The scene is brief, and Amanai becomes a character with her own minor dramatic arc soon after. He couldnt focus on anything, but you the whole time. Not that he minded. Which lasted approximately two minutes. You gave a bod but didn't move. You smiled up at him, he gave a nod to you and sat next to you. I had a really hard time with my parents lately, you know that. ' . But I guess I thought wrong. Haikyuu BF Quiz: Who's your Karasuno Boyfriend. "Sorry Hinata. [ , My book including your favorite haikyuu bois as your boyfriends with scenarios and imagines. Although it was awkward you still held hand as Tetsurou walked you home. haikyuu boyfriend scenarios when you sit on his lap. "I think he meant the ground." Semi-long quiz. "Then I'll lay on you." apologies for any typos, and i hope you enjoy :)the couples:tsukkiyamakuroke. He wasnt even ashamed to admit it, more like proud of being stupidly in love. Its a date then. You winked and came back to your previous spot like you just hadnt changed Kuroos entire life. !" Season 1 is virtually absent fan service whatsoever, from Season 2 onward, the series begins to indulge in those sorts of moments with more frequency. You would 100% have to initiate it. After all these promises of trying your best, this is what you do? He shoots you a look from under his lashes. The only one in this universe who had him for every command. He wasnt furious, he wasnt even angry. Daichi, who looks bemused only nods his head, asking you to continue. All feeling inside of you start mixing up and you dont know whats real anymore. It was the first time something like this happened and the unsureness of how to behave in such situations was very visible. Kyoutani gave a nod, he then walked away with the same expression, shocked, passed Iwazumi. haikyuu boyfriend scenarios when you sit on his lap. Things were fine. You smiled and stood up, holding onto his arm as he gave an eye roll with a smirk. He couldnt believe you were THAT angry. Haikyuu ~ Who's your Karasuno Boyfriend? When he took a step closer to you, you gave a small laugh and leaned to the side, when you did, you gave parted lips when Inouka sat on you, leaving all his weight back before giving widened eyes and standing back up. Am I being to nice to my own girlfriend? After all, you deserve all the attention in the world, don't you? Tsukki and his s/o are out on a date and his s/o starts to get jealous of the other couples who are showing PDA. You gonna tell me about it or what? You asked, standing up and sitting closer to him after he didnt respond to your silent plea. Youve never asked me, baby. And with that Kuroo almost laughed, almost. I would ask you to call me when you know what you what, but I think you already have an answer. He doesnt smile or touch you. You dont exactly know who he directs these feelings. Oikawa Tooru: Second Encounter You looked up at Noya as you placed your clothes in your bag before two of you went over to your house after practice, Noya tossed a ball back then he smiled at you. A collection of romantic scenarios from my tumblr (@haikyuu-bf-scenarios) about haikyuu. After all, you promised each other that checking phones was unacceptable. Season 1 is virtually absent fan service whatsoever, from Season 2 onward, the series begins to indulge in those sorts of moments with more frequency. Everybody was slowly leaving, going their own ways until finally, you two were alone again. Follow this book to see where your life with one of them leads you. Some of the most important players hadnt attended, because of reasons and this made them almost unable to play. "Geez you're heavy. Lev looked at you then kissed your head, pulling you into a hug. Just as he said that, Ukai pulled the piece of glass out. "Trying to pop my knee or something. Suggestions are more than welcome, so please feel free to request a chapter idea! !s characters? A dream, right? I-I wanted to call you for a long time, but I chickened out again. "Just sit in Kenma's lap." You know what Tobio, sometimes you are so freaking annoying that I dont know why..-. Kuroo would literally kill himself if he made you uncomfortable or repulsed. 