumbled to the ground unconscious. One: This book takes place one year after the events of Homecoming. Bruce thinks that in trace amounts it wouldnt be an issue, but because theyd just sprayed that morning, there was enough in the air and on the crops to start a reaction. After the Avenger's rescue him, Tony has trouble being there for Peter-- even if he's doing the best he can, his absence convinces Peter that he is no longer wanted. "He was following her from the bus station in Queens. The buff black man, now dubbed Terry, comes over and lifts up Peter's injured leg. [more drugging than poisoning, but I cant make a rec list without it, honestly]. The most infuriating part was that for once, he didn't have the answers. Fingers are in his mouth, urgently sweeping the rest of the sick out and clearing his airway. . as well as Because the next moment those hands were pressing down a little harder, a solid weight on his shoulder and chest.Grounding him.Youre not.. ', Hawkeyes eyes widened and he cursed. Tony hadnt been able to stop Peter. I dont want to know. (this one is really adorable. He enters school, meets some interesting people (who are the Bats? "Good." He just hadnt known that bad news dressed up in red, white, and blue. When hes stabbed with nowhere to go, he limps into the lobby of Stark Industries covered in blood asking for Mr. Stark. When its finally out, his throat feels raw. Why isn't he wandering the question?" He lay perfectly still and was certain he stopped breathing. Browse Ranking Create. (This one is actually pretty lighthearted and adorable, and the whump is on Peter lmao). You're loosing a lot of blood and you need to breathe and I doubt the mask is helping." There are civilians in the subway stations around here. And Peter, the only one unaffected, is trapped inside the Tower with six feral teammates. 264K 5.8K 20. Would you please just talk to me? Yes, this is Shuri. Then his brain fills with static and he blacks out. or: peter gets food poisoning & tony takes care of him. Tony Stark groaned, and pulled a pillow over his head. Not Peter. you heal me like the light of day by @searchingforstarss. Uh he breathes out in warning, Think m gonna puke. Mr. And he loved it. Tony Stark calls him that, like, all the time.. He felt his nose break. He made to get up and finish the fight, but Tony grasped his wrist. Oblivion rose up and pulled him into its grasp. -. Not to mention his spidey sense is going haywire. An old, rusting, wrought iron spiked fence. dailyavocado, Cheerful_with_a_Twist, cant_find_a_good_username, BatmanWhoLaughs666, Hesiniel_Lonto, SilentEntropy, Crovus_Azrael, asksomebodywhocares, yunasama, StarkidFan_NumberOne, Junebug_isunavailable, SeizureslashScoot, ProbablyAHuman, Phantom_Berry, Articwolfplayz, Reader_0709, daemon_kitsune, zolareclipse, Valetudinarian, Imscaredofyou, Amoureuse_tbh, H_Noir, kwardart, BakaKurisu, thr_chrs_fr_rvng, hyucks_chittaphon, Whathasmy_lifecometo, Watermelon_avocado, Hello_Friends, cryingtodeath, a_side_character, dextho, Just_Another_Fangirl_54288, BigGalaxyChaos, Nerdygirl99, Cat_kai, hattrick777, Imauselessartist, Loka__Lokis, Alicetenscia, CheshireLearell, ymnkn, Oliver_966, TheREALGhostSpider, Myhy, Whatintheworld14, adtwmx, ThatLilBroccoliBoi, Stone7046, Blech____________BLECH, and 38 more users Peter was really confused for a second before he realized that she meant his hearing aids. avengers ignore peter while he's stuck dying under a building and peter gets pissed after being rescued (first time making angst pls criticize) . The caller ID was Mr. Sr. Police-Man Jake Peralta. Peter accidentally takes Steves emergency pills that are designed to make him sick in case of poisoning. or;Peter meets the rogues. Youre alright, kid. When Peter comes to again, theres something down his throat. "Yeah, uh my phone number is 9173434273." Want one?, No thanks. Ned wrinkles his nose. Chapter 3 Little Peter is about to be under quite a lot of pressure, and it might get a little . by @losingmymindtonight. Please consider turning it on! Thats why theyre here. Her brow furrows just the smallest bit. His kid was quick and with anger pumping through his veins, Peter was unstoppable. Tony held up his hands, chargers charged and ready to fire without hesitation. Flash had quickly turned it into a game of seeing how many rotten apples he could discretely chuck at Peters head before Mr. Harrington noticed. 