In a way, the Masonic ritual represents the rebirth of man. W. M.--The password is right. and after a few more names, that of the Third Ruffian, "Jubelum! Rite of Freemasonry Exaltation Ritual, Order ), Conductor--Cain. They are the grips, penal signs, passwords and ritual work. --Your duty there, Brother Junior Deacon? iv. How many constitute an Entered Apprentices' Lodge? 126.). Ruffian--What horrid deed is this we have done? We are all born to die; we follow our friends to the brink of the grave, and, standing on the shore of a vast ocean, we gaze with exquisite anxiety until the last struggle is over, and we see them sink into the fathomless abyss. The brethren commence, in loud voices to inquire of one another: Have you seen any thing of our Grand Master Hiram Abiff? A. never--no, never dies. A. I did, by order of the Worshipful Master and the assistance of the brethren. The three Fellow Crafts who persisted in their murderous designs, knowing this to be his usual practice, placed themselves at the south, west, and east gates of the inner courts of the temple, and there awaited his return. The first was the voice of Jubela, exclaiming: "Oh! (See Fig. 16, 17, 18; also p. Not even the Bible, the writings of Josephus, nor any other writings, however ancient, of which we have any knowledge, furnish any information respecting his death. Upon which they rushed in, seized, bound, and brought them before King Solomon; who, after due conviction of their guilt, ordered them to be executed according to their several imprecations upon their own heads, uttered from the clefts of the rocks. A. Man that is born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble. It is King Solomon's orders that the several rolls be called, and report made as soon as possible. They now separate about the Lodge, saying to each other: "This is very unjust of the King. After prayer, King Solomon took the body by the strong grip of a Master Mason, or lion's paw, and raised it on the five points of fellowship, which have been explained to you. A. Let us emulate his amiable and virtuous conduct, his unfeigned piety to his God, his inflexible integrity to his trust; and as the evergreen that bloomed at the head of the grave be. The second degree is the Fellow Craft, which represents manhood, the middle period of life. The most well-known purposes are to pass degree proficiency or deliver ritual. Conductor--From the real grip of a Fellow Craft to the pass grip of a Master Mason. 120:1 Respecting the lost word and its substitute, some say that King Solomon advised the change, while others affirm that the three Fellow Crafts adopted the substituted word without consulting him. S. W.--I did not, but found a substitute. THE MM'S BOOK by J.S.M. J. W. (makes the same sign as the Senior Warden.) --Grand Master Hiram, I am glad to meet you thus alone. There is a great degree of uniformity in Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin--also in Indiana and Iowa. "Lord of all! of!the!! Prop. "Further, I will not cheat, wrong, nor defraud a Master Mason's Lodge, nor a brother of this Degree, knowingly, nor supplant him in any of his laudable undertakings, but will give him due and timely notice, that he may ward off all danger. Conductor (S. D.) leads the candidate up in front of the Master's seat in the east. W. M.--Why leave you the west, and travel toward the east! W. M.--Brother Senior Warden, how should Masons meet? The Master approaching me from the East, under the due guard and sign of a Master Mason, who in token of the further continuance of his brotherly love and friendship, presented me his right hand, and with it the pass and token of the pass of a Master Mason; and bade me to arise and salute the Wardens as such. 1. He made me a Master Mason in due form. The Jewish law had degenerated into a mass of rottenness and corruption:--piety, which planned the Temple at Jerusalem, was expunged; the reverence and adoration due to the Divinity was buried in the filth and rubbish of the world; and religion and morality were scattered to the four winds of heaven. In a regularly constituted Lodge of Masons. J. W.--The token is right, and the pass is right. (Mirror Site), Illustrations of Masonry, by Capt. As the candidate falls into the canvas the brethren lower it to the floor, when the following dialogue ensues between those who held the canvas and the Master, or the brother acting as the Third Ruffian. pdf, Grand Lodge of Nevada Master Mason Ritual in Our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, having finished his usual exercises, attempted to retire at the south gate, where he was accosted by Jubela, who thrice demanded of him the secrets of a Master Mason, or the Master's word; and, on being refused, gave him a blow with the twenty-four-inch gauge across the throat, upon which he fled, and attempted to pass out at the west gate, where he was accosted by Jubelo, who, in like manner, thrice demanded of him the secrets of a Master Mason, or the Master's word; and, on his being refused, gave him a blow with a square across his breast, upon which he fled, and attempted to make his escape out at the east gate, where he was accosted by Jubelum, who, in like manner, thrice demanded of him the secrets of a Master .Mason, or the Master's word: and, on his being refused, gave him a violent blow with a setting-maul, on his forehead, which felled him dead on the spot. JD: To see that they are duly tyled. Why had you a cable-tow three times around your body? $399.00. W. M.--You will attend to that part of your duty, and inform the Tyler that we are about to close this Lodge, and direct him to tyle accordingly. Masonic Cipher Book Grand Lodge F.A.A.M District of Columbia (See sign of a Master Mason, Fig. A. How should a Master Mason wear his apron? He cometh forth as a flower, and is cut down: he fleeth also as a shadow, and continueth not. we must not go and report ourselves; if we do, the twelve will be put to death. 