'Could you close your eyes for a second? That whispered question honestly threw him off of guard, you didnt plan on slapping him or something? Semi Eita: First Meeting Interesting. Since his accusation is backed up by proofs, you cannot lie anymore. Today is undoubtedly different and it terrifies you. This is my haikyuu! <3, i feel deep inside that he is a very cuddly guy and once you agree to be a little spoon - you are trapped forever, I just wanted to make a small promotion for myself! Hinata stood up and waved his arms with a blue face. For a while, you are not ready to ask for the reason of his bad mood, but when he refuses to hold your hand you finally snap. Ukai sensei gave a small head shake with his hands on his hips. Tsukishima Kei: Second Encounter 'You didnt like it? Finally, after the third series of pounding at your door, you try to stand up and see who wants to see you so badly at 7 in the morning. Oikawa Tooru: First Meeting "My gosh that feels better." *Images used are not mine. Kiss Kiss Scenarios (Ouran Host Club Request Book) 120 pages January 11, 2017 Livesperation #nekoma You will never choose a movie again, I swear to God. You know that I cant stop seeing your heartbroken face anywhere I go? Oikawa chuckled as Iwazumi walked away, you gave a small laugh, trying to hold it back. He's not even that pretty! 9. You and Iwazumi both gave widened eyes before you pushed him as he smirked and stood up on his own. And when you wrote him how much you missed him and how refreshing it felt to see him, it also was only catching up? You were about to smile back before you gave parted lips when Noya sat on you instead of the bench and tied your shoe, you gave a small laugh as he smirked, sitting more on you, you then pushed him off when he was done, he grabbed your hand after and pulled you up with him. (and feedback is well appreciated). Please Heart, Read, Comment, and Follow! They bluntly ignored the heavy atmosphere between you and Kuroo after your exchange of words and both of you were thankful for it. He has bought two tickets, packed them nicely and waited for a good moment to give it to you. "Let's go now. Iwaizumi Hajime: Second Encounter. ", "Says you, you keep calling him 'the pretty setter'. He decided to just give up before puppy eyes appear on your face. "Are you ready (Y/n)?" But you kinda want to, right? You asked quietly. You gotten a piece of glass in your foot and hopped into the gym, you sat down trying to pull it out before Ukai noticed. -this happened. You smiled somehow differently, ruffling his already messy hair, making his heart race. "Anyways." 19. book on wattpad, it is kinda full of oneshots, so if you want to read it, please feel free to do so! what?? I know you have problems focusing on your tasks, but if you want we can always study together. You must have fucked up badly and you deserved whatever you are getting today. Although you gave no answer just like you had done previously, you eventually sent him a tired look and sighed. "Ah, Kuroo! You have a small laugh as you leaned on him to get him off, but he pushed more weight on you then leaned all the way back, Oikawa came into the gym with an eyebrow raise when you and Iwazumi looked over at him. "You look like shit." "Good morning to you too, Tetsurou." Without another word, he invites himself in and sits on the couch with the expression too serious for your liking. Open windows welcomed warm breeze into your home, which moved your earnings, shaped as sunflowers. It was the smoothest thing that came out of his mouth, now they can seriously call him a master of love and sex. Scenarios and preferences with your Haikyuu Boyfriend! And put your tongue in my mouth again when we are in public and you will have to explain to Iwaizumi, why you cant attend practice for the rest of your life! ' The hurt expression on your face hit him hard and fast. His head is hung low, eyes clouded with worry. #haikyuu You werent his punching bag, but a person he held deep feelings for. I trusted you too much. You have your own pretty setter on your own team! "Kenma You and Kuroo were over at Kenma's house after going there after practice, as you sat next to Kuroo and played games, Kenma came in and stared at you for you sat in spot. So I know there are many of these but I love this anime so imma do scenarios with them. Your rainbow-shaped earrings made a nice contrast to your official, school uniform and even though, you probably didnt want to stand out of the crowd - to him, you were the only shining star in the room. "Eww Hinata." With Ayumu Murase, Kaito Ishikawa, Yu Hayashi, Satoshi Hino. "Done already?" He drew a deep breath, which seemed a little shaky at the beginning as if he was ready to cry, but quickly collected himself. "I said off." Yama scooted to the ground just as you lifted up your head, he smiled and you did the same, both of you laughing a bit.Nishinoya You gave a small frown then placed your foot to Noya's butt, pushing him lightly to get his attention. Still the same scared me, I bet you would be really disappointed if you knew. 3. Kuroo didnt utter a single word for a long while and you thought that it would be smart to give him time and wait until he was ready to clear the air between you. Since that