4-year-old Peter has his first asthma attack, and, true to this fandoms usual style, its a bit of an ordeal. No you cant! If the exit is over there, where are you going then?. Head hurts. "What did you say?" Never mind. Tony Stark AKA Iron Man . he needed to get out there and fight, to help. Chapter 1 You were the one that did this! No offense, but you look like crap, she replies. Ned and Mj picked him. left kudos on this work! Too bad you dont have laser vision or somethingwe could roast the corn. He gasps suddenly. He feels vaguely nauseous now and theres a weird tightness building in his chest thats starting to wig him out. 2. Love the banter and characterization here. You werent breathing! Wow Im so glad I asked, Michelle remarks, her voice flat. He sneaks a glance towards her, only to see her eyes widen - his senses screaming at him a second too late as he hears someone call out, Watch out!. Was that water? MJ had to come and He trails off and covers his eyes with his hand. He remembers us.. See? I currently like Air I Breathe! And if Mays happy, then Peter is happy. God this day sucks, he gasps out. Are you alright?! Chapter 7 I said, Ill throw down the supplies.. Chapter 1 That part is not so much living the dream. Should I alert Boss? Friday chirps, and Peter groans, waving a hand uselessly. Peter suffers from an asthma attack in the middle of the school. They like him. Thats it. Shut up." Maybe you can do one of your leaps and look over the stalks, Ned suggests, gazing up at the top of the corn surrounding them. Shit! You did everythingbreathright.. So what he was loosing a lot of blood and had AB- blood, the blood type that 1 in every 162 people has. His eyes are open and hes staring straight at Tony. Got to admit, I didnt expect that she said, and Peters face flushed. flora funeral home rocky mount va. Jun 5th, 2022 . (Or, Peter getting absolutely whammied and having no memory of what happened). he was alone. He nods in confirmation. Peter tries to smile through the mask but settles for another thumbs up. As he flew towards the last known location of Spider-Man, Tony tried to control the heart clenching fear that threatened to overwhelm him. left kudos on this work! The lights rose and Tonys anxiety rose with it. +1Peter was permanently deaf. Breathe, Peter! Is he okay?, Uh Peter cut off as Mr. Stark strode over and knelt next to Captain America. Acute respiratory distress. Im fine, just probably need lunch, Michelle looks him over appraisingly. Project Baby Spider * Peter Romano. Im dying, he decides, flushing the toilet and resting his forehead against the rim. Work Search: Strange. Tony and Peter are stranded in the desert after a plane crash. Ms. Egdirbmu was walking around. Im on my way now. left kudos on this work! Peter made a beeline for the nearest black vehicle and dropped down in front of the medic outside of it. Now, he was Lucifer coming to drag a new sinner to hell. He shot a web to a building across the street and soared quickly through the city. He feels disgusting. Im coming. Wheres your inhaler? he asks immediately. he groaned and gasped as he began to sob. trick or treat by @ciaconnaa - Morgan decides to do a quick science experiment to determine whether or not shes allergic to strawberries while under Peters care. avengers fanfiction peter bleeding out. [chap 5] when will i stop whumping them? The loud rushing noise in his ears began to fade. Theres a squeeze on his arm. Steves brow furrowed and he brought a hand up to his forehead, as though he had a headachewhich he probably did. Who is an actual doctor by the way., A migraine hits unexpectedly, and Peter doesnt want to worry his aunt. 5. Tony watches helplessly as Wanda peers into the carefully-buried past of Peter Parker, one that Tony himself hasn't even delved that deep into out of respect for his protg. Spider-Man dies to ravioli.. stark i cant-. And the 1 Time Tony didnt. [chap 2] 5 Times Peter Fell, and Tony caught him. The teacher flushed red. He winces as another cramp hits his stomach. She began writing a detention slip. "Eugene Thompson! Tony flew as fast as he ever had. 19. edit: so. You can take it off for a few seconds at a time, but if this monitor she taps on one of the screens starts beeping, it goes back on, understand?. youll get it soon. Hey losers, youre not lost are you? Michelle calls over in her usual bored tone. Marvel's. Michelle huffs out a frustrated sigh. Pepper called from the kitchen. 1-Peter didn't think it was a big deal. Weird how?. Can you talk? "Will he be okay?" Peter has the flu at the lake house and, in his confused state, thinks its time to head to school. Do you know any irondad fics where Peter is poisoned? We were discussing Eugene's punishment." Racing down the hall, Tony noted that the alarm and flashing lights were all over the compound and that the rest of the Avengers team were on their way to the conference room as well. He tries to take in a breath on his own and instantly feels like hes choking. Kid, you okay? Tony asked as his helmet retracted into his suit. Peter frantically raced back to Captain America and checked the dazed but conscious Avenger for any new bullet wounds on his spangled suit. How far out are you?, Im here. Peter