130.). We were ordered to observe whether the Master's word, or a key to it, or any thing appertaining to the Master's Degree, was on or about the body; but, brothers, we are only Fellow Crafts, and know nothing about the Master's word, or a key to it, or any thing appertaining to the Master's, [paragraph continues] Degree; we must, however, make an examination, or we will be put to death.". 12, p. 67), and letting his hand slip off quickly, he reports as follows: "Owing to the reason before given, the flesh cleaves from the bone, and the body cannot be so raised.". In order that I might receive a Masters' wages, and be the better enabled to support myself and family, and contribute to the relief of poor, distressed Master Mason, their widows and orphans. --Brother Gabe, I presume you now consider yourself a Master Mason, and, as such, entitled to all the privileges of a Master Mason, do you not? When the Lodge is opened, the Junior Warden's column is turned down, and the Senior Warden's turned up, at his right hand. To signify that my duties and obligations become more and more binding as I advance in Masonry. 18.) S. W. (rising to his feet, and giving the sign of a Master Mason, if opened on that Degree.) FELLOWCRAFT MASON- 2ND DEGREE - STAIRCASE TRACING BOARD / LECTURE PROP. 1. the portrayal of the removal of everything that keeps us from rising to that state where. King Solomon then ordered them to take it by the Fellow Craft grip; but on trial, for the reason before given, the Fellow Craft's grip failed to benefit any--it could not be raised. Ruffian--This (shaking candidate) does not satisfy me! W. M.--Why in the south, and your duty there, Brother Junior? (Deacon opens the door, and delivers his message.). Amen. The "work" known among Masons as the "Webb Work,". Jubela! S. W. (now styled J. G. W.)--Most Worshipful King Solomon, there is no work laid out for us, and it is said we can have none. Avery Allyn, in Ritual of Freemasonry, explains that this degree originated, according to Masonic tradition, at the building of KST. Thus you will render yourself deserving of the honor which we have conferred, and merit the confidence we have reposed. The Entered Apprentice Obligation was about 350 words and the Fellow Craft Obligation was only about 250. But its esoteric meaning contains some of the most profound spiritual instruction which it is possible to obain to-day. I hold in my hand an instrument of death; therefore, give me the Master's word, or I will take your life in a moment! Ritual Master Mason Degree - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Accordingly our traditions furnish in stances, both among the Apprentices and Craftsmen, of treachery--violation of sacred pledges--and the commission of actual crime. A. Attempting to get up, he exclaims, "Hallo! Masonic Cipher Book Grand Lodge F.A.A.M District of Columbia [1994] (Wikileaks) Masonic Cipher Book Grand Lodge F.A.A.M District of Columbia [1994] (Mirror Site) Illustrations of Masonry, by Capt. Subsequently to 1818, Brother Barney went to the Western and Southwestern States, and, being in delicate health, adopted the profession of Masonic lecturing as a means of subsistence. they approach the Junior Warden's station in the south, he steps silently out from his seat to the floor, and confronts the blind-folded candidate, clinching him by the collar in a very rough manner, and at the same time exclaiming: left to right: S. D., or Conductor. --Brother this is an unusual way of asking for them. The Apron is at once an emblem of innocence and the badge of a Mason. We read in the Bible, that Hiram Abiff was one of the head workmen employed at the building of King Solomon's Temple, and other ancient writings inform us that he was an arbiter between King Solomon and Hiram, king of Tyre; but his tragical death is nowhere recorded, except in the archives of Freemasonry. Approaching the candidate, another replies: "Yes, this is the place; let us remove the rubbish and dig down here. Examination for Membership, Grand Lodge of Indiana Form 13 Petition for the By there being no designs drawn on the trestle-board. A. He has not been seen since high twelve yesterday. There are many 32nd Degree Masons who never get invite. no pass. The Master, who ordered me to the Senior Warden in the West, who taught me how to wear my apron as a Master Mason. 137:1 We are told that when the Temple was nearly finished, it was customary at the hour of H. (high) XII., when the men were called from labor to refreshment, for H. A. However, it becomes "real work" when the verbiage must be actually committed to memory - and vocal chord output. It is done by putting the inside of your right foot to the inside of the right foot of the one to whom you are going to give the word, the inside of your own knee to his, laying your breast close against his, your left hands on each other's back, and each one putting his mouth to the other's right ear. Phil., p. 297. S. W. (rising to his feet and making the sign of a Master Mason.) B.? 1. Thus, brother, we close our lecture on the emblems with the solemn thought of death. the end of man, and of the aspiring hopes of all faithful Masons? 