memorable day, when you had finally acknowledged his presence, you two have grown closer with each day and now he could proudly admit that you two were friends. "Is that so?" I'll be able to play a full game next time and we'll win for sure! His mouth dangerously close to your ear, tickling it with every breath. The image of your nails against his skull and a very small, almost unnoticeable smile that graced your face was still vivid in his mind, hunting and hunting non-stop for weeks since your break up. Then you and waved happily and skipped towards the door like nothing had happened. Yamaguchi Tadashi: First Meeting AnOkay I. Some Haikyuu head-cannons, one-shots, and scenarios! Opening the gym door, you were welcomed by a swallowing darkness. he didn't even play during the game, "So what is your namr? "Kenma?!" Get off of me." You gave a small groan then a laugh, he stood up and looked at you, you sat up but he sat back on your legs and leaned back on the bed, an arm over his eyes. The rest of the conversation was messy, messier than your break up, than any of your argument. What are you." "Inouka You were sitting in one of the cushion chairs as Hinata talked to you, he then sneezed and you gave a disgusted look when you saw his snot. Next move is yours to make. You shot him a teasing smile and disappeared behind your doors, leaving him to the cold night and lonely streets. sport, kei, kageyama. He leaves quietly in the evening of your seventh month anniversary. I am simply grateful for such a beautiful script and a series of emotions.. "Or he can sit in mine?" You were lost and definitely in need of a time to think about it. Your lips are dry and your heart is pounding painfully. Well, welcome to my world. You chuckled, earning a small disapproving look from your boyfriend. Terushima smirked then started to move around, leaning more weight on you before you groan and shoved him off. "Scoot." "That wasn't necessary, you know?" It is a piece of my heart - treat it well. You, young lady, need to stop with this stupid, unnecessary breaks between sentences and words, because honestly, they suck and well, they are going to give me a heart attack someday. Do you know why Im here? He asks, looking straight at you. You gave a confused look then gave a shoulder shrug, making Kei give a sigh and do what he said, he leaned back on you, you gave parted lips as he did. Work Search: What are you going to do/say to your boyfriend? "Here." I thought you were serious, but looking at your grades I guess I was wrong. He mutters tiredly, not noticing how your whole face fell at his words. Boyfriend Scenarios!! "Ow." 'But I dont want to leave you alone in this situation! You sat up with a groan and shook your head, watching him go back onto the court and bump a ball up. A/N: Here's a little scenario thing I wrote a while back! Can you write an angst-ish scenario where Oikawa's s/o breaks up with him because of his fangirls? 'Im sorry. He whispered, closing his eyes as his shoulders dropped a little. I hope you enjoy XD. He saw you not in bed, the bathroom light was on and the door was half open, he called your name and went over to sit on the be that was bundled with blankets, but when he did you gave a confused look after feeling Daichi's weight press form on your thighs. From what? "Finally some room." Non-obvious answers. Kuroo felt its fastened beating and immediately felt guilty for causing you so much stress, especially since you didnt deserve any of thing. 7. Yet. You added grimacing, but your eyes shined with amusement upon noticing his small breakdown. Heey, Yaku-senpai..since we are here too, maybe we could It was a shame you were so far away, he really wanted to see the emotions on you face in that moment. You were currently doing absolutely nothing when Yaku came out of nowhere looking determined for a reason you werent ready to know. The annoying ringing of his phone woke him up right in the middle of the night and he couldnt think of anyone foolish enough to do something like that. You know that these are only stupid excuses and your poor grades were only your fault, but you felt so unmotivated and lost in the past few days. Boyfriend Scenarios!! Determined to be like the volleyball championship's star player nicknamed "the small giant", Shoyo joins his school's volleyball club. You made the decision. This work could have adult content. His team had been destroyed in todays match and he couldnt do anything to change it. Half an hour later, the volleyball team was ready to leave and you all headed home. Kenma, you are a genius.Am I?But the volleyball captain didnt hear his friends words But- You whined. 