announced, catching sight of Hawkeye with his signature bow, firing down into the mob that had become East Houston. Mj ordered. Are you okay?!. He puts two of the apples in the pocket of his hoodie and sticks the other between his teeth to free his hands so he can re-zip the backpack. peter sighed. look spider-man we are a little busy as you probably can tell. "You didn't believe that my son had an internship with me. You know, this really isnt a good way to deal with stress. Peter told the guy as he shot another web, sticking him to the side of the water tower on the top of the building. Chapter 16 They continue their never-ending trudge through the maze, but Its only a few minutes before Peter is forced to stop again as a particularly bad cramp has him doubling over. They turn around another corner and are met with a dead-end and a yellow sign stating You look Corn-fused!. Peters body arched, and shook as the electricity traveled through him, before it receded, and Peter fell to the ground. Tony, now on the phone, hears the nurses next breakdown very clearly. "You! His breath hitches and tears slide down his cheeks. It goes to hell in a hand basket. Jake flinches. Was that? He is en route and will be with you soon.. Peter frowns. Chapter 20 I forgot to call the dad.. The principal continued to tell Flash what would happen to him. Chapter 19 Im texting Bruce. mainly an excuse to write both fluff and angst (mostly angst very little fluff) with some fun sarcastic humor thrown in. Stephen Strange was confused. She asked aggressively. Online. Peter had assumed it was some little science project that was supposed to improve his web-shooter fluid or something, but Mr. Stark had sent him an address in lower Manhattan with instructions to come in his suit. Dont fight the ventilator, Tony instructs. Ned asked the nurse after a few minutes. He said, slamming his locker closed. He, uhdoesnt have insurance? Ned tries again. "Oh my god, Spider-Man! "Other than the fact that your Caller ID is Mr. Sir Police-Man Jake Peralta, no I don't mind. 5. "Hi! His stomach twists and cramps and he retches miserably. Which is tomorrow. The rest of the teams been through here twice already. Stark! Peter said indignantly as he swung around the grouped-together men (that was stupid, he wasSpider-Man!). mr stark- tears fell down his bruised and battered face, blood clotted his hair and his stomach now an opened and bleeding. Whys there a kid on our comm link? Peter heard a distinctly female voice ask. Hes on his third backpack this school year and hed only bothered asking May to replace the inhaler after the first time it had gotten stolen. Thank you! Then he looks at Peter, his expression one of mild concern. Her expression morphs into teary-eyed pity as if she were looking at a beat-up puppy, while Peter looks confused as to why she's just standing there and staring at him. I I think Im good, he decides. Jake boss a couple times and then takes Peter's mask off, muttering cool repeatedly under his breath. Well news flash." Its still a terrifying sensation to not be able to inhale for himself, but after a few seconds, he realizes that hes not dying. Theyd had a huge fight the night before, and Peter had left the compound. Im on my way., What were you doing on anever mind. Thatsthat's good, right?, Uh, yeah. Mr. Stark gave him a strange look. Things are moving fast all around him. Call Mstr Stark, he gasps out. Well, good thing you're going to jail. Chapter 2 he started to think he was loosing too much blood because everything was begging to go back, though that also could have just been more rubble falling on him too. 5 Times Peter Fell, and Tony caught him. Someone is cutting his clothing off of him. (Everyone knew Mr. Harrington just really loved those apple cider donuts.). Whatever. Biometric readings showed Peter had been shot three times and was falling. The nurse at Midtown was one of the cool ones. Jake laughed. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He makes eye contact with Ned and shakes his head frantically. Peter and Ned kept working on the sheet, using ASL to communicate. 