30 and Junior Deacons, who will obtain it from the WM: Are you a Master Mason? witnessed the Light at this Degree before. The first was the voice of Jubela exclaiming:2 'Oh! 113:1 CASSIA--sometimes improperly and ignorantly used for acacia. I furthermore promise and swear that I will help, aid and assist all poor, distress brother Fellow Craft, they applying to me as such and I deem them worthy. These degrees are given based on merit and ability, although Master Masons cannot progress through these degrees without time and examination. East upon the step, under the due-guard and. (Secretary reads the minutes, &c., &c.). Be diligent, prudent, temperate, discreet. He has not been seen in or about the Temple. The spade, which dug the grave of our Grand Master, may soon dig ours; the setting-maul, which terminated his earthly existence, may be among the casualties which will, sooner or later, terminate ours; the coffin, which received his remains, may soon receive ours; the grave, that abode for the dead, may soon be our grave; the acacia (that evergreen which once marked the temporary resting-place of the illustrious dead), that bloomed and flourished at the head of our Grand Master's grave, and was the cause of its timely discovery, is an emblem of our faith in the immortality of the soul, which never! sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease. What induced you to become a Master Mason? sign of an Entered Apprentice, who presented his. How does a crew neckline differ from a bateau? The lecture is as follows: Q. The Freemasons Are the Oldest Fraternal Organization in the World. 149:1 See Robert Morris's Freemason's Monitor, 1860. WM: *. Free & Accepted, Prince Hall, Le Droit Humaine). This canvas is usually held behind the candidate, in an inclined position, by some of the brethren, and is for the purpose of catching him when he is tripped up by the assumed ruffian, Jubelum. In order that I might travel in foreign countries, work and receive Master's wages, being better enabled to support myself and family, and contribute to the relief of worthy distressed Master Masons, their widows and orphans. Worldly possession.--Dr. One of the brothers, representing one of the three ruffians, in a corner near by, is now heard to exclaim, in a loud, but deep tone of voice: "Oh! The Master gives one rap with his gavel, when all take their seats except the candidate, who remains standing before the Master, by whom he is addressed as follows: W. M.--Brother Gabe, in closing this Degree, I now give you the following. Brother Junior Deacon. J. W. (making sign.) 9, p. 36), and then lets his hand slip off in a careless manner, and reports: "Most Worshipful King Solomon, owing to the high state of putrefaction, it having been dead already fifteen days, the skin slips, and the body cannot be raised.". At first, I did not doubt your veracity; but now I do! Amid its concerns and temptations, forget not the duties you have heard so frequently inculcated and so forcibly recommended in this Lodge. How many constitute a Fellow Crafts' Lodge? 35 . B., who has been regularly initiated Entered Apprentice, passed to the Degree of Fellow Craft, and now wishes. Conductor--I cannot; nor can they be given, except in the presence of Solomon, king of Israel, Hiram, king of Tyre, and myself. The Ruffians now return near to the body, when the following conversation takes place: First Ruffian--What shall we do in this case? The Junior Deacon now passes the candidate over to the Senior. 12, p. By the order of the Master and the assistance of the Brethren. Let no motive, there-fore, make you swerve from your duty, violate your vows, or betray your trust; but be true and faithful, and imitate the example of that celebrated artist whom you this evening represent. After the signs are gone through with by the whole Lodge, the Master gives one rap with his gavel, which is responded to by the Senior Warden, and then by the Junior Warden, and then again by the Master, one rap. : "O Lord my God, I fear the Master's word is forever lost!" His death was premeditated by fifteen Fellow Crafts, who, seeing the Temple about to be completed, and being desirous of obtaining the secrets of a Master Mason, whereby they might travel in foreign countries and receive Master's wages, entered into a horrid conspiracy to extort them from our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, or take his life; but, reflecting with horror on the atrocity of the crime, twelve of them recanted; the other three persisted in their murderous designs. W. M. (one rap, Senior Warden rises to his feet.) (Clinches candidate more fiercely.) "Further, that I will acknowledge and obey all due signs and summonses sent to me from a Master Masons' Lodge, or given me by a brother of that Degree, if within the length of my cable-tow. MASTER MASON, OR THIRD DEGREE. The degrees, in order are Entered Apprentice (first degree), Fellowcraft (second degree), and Master Mason (third degree). We will suppose the business of the Lodge finished, and that the Master proceeds to close. A Master Mason has the right to visit lodges throughout the world, sharing in fraternal fellowship with like-minded men who now share a common bond. How came he to be assassinated at that hour? Answer--We will bury it in the rubbish of the Temple, until low twelve, and then we will meet and give it a decent burial. "Further, that I will keep a worthy brother Master Mason's secrets inviolable, when communicated to and received by me as such, murder and treason excepted. The candidate is not intentionally injured in any Degree of Masonry, impressions of a lasting nature being all that are intended by the ceremonies. (Master has a small trowel, which he shows the candidate as he commences to read concerning it. Degree, Holy Royal The third degree or Master Mason's Degree of the freemason order is the culmination of the Blue Lodge system. THE ceremony of opening and conducting the business of a Lodge of Master Masons is nearly the same as in the Entered Apprentice and Fellow Crafts' Degrees, already explained. After imploring the blessings of Deity, what followed? Thus, in the thirty-second, or Degree of Prince of the Royal Secret, according to the Continental nomenclature, the following analogies are p. 147 explained: "The symbolical mystery of the death of (Hiram Abiff) represents that of the Messiah; for the three (blows) which were given to him at the three gates of (the Temple) allude to the three points of condemnation against Christ at three separate places, viz. Why had you a cable-tow three times about your naked body?
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