'It sure does. He repeated after you and your doorstep soon became a place full of giggles and chuckles Kuroo didnt know how desperately he craved for the whole time without them. Its you who insisted on going to university together. Ships in this video: Kyouhaba, Matsuhana, Kawagata, IwaoiEnjoy :) I forgot. | Oikawa Tooru ver. He only purred happily and put his arms around you, kissing your forehead. is laser-focused on its core premise: Shoyo Hinata and Tobio Kageyama are two volleyball prodigies who differ in their approaches to the game but are united in their desire to be the best they can possibly be. #oikawa You deserved each other, fought for each other and hopefully will be with each other forever. "Team Johzenji Terushima You sent a text to your Mum telling her that you were going over to Terushima's house as he finished up practice. Its been 32 days, 16 hours and 15 minutes since you ended your relationship - not that Oikawa counted. 55 guests At least thats what he thought, until that phone call. Someone knocks on your door, but you cant move. Does it show that much? He quietly asked after a minute of silence between them. Do you want to know five easy steps they would use to make you theirs? I dont really want your apology. There are no tears or screams. Bye, s/o.. "What?" You tried to push him off but he leaned more of his weight in you, chuckling, Noya did too and around that time Tanaka slid off your lap wiggling between you and him. Haven't seen her." I was supposed to your birthday present, but- He wildly gestured towards the place him mother was in. Daichi Daichi went over to your house around ten in the morning, it was a Saturday and you were still asleep, but when he knocked them entered your room. As a result of the commitment of "Haikyuu!!" You can't come because you have school to do. "Yama! "Is this a bad time sensei?" Dont you think we should stop them or something? He asked completely dumbfounded. Inspired by TyTy (go check her out btw!). Akiteru's mother gave a small chuckle as Akiteru gave an eye roll and kissed your head, you smiled as he held your hand then kissed it, making you blush as he did the same. Cookies help us deliver our Services. . In such short time, you were able to brighten his days without much work. He would never say it to anyone, even himself that the fact you were the one to take the lead turned him on, a lot. You gave a nod, just before you could peck his lips, you heard Hinata's mumbles, Lev quickly spun on his toes and sat on you just in time for Hinata to perk his head into the gym with a confused look. I just hope you will forgive me for my stupid actions someday.. "I know. Dont play with me. "Tendou don't sit on me." "Hey! Yhm, I kind of - bought two tickets to movie marathon and was wondering if you wanted to go? But even though I wasnt able to call, doesnt mean I will not talk. "Other Akiteru You were over at Akiteru's Mum's house today, as you sat in a bar stool at the counter, you talked with her about high school as she made dinner. Vernon would shift around awkwardly not really knowing what to do with you sitting on his lap, as it would be a new thing to him. #yamaguchi, AnIs there anything different I could try with my mom story Like make it longer or what, Hinata- "Um y/n? His eyebrows are still furrowed, however, his face seems softer somehow. 10. In short, in Season 4, Episode 9, upon Karasuno High's arrival at the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium, which serves the Spring Tournament's venue, a player from another team bumps Hinata into Nishinoya, who falls towards Kanoka Amanai, revealed to be a childhood friend of wing spiker Ryunosuke Tanaka. " " - He saw you asleep and gave a groan, picking up a pillow after going over to you and dropping it on you. #aoba Sugawara Koushi: Second Encounter The one that you forced to sit on the bench. Hinata Shoyo: First Meeting Because if you are I have to say no, we are too young, baby., How about you shut up and let me finish?. "Keeping it warm for me?" Bokuto Kotaro: Second Encounter You always loved him more. And the line became quiet. I dont know, Im not ready to die. The bold male, replied with a frown. Kuroo closed his eyes, desperately trying to bury the unsettling feeling that welcomed itself into his life a few days ago, on the day when he laid his eyes on you. may have merit, it's the show's unabashed sexualization of Amanai that crosses a line. Fluff Scenarios for the soft heartsLemon Scenarios for hardcore ones!Submit your request in the comments, I'll be happy to write about it ;), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. Tanaka-senpai. Whispered Hinata. But a fluff ending please? Mhm- you moaned quietly -I love you, Tooru., Thanks for the request love, I hope youll like it. Requests Open! 