'Cause I'm bleeding out So if the last thing that I do Is to . Fitting In (Tiny Spaces) byaloneintherain. byeva7673[chap 2: Cloud Fall], I feel like Im falling.The words trickled out of Peters mouth before theyd really even formed, but Tony understood them. 7. I dont know what I need tohey, watch it, dude!, A man dressed in filthy military fatigues raised his machine gun and fired at him again. Youre like, sweating.. He lowers his hand sheepishly to find the marker instead. Training with Cap is like living the dream - that is, until he comes in sick one day and has an asthma attack. "Rosa call an ambulance! Super emotional and heartwrenching, with both physical and emotional whump, but also sweet and light in parts. Peter snapped his eyes open, blinking a couple times to clear his vision. That was nice. Is it.. alright for me to take your mask off Peter? Part uh something idk He points at Peters backpack. Oh my god! Because the next moment those hands were pressing down a little harder, a solid weight on his shoulder and chest. Follow Peter Parker entering a new life in Gotham City in his quest in trying to feel normal again in a new reality. His skin is roughly scrubbed down with sponges and lukewarm water. Peter couldnt be dead, could he? No but we have apples, he says, pulling three small Braeburns out of a paper bag. More like made me fall off a skyscraper, Peter told him as he hopped off the roof and began swinging towards his destination again. 5 Times Tony Thought Peter Was In Trouble by @jbsforever, Taking this one step at a timebySparrowFlight246, Peter suffers a serious head injury and recovery. The Thompson's sent a glare at Flash, turned away from him, and walked out. Nico couldn't stand being at camp so he left. Sort by: Hot. I'm fine. Chapter 6 Visiting her friend.. ", Peter Parker dies after Thanos successfully snaps. Yes, well I presume your husband is out making sure Eugene gets expelled?" He shook himself mentally. Its like the opposite of sensory overloadeverything has been dialed back to negative two. Because otherwise, we'd have to take matters into our own hands and trust me. "Ned, I need to get out of here before Mr. Stark finds out, otherwise he will literally kill me for going behind his back. He was spinning, tumbling, and turning out of control, being flung in every direction. Second, this does get dark in some places. The apples, Peter throws in, making a finger gun. Im from the future and I need your help, he said, heart pounding as Stranges eyes widened with realisation. Why was his alarm going off? It helps a little, but still feels like not enough. Is it in here or not?. Machine gun fire opened a split second after he moved, spraying the apartment building wall with bullets. Forget Mr. HarringtonIm hanging up and calling 911.. Im not a kid!, All right, Spider-Man. Captain Americas stern voice cut through the audio. A fanfic where Tony Stark and Pepper Stark had a kid named Peter Stark. Youve got like, food poisoning or something., Peter shakes his head. He points a shaky finger at the tube and makes a questioning face. Crack one-shot that I wrote based off of a tumblr/pinterest text post that I saw like years ago. 3. If Peter had enough air left to care, he would have been surprised. That's why you might see mentions of a "Spiderman Fanfiction" in some . He was sure hed only been asleep a short while, and it was Saturday, so he didnt have to work today. He heard the Avengers chatter switch to background noise as his AI kicked in. He jumped onto the ceiling and silently crawled out of the open . You need to be careful., Mr. Why he was sitting on the top of a random Manhattan skyscraper, Peter had no idea, but he shot a web towards the guy and ripped the weapon out of his hands. As soon as hed cleared the much higher Manhattan skyline, he could tell where he needed to go by the smoke rising in the distance. how could he let himself become trapped TWICE? And then to make matter worse, Bucky had been triggered and forgotten who anyone was. Please consider turning it on! Flash began to shake slightly. This isn't much longer after book 10, The Emperor of Nihon-Ja by John Flanagan. You don't need to be scared of me. He passes Peter the ice pack, earning a grunt of thanks. Isn't that what Deadpool calls you," Peter's eyes widen slightly. FRIDAY, get this thing off me.. To Peters dismay, the lightheadedness and headache hes been experiencing arent improving with the addition of the fruitin fact, theyre definitely getting worse. Peter gasps, then gags again. Nothing. He moves back out. Most were in their pyjamas, like he was. All traces of humor disappear from Neds features. I'm going to have to ask you to take them out, and give them to me." Go find a medic, would you, kid? Work Search: Wait, does that even make sense?, No, A dry voiceClint, Peter thoughtsaid. Are we really discussing this? Captain America and Black Widow asked at the same time. 17. "Well why can't Peter Parker tell me that for himself?" Karen, help. Unfortunately, Spider-Mans super-healing decides to go on holiday the same weekend that he does. Peter Parker and Peppermint Dont Mix by @spider-man-stan, In which Peter gives Tony and the gang a rather festive health scare on Christmas Eve, A Poison That Never Ached byfriendlyneighborhoodash. I told you. Peter chuckled. He may have to fight tooth and nail for every victory and he needs to find a way to stop Thanos, but hey, at least he has his friends! Flash begged. Peter's eyes start to feel really heavy. The last thing he