'Im glad. You said and skipped happily to your door. Before you can stop it, tears already gather in the corners of your eyes, ready to drop at any moment. He was searching for it in his memories, but all he got was a bitter taste in a mouth from the loneliness he felt while recalling all the good things that you brought into his life and ripped violently while leaving. You cheered in you mind, because now you will have a little more freedom. I can't keep calling you 'pretty setter'", 'oh please keep calling him pretty setter' - the rest of Karasuno seeing Suga's beet red face, Suga has no idea how to function at the moment, I don't think he's ever been called pretty before, "His name is Sugawara" one of his team members supplies, "But you can just call him Suga" another adds. Once he relaxed and got used to the idea, you would feel his arms wrap around your waist and his chin rest on your shoulder, you wouldn't, however, be able to see the huge grin . Like you hadnt made Tetsurou the happiest man alive. Kyoutani jumped up and spiked the ball, but when he landed, he stumbled backwards, leading on your lap, he gave widened eyes as you gave parted lips then a small giggle when he sat up. "Huh? He would kill us, if he knew the reason behind your call, so better not. This time Oikawa didnt respond, but his face twisted in a scared expression and you knew, he has just imagined Iwaizumi torturing and killing him slowly with this evil smirk of his. Post author: Post published: February 13, 2021 Post category: Uncategorized Post comments: 0 Comments 0 Comments His eyes shined furiously. You didnt even remember what was the whole thing about, but you were screaming anyway. : Created by Haruichi Furudate. 'Of course, Tetsurou. His knee was bouncing up and down, aching but still going like crazy and the quick looks he was giving you, became even more frequent and lingering. He was flawless and I annoyed you with every little thing I did. In Season 4 of "Haikyuu!! Bokuto Kouratou ver. iwaizumi, karasuno, academy. Sorry, sorry. He has no manners. However, he still decided to answer, whether it was important on not. You just surprised me, I didnt expect that. He pecked your lips quickly as a sign that everything was more than okay and you relaxed against his body. I hope you will enjoy, I worked hard for it. That gesture always made you smile, because it made his hair even wilder. requests, headcanons, scenarios. 18. He keeps looking at you, shooting shaky smiles and throwing inaccurate comments about the movie you both chose to watch. This upward trend ultimately culminates in a scene in "Haikyuu!!" "L-let go." You made more than five steps and suddenly the lights turned on, almost blinding you. "What?" He sent me screenshots. Thanks for 1 million/ new updaging Schedule. You ears seemed to perk curiously at the newfound information and you quickly sent him a questioning look. "Bokuto sit on m-. could I request an Oikawa scenario where he and his s/o are having a lazy day where they cuddle and watch movies while eating ice cream? Another kiss. #sugawara Well, have fun not being single any longer. Tetsurou, did you tell f/n-chan about these movies or something? His mum, who has come back from work five minutes ago, yelled from the other room not realising her mistake. We thought you didn't care for volleyball?". I dont remember when was the last time I desired to be so lazy, like I do today.. You were about to speak before Lev leaves more of his weight on you, making you lean back. [Boyfriend Scenarios] They're the leader of their respective volleyball teams but that doesn't mean they don't have time anything else. Read How they show Physical attention from the story Haikyuu boyfriend scenarios by sugar_peach7 (Bo) with 35,588 reads. His hopes and dreams shattered, and pieces of them started swirling in his head, bouncing against the walls and finally falling onto his imagined ground in his mind, defeated. *In Editing* by zombielover8469 with 34,613 reads. Good morning to you too, Tetsurou. Without another word, he invites himself in and sits on the couch with the expression too serious for your liking. kumikilos, sohma_s, T0bio_chan, Wlacznik_Adam, Lia0301, Nellie_ellie, Kurooismychemteacher, LeikoAckerman, Taemericano, browntrashbag, MisstyTheWolf, TheBreadOfBreadIsBread, kageyamasprincesss, Jaxxy979, levihanshipper90, AuRevoirJulia, kikiandoscar, Mikacchi0, Short_Child55, lattePeach, inlovewithparkjongseong, ozie_099, castor0il, HouseOfCards07, love4moonface, SomeoneTired, lavender_1, SketchingMangos, Louna_the_freakin_mo0n_lol, Iminlovewith2Dpeople, LoverofAnime11, AcexSpillz, Evangeline0509, alexdosimpfortsukki, moontory, solaryo, Galacticchic, Clemintine_x, passive_aggressive, yachibrainrrot, Sawah_bunny, fall_into_curiousity, heartistii, and Nonoble Enjoy! Enjoy . "Noya! His eyes are darker than ever and if the look could kill, everyone within ten kilometres would be dead on a spot. "Hey Bumpkin." You wanted to sit here". 