wants is his whole team knowing they cant even find their own way out of a stupid maze. When it was pretty much guaranteed that all of them were down for the count, he hopped down off the side of the wall and sprang to Captain Americas side. The stranger loomed over him, with a smile. "Aha!" He muttered something under his breath. Chapter 12 "Excuse me, mister wireless headphones are not permitted in class. Every spider has its day (but today is not that day) by @frostysunflowers, Peter, its very important that you stay awake., Really? You brought butter?. Hey, I think that Steves the real old man here, Wilson. Mr. Stark told him. He put them in immediately. He didn't know what else to say, other than he was completely, utterly confused. He and a few avengers had been fighting these aliens that were invading and trying to do world domination or something and one of them had caught a building in its blast. Im more of a Granny Smith kinda guy.. Peter has never been one to run from a fight, even without his suit. Bethanyyyy!!! Its okay.. ~one day later~ Peter was in his room chilling out when his phone rang. Peter didnt carehe only cared about keeping the enemies distracted from realizing that they had perfectly good bait practically wrapped up with a bow on top in the form of an unconscious super soldier half-buried in rubble. He shot a web to a building across the street and stumbled onto the roof of it. Poor Tony had thought the whole thing was a recipe for disaster before someone decided to shove some cyanide in his food. his voice became raspy as he called out for him. Pepper calls Tony, who is on his way to the office to talk him the diagnosis. I finally got organized and have all my fics on a page now if you wanna check it out! Peter was sure. This is ridiculous.". Tony comes to take care of him. A rush of wind sent goosebumps across his skin before two strong hands gripped his shoulders tightly, keeping him upright and from nose-diving straight into the alleyway cement. Peter holds one out to his friend. Sound is first to return. Things like getting stabbed when he's just trying to protect people. I'm bleeding out for you (for you) I'm bleeding out for you (for you) I'm bleeding out for you (for you) I'm bleeding out for you . Friday contact Karen, Tony ordered tersely. Whoops, he mutters before slipping it back over his mouth and nose. Whats wrong with him? she asks. Kid. "I told him I didn't believe he had an internship with you and he said that he didn't need my validation." Were gonna fix this.. Biodad Tony & his little son), The Education Complication by @keep-a-bucket-full-of-stars, Peter has an asthma attack during gym class (13 year old Peter & biodad Tony), Peter is Steves bio-kid, and after losing their apartment and going homeless, they get taken in by Tony, (Not technically asthma, but a breathing condition that mimics asthma and so well doneI rec this one every chance I get). So instead of leaving it to the heroes, which he was hardly, he gritted his teeth and hung on for dear life. Just feel weird.. Mr. Hes being transported somewhere. The light is bright, painfully so, but Peter cant jerk away, he cant do anything because his body is being crushed by something heavy but not entirely unpleasant. peter parker fainting like a victorian madame for ten minutes straight by @floweryfran & @peter-stank. as well as Time-Lapse bysahiya- Peters having a hard time finding his place after returning from the snap. Yeah, just enjoying the whole fall aesthetic here, Ned says, spreading his arms out in an encompassing gesture. "Question number seventeen. Friday, track Peters suit, and his phone, he directed. his clothes were ripped and something was definitely now piercing his bellys skin. Its the Cinderella AU you never knew you needed, but dont want to live without. he cried out in his mind, but he couldnt speak the words. What does Captain America not have that you dont? Like, dirt poor. He starts to rifle through the contents. 7, peter parker is stuck under a building (again what a surprise the boy just attracts buildings i guess you could say theyre FALLING for him ahaha) anyways i just watched the kissing booth and i hate it so to distract myself i read peter parker angst and now i needed to do it and im so tired its one am, avengers ignore peter while hes stuck dying under a building and peter gets pissed after being rescued (first time making angst pls criticize), edit: this was my first actual time writing a fic i promise i do actually know how to write well now haha, please leave critism (my spellings bad i cant see my screen rlly well my visions blurry im rlly tired) bc i want to make good angst also its not edited nor will i be editing them i am SO TIRED, (See the end of the work for more notes.).
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