'So-' He started and you in a mere second looked up, staring at his face with such insensitivity your eyes almost fell out. Your face gets a little red from the embarrassment caused by such rejection from your boyfriend and you stop bugging him for a while. ; betrunken nicht unter kontrolle; bewerbung zahnmedizinische prophylaxeassistentin But after five minutes you started to sob - so loudly and ugly that his heart shattered once again and before he could calm down, he broke down with you. "Whaa?!" Discover short videos related to haikyuu boyfriend scenarios on TikTok. Tooru, you know that I and he dont contact each other anymore. You try to assure him, but you know the lie youve just said is clearer than a drop of water. . ), Late night gas Station runs// their gas station orders. It was greatly annoying, but he also couldnt help but appreciate your soothing presence. And you both stayed true to your words, until the end. I thought you understood.. You say the last words through the sobs that threaten to leave your throat. #fukurodani Well, I wrote lazy day, but without ice cream. There is no editing whatsoever here! After the weird incident with the phone call, when you started to call him by his name, he tried to calm himself a little and not behave like a lovestruck idiot. He clumsily took it and hesitated for a mere second before picking up. Haikyuu Boyfriend Scenarios The_Electric_Claire Summary: Fluff Scenarios for the soft heartsLemon Scenarios for hardcore ones! Akiteru came into the room after taking out the trash then took a seat next to you, but when he did, he quickly sat up."Oops. He stands up as the credits roll on the screen of the TV. You threw words at each other, comforting, loving and so beautiful that every scar caused by previous pain vanished. On the whole, fan service can broadly refer to anything meant to appeal to fans on a surface level, largely unnecessary for plot purposes but included simply to evoke base pleasures in its viewers. "Who pissed in your cereal this morning?" You flinched, but didnt push him and both of you knew there was no turning back. You and your boyfriend . Frowning, he let out a deep sigh before he turned off his lights and crawled under his blankets, closing his eyes and falling asleep. Read to find out. I guess you dont remember, but we were supposed to go on a date. He smiles and you cant breathe. Main protagonist Shoyo Hinata, for example, meets Korai Hoshiumi, whose similarly short stature immediately threatens Hinata's dream of succeeding a player nicknamed the "Little Giant," his volleyball idol. It hurts." His heart melted at the sight but it didnt erase that swallowing disappointment, which was still following him after the brutal loss he experienced today. 'I like you very much, you know? You said, enveloping his slim neck in a warm hug, which he returned not even a second later. Imagine life with these cute (and hot) Haikyuu! -. Haikyuu!! And about his dirty, little secret - he was able to control his feelings for you easily now. "Fukurodani Academy Bokuto You sat on the bench as Bokuto yelled at his teammates and gave Hinata pointers, after he was told to 'shut up' you giggled and gave a head shake." Okay, you have to be my girlfriend, because I said so and you destroyed my beautiful proposal, so you owe me. He said on your breath, smiling. "Do you want me to sit on you again?" ", the Karasuno High boys volleyball team attends Japan's national Spring Tournament, representing Miyagi Prefecture. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. You rolled on your back and covered your face with the pillow. Haikyuu texts, non-toxic ships.Hello and welcome to the second part of the challenge. "I love you." "No not the one you forced to play. "That was awkward"LevYou gave a small giggle and sat on the gym floor, you and Lev were playing volleyball together while everyone one else was getting ready for bed, you sat crisscross as Lev stepped in front of you and squatted down with a head tilt. After seeing that you weren't going to, he gave a sigh and leaned more on you, you giggled and released him, he scooted over and sat next to you, holding your hand, making him blush slightly as you did the same.SugawaraYou and Sugawara were going to go to the park after he finished practice, instead of waiting, you went home. Its so cute, Tetsu!
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